   * Appends the textual representation of the specified <code>double</code> according to the
   * specified formatting arguments.
   * @param d the <code>double</code> value.
   * @param digits the number of significative digits (excludes exponent) or <code>-1</code> to
   *     mimic the standard library (16 or 17 digits).
   * @param scientific <code>true</code> to forces the use of the scientific notation (e.g. <code>
   *     1.23E3</code>); <code>false</code> otherwise.
   * @param showZero <code>true</code> if trailing fractional zeros are represented; <code>false
   *     </code> otherwise.
   * @return <code>TypeFormat.format(d, digits, scientific, showZero, this)</code>
   * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>(digits &gt; 19)</code>)
  public final TextBuilder append(double d, int digits, boolean scientific, boolean showZero) {
    if (digits > 19) throw new IllegalArgumentException("digits: " + digits);
    if (d != d) // NaN
    return append("NaN");
    if (d == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return append("Infinity");
    if (d == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return append("-Infinity");
    if (d == 0.0) { // Zero.
      if (digits < 0) return append("0.0");
      if (showZero) {
        for (int j = 1; j < digits; j++) {
      return this;
    if (d < 0) { // Work with positive number.
      d = -d;

    // Find the exponent e such as: value == x.xxx * 10^e
    int e = MathLib.floorLog10(d);

    long m;
    if (digits < 0) { // Use 16 or 17 digits.
      // Try 17 digits.
      long m17 = MathLib.toLongPow10(d, (17 - 1) - e);
      // Check if we can use 16 digits.
      long m16 = m17 / 10;
      double dd = MathLib.toDoublePow10(m16, e - 16 + 1);
      if (dd == d) { // 16 digits is enough.
        digits = 16;
        m = m16;
      } else { // We cannot remove the last digit.
        digits = 17;
        m = m17;
    } else // Use the specified number of digits.
    m = MathLib.toLongPow10(d, (digits - 1) - e);

    // Formats.
    if (scientific || (e >= digits)) {
      // Scientific notation has to be used ("x.xxxEyy").
      long pow10 = POW10_LONG[digits - 1];
      int k = (int) (m / pow10); // Single digit.
      append((char) ('0' + k));
      m = m - pow10 * k;
      appendFraction(m, digits - 1, showZero);
    } else { // Dot within the string ("xxxx.xxxxx").
      int exp = digits - e - 1;
      if (exp < POW10_LONG.length) {
        long pow10 = POW10_LONG[exp];
        long l = m / pow10;
        m = m - pow10 * l;
      } else append('0'); // Result of the division by a power of 10 larger than any long.
      appendFraction(m, exp, showZero);
    return this;