private void emitNewTag(String tag) throws SAXException {
    String previousElement = null;

    // retrieve the actual previous element
    int index = elementStack.size();
    while (previousElement == null) {
      if (!elementStack.empty()) {
        previousElement = (String) elementStack.elementAt(index);
      } else {
        previousElement = ""; // exit, to avoid endless loop

      if (previousElement.equals(kTag)
          || previousElement.equals(kTaggedValue)
          || previousElement.equals(ktaggedValue)) {
        previousElement = null; // continue to search

    // ignore if not known in Srx format
    int prevSrxId = XmiMapping.getSrxId(previousElement);
    if (!enabledOutput) {

    if (prevSrxId != XmiMapping.UNKNOWN) {
      int attrId = XmiMapping.getAttrId(prevSrxId, tag);
      if (attrId != XmiMapping.UNKNOWN) {
        String mappedAttr = XmiMapping.getMappedAttr(prevSrxId, attrId);
        emit(mappedAttr + " ");
        tagFound = true;

    expectingTarget = true;
  public void startElement(String tag, AttributeList attrs) throws SAXException {
    if (isDebug) emit("start element" + eol); // NOT LOCALIZABLE

    // keep previous element before adding a new one
    String previousElement = "";
    if (!elementStack.empty()) {
      previousElement = (String) elementStack.peek();


    if (tag.equals(kTaggedValue)) {
      taggedValueMode = true;

    // ignore <tag> and <value> if outside a <TaggedValue> block
    if (taggedValueMode) {
      if (tag.equals(kTag)) {
        expectingTag = true;
      } else if (tag.equals(kValue)) {
        expectingTagValue = true;

    int srxId = XmiMapping.getSrxId(tag);
    boolean isOccurrenceType = (srxId != XmiMapping.UNKNOWN);

    if (isOccurrenceType) {
      emitNewOccurrence(srxId, attrs);
    } else {

      if (!enabledOutput) {

      // if tag = 'NAME' and currentXmiName expected is also 'NAME'
      if (tag.equals(currentXmiName)) {
        // ignore if not known in Srx format
        int prevSrxId = XmiMapping.getSrxId(previousElement);
        if (prevSrxId != XmiMapping.UNKNOWN) {
          expectingNameValue = true;
      } else if (tag.equals(kXmiReference)) {
      } else {
        // ignore if not known in Srx format
        int prevSrxId = XmiMapping.getSrxId(previousElement);
        if (currentSrxId != XmiMapping.UNKNOWN) {
          int attrId = XmiMapping.getAttrId(currentSrxId, tag);
          if (attrId != XmiMapping.UNKNOWN) {
            String mappedAttr = XmiMapping.getMappedAttr(currentSrxId, attrId);

            if (mappedAttr.equals(MULTIPLICITY)) {
              // Special case for multiplicity
              expectingMultiplicity = true;
            } else if (mappedAttr.equals(ORIGINTABLE)) {
              // Special case for origin table
              expectingOriginTable = true;
              expectingTarget = true;
            } else if (mappedAttr.equals(TARGETTABLE)) {
              // Special case for target table
              expectingTargetTable = true;
              expectingTarget = true;
            } else {
              emit(mappedAttr + " ");
              expectingTarget = true;
            } // end if
          } // end if
        } // end if
      } // end if
    } // end if
  } // end startElement()