  * Given a topic, if that topic is a redirect find the target topic of the redirection.
  * @param parent The topic being queried. If this topic is a redirect then the redirect target
  *     will be returned, otherwise the topic itself is returned.
  * @param attempts The maximum number of child topics to follow. This parameter prevents infinite
  *     loops if topics redirect back to one another.
  * @return If the parent topic is a redirect then this method returns the target topic that is
  *     being redirected to, otherwise the parent topic is returned.
  * @throws DataAccessException Thrown if any error occurs while retrieving data.
 public static Topic findRedirectedTopic(Topic parent, int attempts) throws DataAccessException {
   int count = attempts;
   String target = parent.getRedirectTo();
   if (parent.getTopicType() != TopicType.REDIRECT || StringUtils.isBlank(target)) {
     logger.error("getRedirectTarget() called for non-redirect topic " + parent.getName());
     return parent;
   // avoid infinite redirection
   if (count > 10) {
     // TODO throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("topic.redirect.infinite"));
     return parent;
   String virtualWiki = parent.getVirtualWiki();
   WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(virtualWiki, target);
   if (wikiLink.getVirtualWiki() != null) {
     virtualWiki = wikiLink.getVirtualWiki().getName();
   // get the topic that is being redirected to
   Topic child =
       WikiBase.getDataHandler().lookupTopic(virtualWiki, wikiLink.getDestination(), false, null);
   if (child == null) {
     // child being redirected to doesn't exist, return parent
     return parent;
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(child.getRedirectTo())) {
     // found a topic that is not a redirect, return
     return child;
   // child is a redirect, keep looking
   return findRedirectedTopic(child, count);
 @Test(expected = IllegalArgumentException.class)
 public void testSetNamespace2() throws Throwable {
   WikiLink wikiLink = new WikiLink("/wiki", "en", null);
       "wikiLink.getNamespace()", Namespace.namespace(Namespace.FILE_ID), wikiLink.getNamespace());
 public void testSetNamespace() throws Throwable {
   WikiLink wikiLink = new WikiLink("/wiki", "en", null);
       "wikiLink.getNamespace()", Namespace.namespace(Namespace.FILE_ID), wikiLink.getNamespace());
  * Given a topic name, determine if that name corresponds to a comments page.
  * @param virtualWiki The current virtual wiki.
  * @param topicName The topic name (non-null) to examine to determine if it is a comments page or
  *     not.
  * @return <code>true</code> if the page is a comments page, <code>false</code> otherwise.
 public static boolean isCommentsPage(String virtualWiki, String topicName) {
   WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(virtualWiki, topicName);
   if (wikiLink.getNamespace().getId().equals(Namespace.SPECIAL_ID)) {
     return false;
   try {
     return (Namespace.findCommentsNamespace(wikiLink.getNamespace()) != null);
   } catch (DataAccessException e) {
     throw new IllegalStateException("Database error while retrieving comments namespace", e);
  * Utility method for building a URL link to a wiki edit page for a specified topic.
  * @param context The servlet context for the link that is being created.
  * @param virtualWiki The virtual wiki for the link that is being created.
  * @param topic The name of the topic for which an edit link is being created.
  * @param query Any existing query parameters to append to the edit link. This value may be either
  *     <code>null</code> or empty.
  * @param section The section defined by the name parameter within the HTML page for the topic
  *     being edited. If provided then the edit link will allow editing of only the specified
  *     section.
  * @return A url that links to the edit page for the specified topic. Note that this method
  *     returns only the URL, not a fully-formed HTML anchor tag.
  * @throws DataAccessException Thrown if any error occurs while builing the link URL.
 public static String buildEditLinkUrl(
     String context, String virtualWiki, String topic, String query, int section)
     throws DataAccessException {
   query = LinkUtil.appendQueryParam(query, "topic", topic);
   if (section > 0) {
     query += "&amp;section=" + section;
   WikiLink wikiLink = new WikiLink();
   // FIXME - hard coding
   return LinkUtil.buildTopicUrl(context, virtualWiki, wikiLink);
  * Given an article name, extract an appropriate topic article name. For example, if the article
  * name is "Comments:Topic" then the return value is "Topic".
  * @param virtualWiki The current virtual wiki.
  * @param name The article name from which a topic article name is to be constructed.
  * @return The topic article name for the article name.
 public static String extractTopicLink(String virtualWiki, String name) {
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic name must not be empty in extractTopicLink");
   WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(virtualWiki, name);
   Namespace mainNamespace = Namespace.findMainNamespace(wikiLink.getNamespace());
   if (mainNamespace == null) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic " + name + " does not have a main namespace");
   return (!StringUtils.isBlank(mainNamespace.getLabel(virtualWiki)))
       ? mainNamespace.getLabel(virtualWiki) + Namespace.SEPARATOR + wikiLink.getArticle()
       : wikiLink.getArticle();
  * Build the HTML anchor link to a topic page for a given WikLink object.
  * @param context The servlet context for the link that is being created.
  * @param virtualWiki The virtual wiki for the link that is being created.
  * @param wikiLink The WikiLink object containing all relevant information about the link being
  *     generated.
  * @param text The text to display as the link content.
  * @param style The CSS class to use with the anchor HTML tag. This value can be <code>null</code>
  *     or empty if no custom style is used.
  * @param target The anchor link target, or <code>null</code> or empty if no target is needed.
  * @param escapeHtml Set to <code>true</code> if the link caption should be HTML escaped. This
  *     value should be <code>true</code> in any case where the caption is not guaranteed to be
  *     free from potentially malicious HTML code.
  * @return An HTML anchor link that matches the given input parameters.
  * @throws DataAccessException Thrown if any error occurs while retrieving topic information.
 public static String buildInternalLinkHtml(
     String context,
     String virtualWiki,
     WikiLink wikiLink,
     String text,
     String style,
     String target,
     boolean escapeHtml)
     throws DataAccessException {
   String url = LinkUtil.buildTopicUrl(context, virtualWiki, wikiLink);
   String topic = wikiLink.getDestination();
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(text)) {
     text = topic;
   if (!StringUtils.isBlank(topic) && StringUtils.isBlank(style)) {
     if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(virtualWiki) && InterWikiHandler.isInterWiki(virtualWiki)) {
       style = "interwiki";
     } else if (!LinkUtil.isExistingArticle(virtualWiki, topic)) {
       style = "edit";
   if (!StringUtils.isBlank(style)) {
     style = " class=\"" + style + "\"";
   } else {
     style = "";
   if (!StringUtils.isBlank(target)) {
     target = " target=\"" + target + "\"";
   } else {
     target = "";
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(topic) && !StringUtils.isBlank(wikiLink.getSection())) {
     topic = wikiLink.getSection();
   StringBuffer html = new StringBuffer();
   html.append("<a href=\"").append(url).append('\"').append(style);
   html.append(" title=\"")
   if (escapeHtml) {
   } else {
   return html.toString();
  * Build a URL to the topic page for a given topic.
  * @param context The servlet context path. If this value is <code>null</code> then the resulting
  *     URL will NOT include context path, which breaks HTML links but is useful for servlet
  *     redirection URLs.
  * @param virtualWiki The virtual wiki for the link that is being created.
  * @param wikiLink The WikiLink object containing all relevant information about the link being
  *     generated.
  * @throws DataAccessException Thrown if any error occurs while retrieving topic information.
 public static String buildTopicUrl(String context, String virtualWiki, WikiLink wikiLink)
     throws DataAccessException {
   String topic = wikiLink.getDestination();
   String section = wikiLink.getSection();
   String query = wikiLink.getQuery();
   String url = LinkUtil.buildTopicUrlNoEdit(context, virtualWiki, topic, section, query);
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(topic) && !StringUtils.isBlank(section)) {
     // do not check existence for section links
     return url;
   if (!LinkUtil.isExistingArticle(virtualWiki, topic)) {
     url = LinkUtil.buildEditLinkUrl(context, virtualWiki, topic, query, -1);
   return url;
  * Build a URL to the topic page for a given topic.
  * @param context The servlet context path. If this value is <code>null</code> then the resulting
  *     URL will NOT include context path, which breaks HTML links but is useful for servlet
  *     redirection URLs.
  * @param virtualWiki The virtual wiki for the link that is being created.
  * @param topic The topic name for the URL that is being generated.
  * @param validateTopic Set to <code>true</code> if the topic must exist and must not be a
  *     "Special:" page. If the topic does not exist then a link to an edit page will be returned.
  * @throws DataAccessException Thrown if any error occurs while retrieving topic information.
 public static String buildTopicUrl(
     String context, String virtualWiki, String topic, boolean validateTopic)
     throws DataAccessException {
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(topic)) {
     return null;
   WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(topic);
   if (validateTopic) {
     return LinkUtil.buildTopicUrl(context, virtualWiki, wikiLink);
   } else {
     return LinkUtil.buildTopicUrlNoEdit(
  * Given an article name, return the appropriate comments topic article name. For example, if the
  * article name is "Topic" then the return value is "Comments:Topic".
  * @param virtualWiki The current virtual wiki.
  * @param name The article name from which a comments article name is to be constructed.
  * @return The comments article name for the article name.
 public static String extractCommentsLink(String virtualWiki, String name) {
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic name must not be empty in extractCommentsLink");
   WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(virtualWiki, name);
   Namespace commentsNamespace = null;
   try {
     commentsNamespace = Namespace.findCommentsNamespace(wikiLink.getNamespace());
   } catch (DataAccessException e) {
     throw new IllegalStateException("Database error while retrieving comments namespace", e);
   if (commentsNamespace == null) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Topic " + name + " does not have a comments namespace");
   return (!StringUtils.isBlank(commentsNamespace.getLabel(virtualWiki)))
       ? commentsNamespace.getLabel(virtualWiki) + Namespace.SEPARATOR + wikiLink.getArticle()
       : wikiLink.getArticle();
 public void testConstructor() throws Throwable {
   WikiLink wikiLink = new WikiLink("/wiki", "en", null);
   assertNull("wikiLink.getQuery()", wikiLink.getQuery());
   assertNull("wikiLink.getSection()", wikiLink.getSection());
   assertNull("wikiLink.getText()", wikiLink.getText());
   assertNull("wikiLink.getArticle()", wikiLink.getArticle());
       "wikiLink.getNamespace()", Namespace.namespace(Namespace.MAIN_ID), wikiLink.getNamespace());
   assertNull("wikiLink.getDestination()", wikiLink.getDestination());
   assertFalse("wikiLink.getColon()", wikiLink.getColon());
  * Utility method for determining if a topic name is valid for use on the Wiki, meaning that it is
  * not empty and does not contain any invalid characters.
  * @param virtualWiki The current virtual wiki.
  * @param name The topic name to validate.
  * @throws WikiException Thrown if the user name is invalid.
 public static void validateTopicName(String virtualWiki, String name) throws WikiException {
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(virtualWiki)) {
     throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.novirtualwiki"));
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(name)) {
     throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.notopic"));
   if (PseudoTopicHandler.isPseudoTopic(name)) {
     throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.pseudotopic", name));
   WikiLink wikiLink = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(virtualWiki, name);
   String article = StringUtils.trimToNull(wikiLink.getArticle());
   if (StringUtils.startsWith(article, "/")) {
     throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.name", name));
   if (wikiLink.getNamespace().getId().equals(Namespace.SPECIAL_ID)) {
     throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.name", name));
   Matcher m = WikiUtil.INVALID_TOPIC_NAME_PATTERN.matcher(name);
   if (m.find()) {
     throw new WikiException(new WikiMessage("common.exception.name", name));
  * Generate the HTML for an interwiki anchor link.
  * @param wikiLink The WikiLink object containing all relevant information about the link being
  *     generated.
  * @return The HTML anchor tag for the interwiki link.
 public static String interWiki(WikiLink wikiLink) {
   // remove namespace from link destination
   String destination = wikiLink.getDestination();
   String namespace = wikiLink.getNamespace();
   destination =
           wikiLink.getNamespace().length() + NamespaceHandler.NAMESPACE_SEPARATOR.length());
   String url = InterWikiHandler.formatInterWiki(namespace, destination);
   String text =
       (!StringUtils.isBlank(wikiLink.getText())) ? wikiLink.getText() : wikiLink.getDestination();
   return "<a class=\"interwiki\" rel=\"nofollow\" title=\""
       + text
       + "\" href=\""
       + url
       + "\">"
       + text
       + "</a>";
  * Parse a wiki topic link and return a <code>WikiLink</code> object representing the link. Wiki
  * topic links are of the form "Topic?Query#Section".
  * @param raw The raw topic link text.
  * @return A WikiLink object that represents the link.
 public static WikiLink parseWikiLink(String raw) {
   // note that this functionality was previously handled with a regular
   // expression, but the expression caused CPU usage to spike to 100%
   // with topics such as "Urnordisch oder Nordwestgermanisch?"
   String processed = raw.trim();
   WikiLink wikiLink = new WikiLink();
   if (StringUtils.isBlank(processed)) {
     return new WikiLink();
   // first look for a section param - "#..."
   int sectionPos = processed.indexOf('#');
   if (sectionPos != -1 && sectionPos < processed.length()) {
     String sectionString = processed.substring(sectionPos + 1);
     if (sectionPos == 0) {
       // link is of the form #section, no more to process
       return wikiLink;
     processed = processed.substring(0, sectionPos);
   // now see if the link ends with a query param - "?..."
   int queryPos = processed.indexOf('?', 1);
   if (queryPos != -1 && queryPos < processed.length()) {
     String queryString = processed.substring(queryPos + 1);
     processed = processed.substring(0, queryPos);
   // since we're having so much fun, let's find a namespace (default empty).
   String namespaceString = "";
   int namespacePos = processed.indexOf(':', 1);
   if (namespacePos != -1 && namespacePos < processed.length()) {
     namespaceString = processed.substring(0, namespacePos);
   String topic = processed;
   if (namespacePos > 0 && (namespacePos + 1) < processed.length()) {
     // get namespace, unless topic ends with a colon
     topic = processed.substring(namespacePos + 1);
   wikiLink.setArticle(Utilities.decodeTopicName(topic, true));
   // destination is namespace + topic
   wikiLink.setDestination(Utilities.decodeTopicName(processed, true));
   return wikiLink;
 public void testParseWikiLink() throws Throwable {
   WikiLink result = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink("en", "testLinkUtilRaw");
   assertEquals("result.getArticle()", "testLinkUtilRaw", result.getArticle());
 public void testParseWikiLink1() throws Throwable {
   WikiLink result = LinkUtil.parseWikiLink(null, "");
   assertNull("result.getArticle()", result.getArticle());
 public void testSetSection() throws Throwable {
   WikiLink wikiLink = new WikiLink("/wiki", "en", null);
   assertEquals("wikiLink.getSection()", "testWikiLinkSection", wikiLink.getSection());
 public void testSetDestination() throws Throwable {
   WikiLink wikiLink = new WikiLink("/wiki", "en", "testWikiLinkDestination");
   assertEquals("wikiLink.getDestination()", "testWikiLinkDestination", wikiLink.getDestination());
 public void testSetColon() throws Throwable {
   WikiLink wikiLink = new WikiLink("/wiki", "en", null);
   assertTrue("wikiLink.getColon()", wikiLink.getColon());
 public void testSetArticle() throws Throwable {
   WikiLink wikiLink = new WikiLink("/wiki", "en", null);
   assertEquals("wikiLink.getArticle()", "testWikiLinkArticle", wikiLink.getArticle());