  * Edits a title. Allows for both add and/or replacement. Disable add and/or replace with null;
  * you cannot disable both - you will get an error.
  * @param wiki The wiki object to use
  * @param append Set to true to append text, set to false to prepend text. Newlines not
  *     automatically inserted. Param is ignored if <code>add</code> is null.
  * @param reason The edit summary to use
  * @param add The text to add. Optional param: set to null to disable.
  * @param replace The text to replace, as a regex. Optional param: set to null to disable
  * @param replacement The replacement text for anything matching <code>replace</code>. Ignored if
  *     replace is null.
  * @param titles Pages to edit
  * @return A list of titles we couldn't process.
 public static ArrayList<String> edit(
     Wiki wiki,
     boolean append,
     String reason,
     String add,
     String replace,
     String replacement,
     ArrayList<String> titles) {
   ColorLog.fyi(wiki, "Preparing edit pages");
   ArrayList<Task> tl = new ArrayList<>();
   for (String s : titles)
         new Task(s, null, reason) {
           public boolean doJob(Wiki wiki) {
             if (replace == null && add == null)
               return FError.printErrAndRet(
                   String.format("CAction: Add and replace in '%s' are null!. Skip.", title),
             else if (replace == null) return WAction.addText(wiki, title, add, reason, append);
             else {
               if (replacement == null)
                 return FError.printErrAndRet(
                         "CAction: Replace OP requested but replacement in '%s' is null!. Skip.",
               text = wiki.getPageText(title).replaceAll(replace, replacement);
               if (add != null) text = append ? text + add : add + text;
               return WAction.edit(wiki, title, text, reason, false);
   return Task.toString(wiki.submit(tl, 3));
  * Deletes pages. Maximum concurrent threads = 20.
  * @param wiki The wiki object to use
  * @param reason The log summary to use
  * @param titles The page(s) to delete.
  * @return A list of pages we didn't delete.
 public static ArrayList<String> delete(Wiki wiki, String reason, ArrayList<String> titles) {
   ColorLog.fyi(wiki, "Preparing to delete pages");
   ArrayList<Task> tl = new ArrayList<>();
   for (String s : titles)
         new Task(s, null, reason) {
           public boolean doJob(Wiki wiki) {
             return WAction.delete(wiki, title, reason);
   return Task.toString(wiki.submit(tl, 20));