   * Set all parameters in one 'row'
   * <p>WARNIGN: If we don't do it this way, we get strange errors due to array resizing (array
   * appears to be filled with zeros after being set)
  void set(int idx, int leftIdx, int rightIdx, int midPos, TIntArrayList intersecting) {

    // Assign values
    left[idx] = leftIdx;
    right[idx] = rightIdx;
    mid[idx] = midPos;

    // Assign intersecting values
    if (intersecting.isEmpty()) {
      intersectFilePosStart[idx] = intersectFilePosEnd[idx] = null;
    } else {
      // First try to collapse intersecting all intervals as a single file block
      if (intersecting.size() > 0 && consecutiveFileBlock(intersecting)) {
        // OK, we can collapse all entries into a file block
        intersectFilePosStart[idx] = new long[1];
        intersectFilePosEnd[idx] = new long[1];

        intersectFilePosStart[idx][0] = consecutiveFileBlockMin(intersecting);
        intersectFilePosEnd[idx][0] = consecutiveFileBlockMax(intersecting);
      } else {
        // Add entries individually
        intersectFilePosStart[idx] = new long[intersecting.size()];
        intersectFilePosEnd[idx] = new long[intersecting.size()];
        for (int i = 0; i < intersecting.size(); i++) {
          int j = intersecting.get(i);
          intersectFilePosStart[idx][i] = vcfIndexChromo.getFilePosStart(j);
          intersectFilePosEnd[idx][i] = vcfIndexChromo.getFilePosEnd(j);
  public void build() {
    TIntArrayList idxs = new TIntArrayList(vcfIndexChromo.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < vcfIndexChromo.size(); i++) idxs.add(i);

    inSync = true;
  long consecutiveFileBlockSize(TIntArrayList idxs) {
    long max = -1;
    long min = Long.MAX_VALUE;

    for (int i = 0; i < idxs.size(); i++) {
      int idx = idxs.get(i);
      min = Math.min(min, vcfIndexChromo.getFilePosStart(idx));
      max = Math.max(max, vcfIndexChromo.getFilePosEnd(idx));

    return max - min;
   * Index entries in VcfIndexDataChromo
   * @return Index of added item (-1 if no item was added)
  int build(TIntArrayList idxs) {
    if (idxs.isEmpty()) return -1;

    // Find middle position
    // Note:If we mode the 'mid' point by one base, the probability of intersecting
    // an interval is significantly reduced (most entries are SNPs). This reduces
    // the index size, the number of 'file.seek()' operations and speeds up the index.
    int center = mean(idxs);
    int firstStart = vcfIndexChromo.getStart(idxs.get(0));
    if (center > firstStart) center--;

    // Index of entry to be added
    int idx = nextEntry();

    // Split indexes into left, right and intersecting
    TIntArrayList left = new TIntArrayList();
    TIntArrayList right = new TIntArrayList();
    TIntArrayList intersecting = new TIntArrayList();

    // Try to collapse consecutive entries if there are only a few (i.e. less
    // than COLLAPSE_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES) or the block size is small (less
    // than COLLAPSE_MAX_BLOCK_SIZE bytes)
    if (consecutiveFileBlock(idxs)
        && //
        ((idxs.size() < COLLAPSE_MAX_NUM_ENTRIES)
            || (consecutiveFileBlockSize(idxs) < maxBlockSize)) //
    ) {
      // Too few intervals forming a consecutive block?
      // Just add them to the intersect
      for (int i = 0; i < idxs.size(); i++) {
        int j = idxs.get(i);
    } else {
      // Add indexes into left, right and intersecting
      for (int i = 0; i < idxs.size(); i++) {
        int j = idxs.get(i);

        if (vcfIndexChromo.getEnd(j) < center) left.add(j);
        else if (vcfIndexChromo.getStart(j) > center) right.add(j);
        else intersecting.add(j);

    // Recurse
    int leftIdx = build(left);
    int rightIdx = build(right);

    // Create this entry
    set(idx, leftIdx, rightIdx, center, intersecting);

    return idx;
  /** Mean coordinates from entries indexed by 'idxs' */
  int mean(TIntArrayList idxs) {
    if (idxs.isEmpty()) return 0;

    TIntArrayList coordinates = new TIntArrayList(2 * idxs.size());
    for (int i = 0; i < idxs.size(); i++) {
      int idx = idxs.get(i);


    return coordinates.get(coordinates.size() / 2);
  /** Are entries indexed by 'idxs' consecutive position in the file? */
  boolean consecutiveFileBlock(TIntArrayList idxs) {
    long end = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < idxs.size(); i++) {
      int idx = idxs.get(i);
      if (end < 0) end = vcfIndexChromo.getFilePosEnd(idx);

      long start = vcfIndexChromo.getFilePosStart(idx);
      if ((start - end) > 0) return false;

      // Prepare for next iteration
      end = vcfIndexChromo.getFilePosEnd(idx);

    return true;
  long consecutiveFileBlockMax(TIntArrayList idxs) {
    long max = -1;

    for (int i = 0; i < idxs.size(); i++) {
      int idx = idxs.get(i);
      max = Math.max(max, vcfIndexChromo.getFilePosEnd(idx));

    return max;
  public VcfIndexTree(VcfFileIterator vcf, VcfIndexDataChromo vcfIndexChromo) {
    this.vcfIndexChromo = vcfIndexChromo;
    chromosome = (vcfIndexChromo != null ? vcfIndexChromo.getChromosome() : null);

    left = new int[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
    right = new int[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
    mid = new int[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
    intersectFilePosStart = new long[INITIAL_CAPACITY][];
    intersectFilePosEnd = new long[INITIAL_CAPACITY][];
    intersect = new List[INITIAL_CAPACITY];
    size = 0;
  /** Find all interval indexes from intervals within [startIdx, endIdx] that intersect 'pos' */
  int[] intersectIndexes(int startIdx, int endIdx, int pos) {
    List<Integer> list = null;

    // Find all intersecting intervals
    for (int idx = startIdx; idx <= endIdx; idx++) {
      if (vcfIndexChromo.intersects(idx, pos)) {
        // Add this position
        if (list == null) list = new ArrayList<>();

    // No results
    if (list == null) return new int[0];

    // Create an array
    int i = 0;
    int ints[] = new int[list.size()];
    for (int idx : list) ints[i++] = idx;

    return ints;
 public boolean isEmpty() {
   return vcfIndexChromo.size() <= 0;