@Test public void testNullOperations() throws Exception { Value nullv = ValueFactory.createNullValue(); Value numv = ValueFactory.createValue(4d); Value strv = ValueFactory.createValue("s"); Value falsev = numv.less(numv); Value truev = numv.equals(numv); assertTrue(nullv.multiply(numv).isNull()); assertTrue(numv.multiply(nullv).isNull()); assertTrue(nullv.sum(numv).isNull()); assertTrue(numv.sum(nullv).isNull()); assertTrue(strv.matches(nullv).isNull()); assertTrue(nullv.matches(strv).isNull()); assertTrue(falsev.or(nullv).isNull()); assertTrue(nullv.or(falsev).isNull()); assertTrue(truev.and(nullv).isNull()); assertTrue(nullv.and(truev).isNull()); assertTrue(numv.greaterEqual(nullv).isNull()); assertTrue(numv.equals(nullv).isNull()); assertTrue(numv.notEquals(nullv).isNull()); assertTrue(numv.less(nullv).isNull()); assertTrue(numv.lessEqual(nullv).isNull()); assertTrue(nullv.greaterEqual(numv).isNull()); assertTrue(nullv.equals(numv).isNull()); assertTrue(nullv.notEquals(numv).isNull()); assertTrue(nullv.less(numv).isNull()); assertTrue(nullv.lessEqual(numv).isNull()); }
/** * @see * com.hardcode.gdbms.engine.instruction.Operations#equals(com.hardcode.gdbms.engine.values.Value) */ public Value equals(Value value) throws IncompatibleTypesException { if (value instanceof NullValue) { return ValueFactory.createValue(false); } return ValueFactory.createValue(this.value.equals(value.toString())); }
Map<String, Object> getValues( Individual ind, OntModel displayOntModel, OntModel assertionModel, Map<String, Object> baseValues) { if (ind == null) return Collections.emptyMap(); /* Figure out what ValueFactories are specified in the display ontology for this individual. */ Set<ValueFactory> valueFactories = new HashSet<ValueFactory>(); displayOntModel.enterCriticalSection(Model.READ); StmtIterator stmts = ind.listProperties(DisplayVocabulary.REQUIRES_VALUES); try { while (stmts.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = stmts.nextStatement(); RDFNode obj = stmt.getObject(); valueFactories.addAll(getValueFactory(obj, displayOntModel)); } } finally { stmts.close(); displayOntModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } /* Get values from the ValueFactories. */ HashMap<String, Object> values = new HashMap<String, Object>(); values.putAll(baseValues); for (ValueFactory vf : valueFactories) { values.putAll(vf.getValues(assertionModel, values)); } return values; }
private GeoRaster checkRasterMetadataIO(GeoRaster grSource) { Value v = ValueFactory.createValue(grSource); Value v2 = ValueFactory.createValue(v.getType(), v.getBytes()); GeoRaster gr = v2.getAsRaster(); assertEquals(gr.getMetadata(), grSource.getMetadata()); return gr; }
@Test public void testValueCollectionConversion() throws Exception { Value value = ValueFactory.createValue( new Value[] {ValueFactory.createValue(2d), ValueFactory.createValue("hello")}); Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); set.add(13); checkConversions(value, set); }
@Test public void testDecimalDigits() throws Exception { assertEquals(((NumericValue) ValueFactory.createValue(2.3d)).getDecimalDigitsCount(), 1); assertEquals(((NumericValue) ValueFactory.createValue(2d)).getDecimalDigitsCount(), 0); assertEquals(((NumericValue) ValueFactory.createValue(23)).getDecimalDigitsCount(), 0); assertEquals(((NumericValue) ValueFactory.createValue(2.030f)).getDecimalDigitsCount(), 2); assertEquals( ((NumericValue) ValueFactory.createValue(2.00000000002d)).getDecimalDigitsCount(), 11); }
/** * DOCUMENT ME! * * @throws IncompatibleTypesException DOCUMENT ME! */ @Test public void testStringValueEquals() throws IncompatibleTypesException { Value v1 = ValueFactory.createValue("hola"); Value v2 = ValueFactory.createValue("hola"); Value v3 = ValueFactory.createValue("holA"); assertTrue((v1.equals(v2)).getAsBoolean()); assertFalse((v1.equals(v3)).getAsBoolean()); assertFalse((v2.equals(v3)).getAsBoolean()); }
@Test public void testBooleanComparisons() throws Exception { Value v1 = ValueFactory.createValue(true); Value v2 = ValueFactory.createValue(false); assertEquals(v1.compareTo(v1), 0); assertEquals(v2.compareTo(v2), 0); assertEquals(v1.compareTo(v2), 1); assertEquals(v2.compareTo(v1), -1); }
/** We must be able to transform specialized collections to GeometryCollectionValues */ @Test public void testGeometryCollectionConversions() throws Exception { Value val = ValueFactory.createValue( gf.createMultiPoint( new Coordinate[] {new Coordinate(0, 0, 0), new Coordinate(1, 2, 3)})); assertTrue(val instanceof DefaultMultiPointValue); Value val2 = val.toType(Type.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION); assertTrue(val2 instanceof DefaultGeometryCollectionValue); // Let's be sure it's not a GeometryCollection just thanks to the inheritance assertFalse(val2 instanceof DefaultMultiPointValue); val = ValueFactory.createValue( gf.createMultiLineString( new LineString[] { gf.createLineString( new Coordinate[] {new Coordinate(0, 0, 0), new Coordinate(4, 2, 3)}), gf.createLineString( new Coordinate[] {new Coordinate(5, 6, 9), new Coordinate(5, 7, 1)}) })); assertTrue(val instanceof DefaultMultiLineStringValue); val2 = val.toType(Type.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION); assertTrue(val2 instanceof DefaultGeometryCollectionValue); // Let's be sure it's not a GeometryCollection just thanks to the inheritance assertFalse(val2 instanceof DefaultMultiPointValue); val = ValueFactory.createValue( gf.createMultiPolygon( new Polygon[] { gf.createPolygon( gf.createLinearRing( new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 3, 0), new Coordinate(9, 0, 0), new Coordinate(8, 7, 0), new Coordinate(0, 3, 0) }), null), gf.createPolygon( gf.createLinearRing( new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(10, 3, 0), new Coordinate(9, 0, 0), new Coordinate(8, 7, 0), new Coordinate(10, 3, 0) }), null) })); assertTrue(val instanceof DefaultMultiPolygonValue); val2 = val.toType(Type.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION); assertTrue(val2 instanceof DefaultGeometryCollectionValue); // Let's be sure it's not a GeometryCollection just thanks to the inheritance assertFalse(val2 instanceof DefaultMultiPointValue); }
/** Returns the concatenation of the two values. */ @Override public Value concatenate(Value v) { if (v instanceof StringVal) { return ValueFactory.create(str + " " + v.toString()); } else if (v instanceof DoubleVal) { return ValueFactory.create(str + " " + v.toString()); } else if (v instanceof NoneVal) { return this; } else { log.warning("cannot concatenate " + this + " and " + v); return ValueFactory.noneValue; } }
@Test public void testValuesTypes() throws Exception { assertEquals(ValueFactory.createValue(false).getType(), Type.BOOLEAN); assertEquals(ValueFactory.createValue(new byte[] {2, 3}).getType(), Type.BINARY); assertEquals(ValueFactory.createValue(new Date()).getType(), Type.DATE); assertEquals(ValueFactory.createValue(3.0d).getType(), Type.DOUBLE); assertEquals(ValueFactory.createValue(3.5f).getType(), Type.FLOAT); assertEquals(ValueFactory.createValue(4).getType(), Type.INT); assertEquals(ValueFactory.createValue(4L).getType(), Type.LONG); assertEquals(ValueFactory.createValue("").getType(), Type.STRING); assertEquals(ValueFactory.createValue(new Time(1)).getType(), Type.TIME); assertEquals(ValueFactory.createValue(new Timestamp(1)).getType(), Type.TIMESTAMP); }
/** * BNode factory * * @return BNode a blank node */ public BNode bnode() { try { RepositoryConnection con = therepository.getConnection(); try { ValueFactory vf = con.getValueFactory(); return vf.createBNode(); } finally { con.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
/** * UR Iref factory * * @param uri to build * @return URI resource */ public URI URIref(String uri) { try { RepositoryConnection con = therepository.getConnection(); try { ValueFactory vf = con.getValueFactory(); return vf.createURI(uri); } finally { con.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
/** * Insert Triple/Statement into graph * * @param s subject uriref * @param p predicate uriref * @param o value object (URIref or Literal) */ public void add(URI s, URI p, Value o) { try { RepositoryConnection con = therepository.getConnection(); try { ValueFactory myFactory = con.getValueFactory(); Statement st = myFactory.createStatement(s, p, o); con.add(st); } finally { con.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { // handle exception } }
/** * Test created to check that we effectively retrieve a good representation of empty * multipolygons. indeed, a NullPointerException used to happen... * * @throws Exception */ @Test public void testGeometryCollectionStringRepresentation() throws Exception { GeometryCollection mp = gf.createMultiPolygon(new Polygon[] {}); Value val = ValueFactory.createValue(mp); String str = val.toString(); assertEquals(str, "MULTIPOLYGON EMPTY"); Polygon poly = gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(new Coordinate[] {}), new LinearRing[] {}); assertTrue(poly.isEmpty()); mp = gf.createMultiPolygon( new Polygon[] { poly, }); val = ValueFactory.createValue(mp); str = val.toString(); assertNotNull(str); Polygon polyBis = gf.createPolygon( gf.createLinearRing( new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 0, 0), new Coordinate(1, 1, 0), new Coordinate(3, 4, 0), new Coordinate(0, 0, 0), }), new LinearRing[] {}); mp = gf.createMultiPolygon(new Polygon[] {poly, polyBis}); val = ValueFactory.createValue(mp); str = val.toString(); assertNotNull(str); GeometryCollection coll = gf.createGeometryCollection( new Geometry[] { gf.createPolygon(gf.createLinearRing(new Coordinate[] {}), new LinearRing[] {}), gf.createPolygon( gf.createLinearRing( new Coordinate[] { new Coordinate(0, 0, 0), new Coordinate(1, 1, 0), new Coordinate(3, 4, 0), new Coordinate(0, 0, 0), }), new LinearRing[] {}) }); mp = gf.createGeometryCollection(new Geometry[] {poly, coll, polyBis}); val = ValueFactory.createValue(mp); str = val.toString(); assertNotNull(str); }
@Test public void testGeometryValueConversion() throws Exception { Value value = ValueFactory.createValue(Geometries.getMultiPoint3D()); Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); set.add(6); checkConversions(value, set); }
@Test public void testBinaryValueConversion() throws Exception { Value binary = ValueFactory.createValue(new byte[] {3, 5, 7}); Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); set.add(0); checkConversions(binary, set); }
@Test public void testDateValueConversion() throws Exception { Value value = ValueFactory.createValue(new Date()); Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); set.add(3); checkConversions(value, set); }
@Test public void testBooleanValueConversion() throws Exception { Value value = ValueFactory.createValue(false); Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); set.add(1); checkConversions(value, set); }
@Test public void testTimestampValueConversion() throws Exception { Value value = ValueFactory.createValue(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis())); Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); set.add(12); checkConversions(value, set); }
/** * @see * com.hardcode.gdbms.engine.instruction.Operations#lessEqual(com.hardcode.gdbms.engine.values.BooleanValue) */ public Value lessEqual(Value value) throws IncompatibleTypesException { if (value instanceof NullValue) { return ValueFactory.createValue(false); } return new BooleanValue(this.value.compareTo(value.toString()) <= 0); }
@Test public void testStringValueConversion() throws Exception { Value value = ValueFactory.createValue("gdms"); Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); set.add(10); checkConversions(value, set); }
public ReferenceValue referenceArrayLoad(IntegerValue indexValue, ValueFactory valueFactory) { return type == null ? ValueFactory.REFERENCE_VALUE_NULL : !ClassUtil.isInternalArrayType(type) ? ValueFactory.REFERENCE_VALUE_JAVA_LANG_OBJECT_MAYBE_NULL : valueFactory.createValue(type.substring(1), referencedClass, true).referenceValue(); }
/** * Time a multi-threaded access to a cache. * * @return the timing stopwatch */ private <V> StopWatch timeMultiThreaded( String id, final Map<Integer, V> map, ValueFactory<V> factory) throws InterruptedException { StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch(id); for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) { map.put(i, factory.newValue(i)); } Thread[] threads = new Thread[30]; stopWatch.start("Running threads"); for (int threadIndex = 0; threadIndex < threads.length; threadIndex++) { threads[threadIndex] = new Thread("Cache access thread " + threadIndex) { @Override public void run() { for (int j = 0; j < 1000; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { map.get(i); } } } }; } for (Thread thread : threads) { thread.start(); } for (Thread thread : threads) { if (thread.isAlive()) { thread.join(2000); } } stopWatch.stop(); return stopWatch; }
public static IList project(IList rel1, int... fields) { IListWriter w = ValueFactory.getInstance().listWriter(); for (IValue v : rel1) { w.append(((ITuple) v).select(fields)); } return w.done(); }
/** * Literal factory * * @param s the literal value * @param typeuri uri representing the type (generally xsd) * @return Literal type */ public org.openrdf.model.Literal Literal(String s, URI typeuri) { try { RepositoryConnection con = therepository.getConnection(); try { ValueFactory vf = con.getValueFactory(); if (typeuri == null) { return vf.createLiteral(s); } else { return vf.createLiteral(s, typeuri); } } finally { con.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
@Test public void testNullValueConversion() throws Exception { Value value = ValueFactory.createNullValue(); Set<Integer> set = new HashSet<Integer>(); for (int i = 0; i < 14; i++) { set.add(i); } checkConversions(value, set); }
public Value eval(RCvalue args) throws EvalException { if (args.size() != 2) throw new EvalException("usage: reduce(polygon, errtol])"); PolygonValue pv1 = (PolygonValue) args.value(0); PolygonValue pv2 = (PolygonValue) args.value(1); boolean isContain = pv1.polygon().contains(pv2.polygon()); double contain = 0; if (isContain) { contain = 1; // we don't have a boolean factory now. } return ValueFactory.create(contain); }
private Comparison stringComparisonConstraint( DynamicOperand operand, String valueOperandShouldBe, QueryObjectModelFactory qomFactory, ValueFactory valueFactory) throws RepositoryException { return qomFactory.comparison( operand, QueryObjectModelFactory.JCR_OPERATOR_EQUAL_TO, qomFactory.literal(valueFactory.createValue(valueOperandShouldBe, PropertyType.STRING))); }
@Test public void testNumericValueComparisons() throws Exception { Value v1 = ValueFactory.createValue(1); Value v2 = ValueFactory.createValue(18); Value v3 = ValueFactory.createValue(-5d); Value v4 = ValueFactory.createValue(100d); Value v5 = ValueFactory.createValue(18f); // same value assertEquals(v1.compareTo(v1), 0); // opposite comparisons assertEquals(v1.compareTo(v2), -1); assertEquals(v2.compareTo(v1), 1); // different types assertEquals(v1.compareTo(v3), 1); assertEquals(v2.compareTo(v4), -1); assertEquals(v2.compareTo(v5), 0); }