   * Checks for certain params existence in the value, and replace them with real values obtained
   * from <tt>request</tt>.
   * @param value the value of the header param
   * @param request the request we are processing
   * @return the value with replaced params
  private static String processParams(String value, Request request) {
    if (value.indexOf("${from.address}") != -1) {
      FromHeader fromHeader = (FromHeader) request.getHeader(FromHeader.NAME);

      if (fromHeader != null) {
        value = value.replace("${from.address}", fromHeader.getAddress().getURI().toString());

    if (value.indexOf("${from.userID}") != -1) {
      FromHeader fromHeader = (FromHeader) request.getHeader(FromHeader.NAME);

      if (fromHeader != null) {
        URI fromURI = fromHeader.getAddress().getURI();
        String fromAddr = fromURI.toString();

        // strips sip: or sips:
        if (fromURI.isSipURI()) {
          fromAddr = fromAddr.replaceFirst(fromURI.getScheme() + ":", "");

        // take the userID part
        int index = fromAddr.indexOf('@');
        if (index > -1) fromAddr = fromAddr.substring(0, index);

        value = value.replace("${from.userID}", fromAddr);

    if (value.indexOf("${to.address}") != -1) {
      ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) request.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME);

      if (toHeader != null) {
        value = value.replace("${to.address}", toHeader.getAddress().getURI().toString());

    if (value.indexOf("${to.userID}") != -1) {
      ToHeader toHeader = (ToHeader) request.getHeader(ToHeader.NAME);

      if (toHeader != null) {
        URI toURI = toHeader.getAddress().getURI();
        String toAddr = toURI.toString();

        // strips sip: or sips:
        if (toURI.isSipURI()) {
          toAddr = toAddr.replaceFirst(toURI.getScheme() + ":", "");

        // take the userID part
        int index = toAddr.indexOf('@');
        if (index > -1) toAddr = toAddr.substring(0, index);

        value = value.replace("${to.userID}", toAddr);

    return value;
   * Resolves an external entity. If the entity cannot be resolved, this method should return <code>
   * null</code>. This method returns an input source if an entry was found in the catalog for the
   * given external identifier. It should be overrided if other behaviour is required.
   * @param name the identifier of the external entity
   * @param publicId the public identifier, or <code>null</code> if none was supplied
   * @param baseURI the URI with respect to which relative systemIDs are interpreted.
   * @param systemId the system identifier
   * @throws SAXException any SAX exception, possibly wrapping another exception
   * @throws IOException thrown if some i/o error occurs
  public InputSource resolveEntity(String name, String publicId, String baseURI, String systemId)
      throws SAXException, IOException {

    String resolvedId = null;

    if (!getUseLiteralSystemId() && baseURI != null) {
      // Attempt to resolve the system identifier against the base URI.
      try {
        URI uri = new URI(new URI(baseURI), systemId);
        systemId = uri.toString();
      // Ignore the exception. Fallback to the literal system identifier.
      catch (URI.MalformedURIException ex) {

    if (publicId != null && systemId != null) {
      resolvedId = resolvePublic(publicId, systemId);
    } else if (systemId != null) {
      resolvedId = resolveSystem(systemId);

    if (resolvedId != null) {
      InputSource source = new InputSource(resolvedId);
      return source;
    return null;
   * Take a SystemID string and try to turn it into a good absolute URI.
   * @param urlString SystemID string
   * @param base The URI string used as the base for resolving the systemID
   * @return The resolved absolute URI
   * @throws TransformerException thrown if the string can't be turned into a URI.
  public static String getAbsoluteURI(String urlString, String base) throws TransformerException {
    if (base == null) return getAbsoluteURI(urlString);

    String absoluteBase = getAbsoluteURI(base);
    URI uri = null;
    try {
      URI baseURI = new URI(absoluteBase);
      uri = new URI(baseURI, urlString);
    } catch (MalformedURIException mue) {
      throw new TransformerException(mue);

    return replaceChars(uri.toString());
   * Resolves a resource using the catalog. This method interprets that the namespace URI
   * corresponds to uri entries in the catalog. Where both a namespace and an external identifier
   * exist, the namespace takes precedence.
   * @param type the type of the resource being resolved
   * @param namespaceURI the namespace of the resource being resolved, or <code>null</code> if none
   *     was supplied
   * @param publicId the public identifier of the resource being resolved, or <code>null</code> if
   *     none was supplied
   * @param systemId the system identifier of the resource being resolved, or <code>null</code> if
   *     none was supplied
   * @param baseURI the absolute base URI of the resource being parsed, or <code>null</code> if
   *     there is no base URI
  public LSInput resolveResource(
      String type, String namespaceURI, String publicId, String systemId, String baseURI) {

    String resolvedId = null;

    try {
      // The namespace is useful for resolving namespace aware
      // grammars such as XML schema. Let it take precedence over
      // the external identifier if one exists.
      if (namespaceURI != null) {
        resolvedId = resolveURI(namespaceURI);

      if (!getUseLiteralSystemId() && baseURI != null) {
        // Attempt to resolve the system identifier against the base URI.
        try {
          URI uri = new URI(new URI(baseURI), systemId);
          systemId = uri.toString();
        // Ignore the exception. Fallback to the literal system identifier.
        catch (URI.MalformedURIException ex) {

      // Resolve against an external identifier if one exists. This
      // is useful for resolving DTD external subsets and other
      // external entities. For XML schemas if there was no namespace
      // mapping we might be able to resolve a system identifier
      // specified as a location hint.
      if (resolvedId == null) {
        if (publicId != null && systemId != null) {
          resolvedId = resolvePublic(publicId, systemId);
        } else if (systemId != null) {
          resolvedId = resolveSystem(systemId);
    // Ignore IOException. It cannot be thrown from this method.
    catch (IOException ex) {

    if (resolvedId != null) {
      return new DOMInputImpl(publicId, resolvedId, baseURI);
    return null;
  public String buildQuery() {
    if (cachedQuery != null) {
      return cachedQuery;

    URI query = buildViewPath();

    if (isNotEmpty(key)) {
      query.param("key", key);

    if (isNotEmpty(startKey)) {
      query.param("startkey", startKey);

    if (isNotEmpty(endKey)) {
      query.param("endkey", endKey);

    if (isNotEmpty(startDocId)) {
      query.param("startkey_docid", startDocId);

    if (isNotEmpty(endDocId)) {
      query.param("endkey_docid", endDocId);

    if (hasValue(limit)) {
      query.param("limit", limit);

    if (staleOk != null) {
      query.param("stale", staleOk);

    if (descending) {
      query.param("descending", "true");

    if (!inclusiveEnd) {
      query.param("inclusive_end", "false");

    if (!reduce) {
      query.param("reduce", "false");

    if (hasValue(skip)) {
      query.param("skip", skip);

    if (includeDocs) {
      query.param("include_docs", "true");

    if (group) {
      query.param("group", "true");

    if (hasValue(groupLevel)) {
      query.param("group_level", groupLevel);

    if (queryParams != null && !queryParams.isEmpty()) {

    cachedQuery = query.toString();
    return cachedQuery;
   * Check the response and answer true if authentication succeeds. We are making simplifying
   * assumptions here and assuming that the password is available to us for computation of the MD5
   * hash. We also dont cache authentications so that the user has to authenticate on each
   * registration.
   * @param user is the username
   * @param authHeader is the Authroization header from the SIP request.
   * @param requestLine is the SIP Request line from the SIP request.
   * @exception SIPAuthenticationException is thrown when authentication fails or message is bad
  public boolean doAuthenticate(String user, AuthorizationHeader authHeader, Request request) {
    String realm = authHeader.getRealm();
    String username = authHeader.getUsername();
    URI requestURI = request.getRequestURI();

    if (username == null) {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
              + "WARNING: userName parameter not set in the header received!!!");
      username = user;
    if (realm == null) {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
              + "WARNING: realm parameter not set in the header received!!! WE use the default one");
      realm = DEFAULT_REALM;

        "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
            + "Trying to authenticate user: "******" for "
            + " the realm: "
            + realm);

    String password = (String) passwordTable.get(username + "@" + realm);
    if (password == null) {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
              + "ERROR: password not found for the user: "******"@"
              + realm);
      return false;

    String nonce = authHeader.getNonce();
    // If there is a URI parameter in the Authorization header,
    // then use it.
    URI uri = authHeader.getURI();
    // There must be a URI parameter in the authorization header.
    if (uri == null) {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
              + "ERROR: uri paramater not set in the header received!");
      return false;

        "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), username:"******"!");
    ProxyDebug.println("DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), realm:" + realm + "!");
        "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), password:"******"!");
    ProxyDebug.println("DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), uri:" + uri + "!");
    ProxyDebug.println("DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), nonce:" + nonce + "!");
        "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), method:" + request.getMethod() + "!");

    String A1 = username + ":" + realm + ":" + password;
    String A2 = request.getMethod().toUpperCase() + ":" + uri.toString();
    byte mdbytes[] = messageDigest.digest(A1.getBytes());
    String HA1 = ProxyUtilities.toHexString(mdbytes);

    ProxyDebug.println("DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), HA1:" + HA1 + "!");
    mdbytes = messageDigest.digest(A2.getBytes());
    String HA2 = ProxyUtilities.toHexString(mdbytes);
    ProxyDebug.println("DEBUG, DigestAuthenticationMethod, doAuthenticate(), HA2:" + HA2 + "!");
    String cnonce = authHeader.getCNonce();
    String KD = HA1 + ":" + nonce;
    if (cnonce != null) {
      KD += ":" + cnonce;
    KD += ":" + HA2;
    mdbytes = messageDigest.digest(KD.getBytes());
    String mdString = ProxyUtilities.toHexString(mdbytes);
    String response = authHeader.getResponse();
        "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): "
            + "we have to compare his response: "
            + response
            + " with our computed"
            + " response: "
            + mdString);

    int res = (mdString.compareTo(response));
    if (res == 0) {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): " + "User authenticated...");
    } else {
          "DEBUG, DigestAuthenticateMethod, doAuthenticate(): " + "User not authenticated...");

    return res == 0;
 public String marshal(URI v) throws Exception {
   return v == null ? null : v.toString();
  /** Construct connection using URI * */
  public RhoConnection(URI _uri) {
    uri = new URI(_uri.toString());
    uri_external = _uri;

    uri.setPath("/apps" + uri.getPath());
 public String getURL() {
   log("getURL: " + uri_external.toString());
   return uri_external.toString();