   * Returns a {@link TrafficComponent} instance for the given traffic model. The component returned
   * may be a {@link TrafficSourceComponent} or a {@link TrafficShaperComponent}, depending on the
   * nature of the traffic model.
  public static TrafficComponent getTrafficComponent(TrafficModel traffic_) {
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_PeakRate) {
      if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_FixedPoints)
        return new tsFixedPoints((traffic_FixedPoints) traffic_);
      else return new tsPeakRate((traffic_PeakRate) traffic_);
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_TokenBucket)
      return new TrafficShaperComponent(new tsTokenBucket((traffic_TokenBucket) traffic_));
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_CDSmooth)
      return new TrafficShaperComponent(new tsCDSmooth((traffic_CDSmooth) traffic_));
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_RTSmooth)
      return new TrafficShaperComponent(new tsRTSmooth((traffic_RTSmooth) traffic_));
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_PacketTrain)
      return new tsPacketTrain((traffic_PacketTrain) traffic_);
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_ExpOnOff) return new tsExpOnOff((traffic_ExpOnOff) traffic_);
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_ParetoOnOff)
      return new tsParetoOnOff((traffic_ParetoOnOff) traffic_);
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_Periodic)
      return new TrafficShaperComponent(new tsPeriodic((traffic_Periodic) traffic_));
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_OnOff) return new tsOnOff((traffic_OnOff) traffic_);

    Class class_ = null;
    try {
      String className_ = traffic_.getClass().getName();
      // suppose component is in the same package as the traffic model
      // class.  So className is in the form of
      // "<PackageName>.traffic_XYZ", convert it to
      // "<PackageName>.tsXYZ"
      int index_ = className_.lastIndexOf(".");
      String packageName_ = index_ >= 0 ? className_.substring(0, index_ + 1) : "";
      className_ = index_ >= 0 ? className_.substring(index_ + 1) : className_;

      className_ = packageName_ + "ts" + className_.substring(8);
      class_ = Class.forName(className_);
      TrafficComponent tc_ = null;
      if (TrafficShaper.class.isAssignableFrom(class_))
        tc_ = new TrafficShaperComponent((TrafficShaper) class_.newInstance());
      else tc_ = (TrafficComponent) class_.newInstance();
      return tc_;
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException e_) {
      drcl.Debug.error("Cannot find traffic component for " + traffic_.getClass());
    } catch (InstantiationException e_) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException e_) {
    return null;
  /** Returns a {@link TrafficShaper} instance for the given traffic model. */
  public static TrafficShaper getTrafficShaper(TrafficModel traffic_) {
    // FIXME: hard-coded
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_TokenBucket)
      return new tsTokenBucket((traffic_TokenBucket) traffic_);
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_CDSmooth) return new tsCDSmooth((traffic_CDSmooth) traffic_);
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_RTSmooth) return new tsRTSmooth((traffic_RTSmooth) traffic_);
    if (traffic_ instanceof traffic_Periodic) return new tsPeriodic((traffic_Periodic) traffic_);

    try {
      String className_ = traffic_.getClass().getName();
      // suppose className is in the form of "traffic_XYZ",
      //   convert it to "tsXYZ"
      Class class_ = Class.forName("ts" + className_.substring(8));
      TrafficShaper ts_ = (TrafficShaper) class_.newInstance();
      return ts_;
    } catch (Exception e_) {
      drcl.Debug.error("Cannot find traffic shaper class for " + traffic_.getClass());
      return null;