private Chart createChart(int points) { Chart chart = new Chart(ChartType.SCATTER); Configuration conf = chart.getConfiguration(); conf.getChart().setZoomType(ZoomType.XY); conf.disableCredits(); conf.setTitle("Height vs Weight"); conf.setSubTitle("Polygon series in Vaadin Charts."); Tooltip tooltip = conf.getTooltip(); tooltip.setHeaderFormat("{}"); tooltip.setPointFormat("{point.x} cm, {point.y} kg"); XAxis xAxis = conf.getxAxis(); xAxis.setStartOnTick(true); xAxis.setEndOnTick(true); xAxis.setShowLastLabel(true); xAxis.setTitle("Height (cm)"); YAxis yAxis = conf.getyAxis(); yAxis.setTitle("Weight (kg)"); AbstractLinePlotOptions plotOptions = new PlotOptionsScatter(); plotOptions.setThreshold(0); DataSeries scatter = new DataSeries(); scatter.setPlotOptions(plotOptions); scatter.setName("Observations"); fillScatter(scatter, points); conf.addSeries(scatter); return chart; }
/** * Toggles {@link Tooltip} between show and dismiss. * * @param rect {@link Rect} containing the bounds of last clicked entry * @param value Value of the last entry clicked */ private void toggleTooltip(Rect rect, float value){ if(!mTooltip.on()) { mTooltip.prepare(rect, value); showTooltip(mTooltip, true); }else { dismissTooltip(mTooltip, rect, value); } }
/** * Adds a tooltip to {@link ChartView}. If is not the case already, * the whole tooltip is forced to be inside {@link ChartView} bounds. * * @param tooltip {@link Tooltip} view to be added * @param correctPos False if tooltip should not be forced to be inside ChartView. * You may want to take care of it */ public void showTooltip(Tooltip tooltip, boolean correctPos) { if (correctPos) { tooltip.correctPosition(mChartLeft - getPaddingLeft(), mChartTop - getPaddingTop(), mChartRight - getPaddingRight(), (int) (getInnerChartBottom() - getPaddingBottom())); } if(tooltip.hasEnterAnimation()) tooltip.animateEnter(); this.addTooltip(tooltip); }
/** * The method listens chart clicks and checks whether it intercepts * a known Region. It will then use the registered Listener.onClick * to return the region's index. */ @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent event) { if(mAnim == null || !mAnim.isPlaying()) if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN && mEntryListener != null&& (mTooltip != null ) && mRegions != null){ //Check if ACTION_DOWN over any ScreenPoint region. int nSets = mRegions.size(); int nEntries = mRegions.get(0).size(); for(int i = 0; i < nSets ; i++){ for(int j = 0; j < nEntries; j++){ if(mRegions.get(i).get(j) .contains((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY())){ mSetClicked = i; mIndexClicked = j; } } } }else if(event.getAction() == MotionEvent.ACTION_UP){ if(mSetClicked != -1 && mIndexClicked != -1){ if(mRegions.get(mSetClicked).get(mIndexClicked) .contains((int) event.getX(), (int) event.getY())){ if(mEntryListener != null){ mEntryListener.onClick(mSetClicked, mIndexClicked, new Rect(getEntryRect(mRegions.get(mSetClicked).get(mIndexClicked)))); } if(mTooltip != null){ toggleTooltip(getEntryRect(mRegions.get(mSetClicked).get(mIndexClicked)), data.get(mSetClicked).getValue(mIndexClicked)); } } mSetClicked = -1; mIndexClicked = -1; }else{ if(mChartListener != null) mChartListener.onClick(this); if(mTooltip != null && mTooltip.on()) dismissTooltip(mTooltip); } } return true; }
public NPC(String gamertag, boolean isPlayerOne, Map map, Unit[] units) { super(gamertag, isPlayerOne, map, units); Tooltip.turnOff(isPlayerOne); vis = new ArrayList<GPoint>(); newTurn = true; UnitNoCombat = new boolean[units.length]; respondedToHits = new boolean[units.length]; }
public void enablePreview() { // if (null != itemDescription) { // itemDescription.activate(); // return; // } itemDescription = new Tooltip( this, new HTML( constants.previewHtml(item.getTitle(), item.getYear(), item.getCreator()), true), this.getAbsoluteLeft(), this.getAbsoluteTop(), dimensions.thumbnailWidth(), dimensions.thumbnailHeight()); itemDescription.setStyleName("tooltip-item"); itemDescription.addStyleName("invisible"); itemDescription.setWidth(dimensions.thumbnailWidth() + "px"); itemDescription.activate(); }
/** * Dismiss tooltip from {@link ChartView}. * * @param tooltip View to be dismissed */ private void dismissTooltip(final Tooltip tooltip, final Rect rect, final float value){ if(tooltip.hasExitAnimation()) { tooltip.animateExit( new Runnable(){ @Override public void run() { removeTooltip(tooltip); if(rect != null) toggleTooltip(rect, value); } }); }else{ this.removeTooltip(tooltip); if(rect != null) this.toggleTooltip(rect, value); } }
// Explicit implementation of readObject, but called implicitly as a result of recursive calls to // readObject() based on Serializable interface private void readObject(ObjectInputStream in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { name = new SimpleStringProperty((String) in.readObject()); strength = new SimpleDoubleProperty(in.readDouble()); health = new SimpleDoubleProperty(in.readDouble()); speed = new SimpleDoubleProperty(in.readDouble()); createAvatar(); getAvatar().setTranslateX(in.readDouble()); getAvatar().setTranslateY(in.readDouble()); tooltip = new Tooltip(toString()); Tooltip.install(getAvatar(), tooltip); resetAvatarAttributes(); } // end readObject() to support serialization
public void addImageTab(Path imagePath) { TabPane previewTabPane = controller.getPreviewTabPane(); ImageTab tab = new ImageTab(); tab.setPath(imagePath); tab.setText(imagePath.getFileName().toString()); if (previewTabPane.getTabs().contains(tab)) { previewTabPane.getSelectionModel().select(tab); return; } Image image = new Image(IOHelper.pathToUrl(imagePath)); ImageView imageView = new ImageView(image); imageView.setPreserveRatio(true); imageView.setFitWidth(previewTabPane.getWidth()); previewTabPane .widthProperty() .addListener( (observable, oldValue, newValue) -> { imageView.setFitWidth(previewTabPane.getWidth()); }); Tooltip tip = new Tooltip(imagePath.toString()); Tooltip.install(tab.getGraphic(), tip); ScrollPane scrollPane = new ScrollPane(); scrollPane.setVbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED); scrollPane.setHbarPolicy(ScrollPane.ScrollBarPolicy.AS_NEEDED); scrollPane.setContent(imageView); scrollPane.addEventFilter( ScrollEvent.SCROLL, e -> { if (e.isControlDown() && e.getDeltaY() > 0) { // zoom in imageView.setFitWidth(imageView.getFitWidth() + 16.0); } else if (e.isControlDown() && e.getDeltaY() < 0) { // zoom out imageView.setFitWidth(imageView.getFitWidth() - 16.0); } }); tab.setContent(scrollPane); TabPane tabPane = previewTabPane; tabPane.getTabs().add(tab); tabPane.getSelectionModel().select(tab); }
@Override public void deactivate() { if (!active) { return; } active = false; removeStyleName("mouse-cursor"); dispatchEvent(ItemPreviewEvent.DEACTIVATED); for (ItemListener<ItemPreview, ItemPreviewEvent> listener : listeners) { listener.deactivated(this); } if (null != itemDescription) { itemDescription.hide(); } }
/** * <i>Actor</i> constructor is used when building <i>Actor</i> objects automatically: * <i>strength</i>, <i>health</i>, <i>speed</i> fields are given randomly generated values within * their range; <i>name</i> is given a sequentially numbered name: <i>Auto:<b>n</b></i> where * <i><b>n</b></i> is the sequence number. The <i>name</i> can be edited to create an unique * <i>Actor</i>. * * @param subclassCount used to support automatic naming (which includes a unique serial number). * @param armyAllegiance used to support the <i>Army</i>-specific <i>DropShadow</i> glow around * this Actor object. */ public Actor(int subclassCount, Army armyAllegiance) { this.armyAllegiance = armyAllegiance; ++actorSerialNumber; // static class-oriented variable. There is one-and-only-one instance of // this variable regardless of the number of Actor objects in existence // (from none to infinity). setName( String.format( "%d:%s:%d:", actorSerialNumber, getClass().getSimpleName(), subclassCount)); // An alternate way to assemble a String to use as a name. Because of // polymorphism "getClass().getName()" will return the subclass name // when they exist. setStrength(SingletonRandom.instance.getNormalDistribution(MIN_STRENGTH, MAX_STRENGTH, 2.0)); setHealth(SingletonRandom.instance.getNormalDistribution(MIN_HEALTH, MAX_HEALTH, 2.0)); setSpeed(SingletonRandom.instance.getNormalDistribution(MIN_SPEED, MAX_SPEED, 2.0)); createAvatar(); tooltip = new Tooltip(toString()); Tooltip.install(getAvatar(), tooltip); tt = new TranslateTransition(); tt.setNode(getAvatar()); // reuse } // end Actor constructor
public void resetAvatarAttributes() { tooltip.setText(toString()); } // Note: This updates the text in the Tooltip that was installed earlier. We re-use the
/** * Add {@link Tooltip}/{@link View}. to chart/parent view. * * @param tip tooltip to be added to chart */ private void addTooltip(Tooltip tip){ this.addView(tip); tip.setOn(true); }
/** * Drawing function for Circles and Lines * * @param drawPane * @param coords Circle Coordinates * @param edges array of edges * @param startIndex NumberOfNodes */ private void drawShapes(Pane drawPane, double[][] coords, int[][] edges, int startIndex) { // clear previous pane drawPane.getChildren().clear(); circleList = new ArrayList<>(); // generate Circles for (int i = 0; i < coords.length; i++) { Circle currentCircle = new Circle(coords[i][0], coords[i][1], nodeSize, Color.BLACK); String toolTipText = "Node " + Integer.toString(i + 1); // expand toolTip text with nucleotide and Circle color, if possible if (sequenceField.getText().length() > i) { toolTipText += ": " + sequenceField.getText().charAt(i); currentCircle.setFill(getNodeColor(sequenceField.getText().charAt(i))); } Tooltip.install(currentCircle, new Tooltip(toolTipText)); if (isAnimated) { currentCircle.setOnMousePressed(circleOnMousePressedEventHandler); currentCircle.setOnMouseDragged(circleOnMouseDraggedEventHandler); currentCircle.setOnMouseReleased(circleOnMouseReleasedEventHandler); } circleList.add(currentCircle); } // generate basic Lines ArrayList<Line> lineList = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < circleList.size() - 1; i++) { Line line = new Line(); line.setStroke(Color.BLACK); line.setFill(Color.BLACK); Circle circle1 = circleList.get(i); Circle circle2 = circleList.get(i + 1); // bind ends of line: line.startXProperty().bind(circle1.centerXProperty().add(circle1.translateXProperty())); line.startYProperty().bind(circle1.centerYProperty().add(circle1.translateYProperty())); line.endXProperty().bind(circle2.centerXProperty().add(circle2.translateXProperty())); line.endYProperty().bind(circle2.centerYProperty().add(circle2.translateYProperty())); lineList.add(line); } // generate edges for (int i = startIndex - 1; i < edges.length; i++) { Line line = new Line(); line.setStroke(Color.ORANGE); Circle circle1 = circleList.get(edges[i][0]); Circle circle2 = circleList.get(edges[i][1]); line.startXProperty().bind(circle1.centerXProperty().add(circle1.translateXProperty())); line.startYProperty().bind(circle1.centerYProperty().add(circle1.translateYProperty())); line.endXProperty().bind(circle2.centerXProperty().add(circle2.translateXProperty())); line.endYProperty().bind(circle2.centerYProperty().add(circle2.translateYProperty())); lineList.add(line); } drawPane.getChildren().addAll(lineList); drawPane.getChildren().addAll(circleList); }
public void disablePreview() { itemDescription.deactivate(); }
/** Destroy item */ public void tearDown() { removeStyleName("mouse-cursor"); if (null != itemDescription) { itemDescription.deactivate(); } }
/** * Remove {@link Tooltip}/{@link View} to chart/parent view. * * @param tip tooltip to be removed to chart */ private void removeTooltip(Tooltip tip){ this.removeView(tip); tip.setOn(false); }
/** * Removes all tooltips currently presented in the chart. */ public void dismissAllTooltips(){ this.removeAllViews(); if(mTooltip != null) mTooltip.setOn(false); }
public void addTab(Path path, Runnable... runnables) { ObservableList<String> recentFiles = controller.getRecentFilesList(); if (Files.notExists(path)) { recentFiles.remove(path.toString()); return; } ObservableList<Tab> tabs = controller.getTabPane().getTabs(); for (Tab tab : tabs) { MyTab myTab = (MyTab) tab; Path currentPath = myTab.getPath(); if (Objects.nonNull(currentPath)) if (currentPath.equals(path)) {; // Select already added tab return; } } AnchorPane anchorPane = new AnchorPane(); EditorPane editorPane = webviewService.createWebView(); MyTab tab = createTab(); tab.setEditorPane(editorPane); tab.setTabText(path.getFileName().toString()); editorPane.confirmHandler( param -> { if ("command:ready".equals(param)) { JSObject window = editorPane.getWindow(); window.setMember("afx", controller);"updateOptions", new Object[] {}); Map<String, String> shortCuts = controller.getShortCuts(); Set<String> keySet = shortCuts.keySet(); for (String key : keySet) {"addNewCommand", new Object[] {key, shortCuts.get(key)}); } if (Objects.isNull(path)) return true; threadService.runTaskLater( () -> { String content = IOHelper.readFile(path); threadService.runActionLater( () -> {"changeEditorMode", path.toUri().toString());"setInitialized");"setEditorValue", new Object[] {content}); for (Runnable runnable : runnables) {; } }); }); } return false; }); threadService.runActionLater( () -> { TabPane tabPane = controller.getTabPane(); tabPane.getTabs().add(tab);; }); Node editorVBox = editorService.createEditorVBox(editorPane, tab); controller.fitToParent(editorVBox); anchorPane.getChildren().add(editorVBox); tab.setContent(anchorPane); tab.setPath(path); Tooltip tip = new Tooltip(path.toString()); Tooltip.install(tab.getGraphic(), tip); recentFiles.remove(path.toString()); recentFiles.add(0, path.toString()); editorPane.focus(); }
// drawing public void drawGraph() { Timeline timeline = new Timeline(); if (graph != null && finalCoordinates != null) { // reset pane drawing.getChildren().clear(); SpringEmbedder.centerCoordinates(finalCoordinates, 20, 380, 20, 380); SpringEmbedder.centerCoordinates(startingCoordinates, 20, 380, 20, 380); // draw nucleotides circles = new Circle[finalCoordinates.length]; for (int i = 0; i < finalCoordinates.length; i++) { // create nodes Circle circle = new Circle(5); circle.setCenterX(finalCoordinates[i][0]); circle.setCenterY(finalCoordinates[i][1]); switch (graph.getSequence().charAt(i)) { case 'A': circle.setFill(Color.YELLOW); break; case 'a': circle.setFill(Color.YELLOW); break; case 'U': circle.setFill(Color.GREEN); break; case 'u': circle.setFill(Color.GREEN); break; case 'C': circle.setFill(Color.BLUE); break; case 'c': circle.setFill(Color.BLUE); break; case 'G': circle.setFill(Color.RED); break; case 'g': circle.setFill(Color.RED); break; } circle.setStroke(Color.BLACK); // add tooltip Tooltip t = new Tooltip("Nucleotide: " + graph.getSequence().charAt(i) + "\nPosition: " + i); Tooltip.install(circle, t); // add drag-and-drop behaviour circle.setOnMousePressed( event -> { if (isAnimationActivated) { dragStartX = circle.getCenterX(); dragStartY = circle.getCenterY(); } }); circle.setOnMouseDragged( event -> { if (isAnimationActivated) { circle.setCenterX(event.getX()); circle.setCenterY(event.getY()); } }); circle.setOnMouseReleased( event -> { if (isAnimationActivated) { Timeline dragTimeline = new Timeline(); KeyValue circlePositionXKey = new KeyValue(circle.centerXProperty(), dragStartX); KeyValue circlePositionYKey = new KeyValue(circle.centerYProperty(), dragStartY); dragTimeline .getKeyFrames() .add(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(animationTime), circlePositionXKey)); dragTimeline .getKeyFrames() .add(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(animationTime), circlePositionYKey));; } }); // save circle locally circles[i] = circle; // animate circles KeyValue startingXKey = new KeyValue(circle.centerXProperty(), startingCoordinates[i][0]); KeyValue finalXKey = new KeyValue(circle.centerXProperty(), circle.getCenterX()); KeyValue startingYKey = new KeyValue(circle.centerYProperty(), startingCoordinates[i][1]); KeyValue finalYKey = new KeyValue(circle.centerYProperty(), circle.getCenterY()); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(0), startingXKey)); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(0), startingYKey)); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(animationTime), finalXKey)); timeline.getKeyFrames().add(new KeyFrame(Duration.millis(animationTime), finalYKey)); } // create edges int[][] edges = graph.getEdges(); for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) { // bind edges to nodes Line line = new Line( finalCoordinates[edges[i][0]][0], finalCoordinates[edges[i][0]][1], finalCoordinates[edges[i][1]][0], finalCoordinates[edges[i][1]][1]); line.startYProperty().bind(circles[edges[i][0]].centerYProperty()); line.startXProperty().bind(circles[edges[i][0]].centerXProperty()); line.endYProperty().bind(circles[edges[i][1]].centerYProperty()); line.endXProperty().bind(circles[edges[i][1]].centerXProperty()); // draw edges if (edges[i][1] - edges[i][0] != 1) { line.setStroke(Color.CADETBLUE); } else { line.setFill(Color.DARKGRAY); } drawing.getChildren().add(line); } // draw all circles in order to overlap the edges drawing.getChildren().addAll(circles); if (isAnimationActivated) {; } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "graph is null: " + graph.equals(null) + "\ncoordinates is null: " + finalCoordinates.equals(null)); } }