/** Tests the {@link Tile#equals(Object)} and the {@link Tile#hashCode()} method. */ @Test public void equalsTest() { Tile tile1 = new Tile(TILE_X, TILE_Y, ZOOM_LEVEL); Tile tile2 = new Tile(TILE_X, TILE_Y, ZOOM_LEVEL); Tile tile3 = new Tile(TILE_X, TILE_X, ZOOM_LEVEL); TestUtils.equalsTest(tile1, tile2); Assert.assertFalse(tile1.equals(tile3)); Assert.assertFalse(tile3.equals(tile1)); Assert.assertFalse(tile1.equals(new Object())); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean traverse(final EnumSet<TraversalOption> options) { final Tile next = getNext(); if (next == null) { return false; } if (next.equals(getEnd())) { if (Calculations.distanceTo(next) <= 1 || end && (!Players.getLocal().isMoving() || Calculations.distanceTo(next) < 3)) { return false; } end = true; } else { end = false; } if (options != null && options.contains(TraversalOption.HANDLE_RUN) && !Walking.isRunEnabled() && Walking.getEnergy() > 50) { Walking.setRun(true); Task.sleep(300); } if (options != null && options.contains(TraversalOption.SPACE_ACTIONS)) { final Tile dest = Walking.getDestination(); if (dest != null && Players.getLocal().isMoving() && Calculations.distanceTo(dest) > 5 && Calculations.distanceBetween(next, dest) < 7) { return true; } } return Walking.walkTileMM(next, 0, 0); }
private void drawTile(GC gc, Rectangle bounds, Tile tile, boolean highlight) { if (tile == null || tile.equals(Tile.NONE)) return; gc.setClipping(bounds); int x = bounds.x; int y = bounds.y; int w = bounds.width; int h = bounds.height; int s = Math.min(w, h); int n = Math.max(s / 12, 1); int x1 = x; int x2 = x1 + n; int x3 = x + s - n; int x4 = x + s; int y1 = y; int y2 = y1 + n; int y3 = y + s - n; int y4 = y + s; int[] p1 = new int[] {x1, y1, x4, y1, x3, y2, x2, y2, x2, y3, x1, y4}; int[] p2 = new int[] {x4, y4, x1, y4, x2, y3, x3, y3, x3, y2, x4, y1}; gc.setBackground(tileFill); gc.fillRectangle(x, y, w, h); gc.setBackground(highlight ? tileLightHighlight : tileLight); gc.fillPolygon(p1); gc.setBackground(highlight ? tileDarkHighlight : tileDark); gc.fillPolygon(p2); if (tile.isWild()) { if (!bounds.contains(mousex, mousey)) { return; } } Font font = new Font(null, tileFont, s / 2 + 1, SWT.BOLD); String string = Character.toString(tile.getLetter()).toUpperCase(); gc.setFont(font); Point extent = gc.stringExtent(string); int sx = x + w / 2 - extent.x / 2 - n; // n * 2; //w / 2 - extent.x / 2 - s/8; int sy = y + h / 2 - extent.y / 2; gc.setForeground(textColor); gc.drawString(string, sx, sy, true); font.dispose(); font = new Font(null, tileFont, s / 5, SWT.BOLD); string = Integer.toString(game.getTileValues().getValue(tile)); gc.setFont(font); extent = gc.stringExtent(string); sx = x + w - n - extent.x - 1; sy = y + h - n - extent.y; gc.setForeground(textColor); gc.drawString(string, sx, sy, true); font.dispose(); }
public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; final RequestTask that = (RequestTask) o; // Don't include layer in comparison so that requests are shared among layers return !(tile != null ? !tile.equals(that.tile) : that.tile != null); }
@Override public final boolean equals(final Object obj) { if (obj != null && obj instanceof TilePointer) { final TilePointer tilePointer = (TilePointer) obj; return tile.equals(tilePointer.tile) && chargeIndex == tilePointer.chargeIndex; } else { return false; } }
private void doDrop(MouseEvent e) { DragSource drag = this.drag; this.drag = null; if (drag == null) { return; } while (tileRack.remove(Tile.NONE)) ; for (DragTarget target : dragTargets) { if (target.rectangle.contains(e.x, e.y)) { if (target.y == -1) { int x = target.x; Tile[] tiles = tileRack.getTiles(); if (x < tiles.length && !tiles[x].equals(Tile.NONE)) { tileRack.add(x, drag.tile); pushRack(); return; } } else { IBoard board = game.getBoard(); Tile current = board.getTile(target.y, target.x); if (current.equals(Tile.NONE)) { Point point = new Point(target.x, target.y); if (!placedTiles.containsKey(point)) { placedTiles.put(point, drag.tile); updateMoveString(); return; } } } } } // return to source if (drag.y == -1) { tileRack.add(drag.tile); pushRack(); } else { placedTiles.put(new Point(drag.x, drag.y), drag.tile); } }
// create move based on placed tiles private Move createMove() { if (game == null) return null; if (placedTiles.size() < 1) return null; Point[] points = new Point[placedTiles.size()]; placedTiles.keySet().toArray(points); IBoard board = game.getBoard(); boolean horizontal = true; boolean vertical = true; // vertical? for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { Point point = points[i]; if (point.x != points[i - 1].x) { vertical = false; break; } } // horizontal? for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { Point point = points[i]; if (point.y != points[i - 1].y) { horizontal = false; break; } } // scattered and invalid? if (!horizontal && !vertical) { return null; } // ambiguous? if (horizontal && vertical) { int x = points[0].x; int y = points[0].y; if (board.getTile(y, x - 1).equals(Tile.NONE) && board.getTile(y, x + 1).equals(Tile.NONE)) { horizontal = false; } if (board.getTile(y - 1, x).equals(Tile.NONE) && board.getTile(y + 1, x).equals(Tile.NONE)) { vertical = false; } // not adjacent to anything? if (!horizontal && !vertical) { return null; } // still ambiguous? if (horizontal && vertical) { // just pick one horizontal = false; } } Orientation orientation = vertical ? Orientation.VERTICAL : Orientation.HORIZONTAL; int dx = orientation.getDx(); int dy = orientation.getDy(); // find first placed tile int x = points[0].x; int y = points[0].y; for (int i = 1; i < points.length; i++) { Point point = points[i]; if (point.x < x) x = point.x; if (point.y < y) y = point.y; } // traverse on-board tiles backwards while (!board.getTile(y - dy, x - dx).equals(Tile.NONE)) { x -= dx; y -= dy; } int row = y; int column = x; // build word StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); while (true) { Point point = new Point(x, y); Tile tile = board.getTile(y, x); if (tile == null || tile.equals(Tile.NONE)) { tile = placedTiles.get(point); } if (tile == null || tile.equals(Tile.NONE)) { break; } b.append(tile); x += dx; y += dy; } Move move = new Move(); move.setColumn(column); move.setRow(row); move.setOrientation(orientation); move.setWord(Convert.toTiles(b.toString())); return move; }
private void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { if (game == null) return; if (game.getGameState() != GameState.IN_PROGRESS) return; char c = Character.toLowerCase(e.character); if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { // type letters on the board if (arrow != null) { IBoard board = game.getBoard(); if (arrow.x >= board.getWidth()) return; if (arrow.y >= board.getHeight()) return; Tile boardTile = game.getBoard().getTile(arrow.y, arrow.x); if (!boardTile.equals(Tile.NONE)) { if (c == boardTile.getLetter()) { arrow.advance(); redraw(); } return; } Tile tile = new Tile(c); boolean wild = false; if (!tileRack.contains(tile)) { tile = new Tile('?'); if (!tileRack.contains(tile)) { return; } wild = true; } tileRack.remove(tile); tile = new Tile(c, wild); placedTiles.put(new Point(arrow.x, arrow.y), tile); arrow.advance(); } updateMoveString(); redraw(); } else if (c == SWT.DEL || c == SWT.BS) { // backspace a typed character on the board if (placedTiles.size() > 0) { arrow.backup(); Point point = new Point(arrow.x, arrow.y); Tile tile = placedTiles.get(point); if (tile != null) { if (tile.isWild()) tile = new Tile('?'); tileRack.add(tile); placedTiles.remove(point); } else { arrow.advance(); } updateMoveString(); redraw(); } } else if (c == '1') { // toggle coordinates showCoordinates = !showCoordinates; redraw(); } else if (e.keyCode == SWT.ESC) { // clear typed characters resetInput(true); redraw(); } else if (e.keyCode == SWT.CR || e.keyCode == SWT.KEYPAD_CR) { // submit move on enter key done.run(); } else if (c == ' ') { getLocalTileRack().shuffle(); resetInput(true); redraw(); } }
private void drawTile(IBoard b, GC gc, int x, int y, int xo, int yo, int size) { gc.setClipping(xo, yo, size + 1, size + 1); Color c = background; if (b.getLetterMultiplier(y, x) == 2) c = doubleLetter; else if (b.getLetterMultiplier(y, x) == 3) c = tripleLetter; else if (b.getLetterMultiplier(y, x) == 4) c = quadLetter; else if (b.getWordMultiplier(y, x) == 2) c = doubleWord; else if (b.getWordMultiplier(y, x) == 3) c = tripleWord; else if (b.getWordMultiplier(y, x) == 4) c = quadWord; gc.setBackground(c); gc.fillRectangle(xo, yo, size, size); c = light; if (b.getLetterMultiplier(y, x) == 2) c = doubleLetterLight; else if (b.getLetterMultiplier(y, x) == 3) c = tripleLetterLight; else if (b.getLetterMultiplier(y, x) == 4) c = quadLetterLight; else if (b.getWordMultiplier(y, x) == 2) c = doubleWordLight; else if (b.getWordMultiplier(y, x) == 3) c = tripleWordLight; else if (b.getWordMultiplier(y, x) == 4) c = quadWordLight; gc.setForeground(c); gc.drawLine(xo, yo, xo + size, yo); gc.drawLine(xo, yo, xo, yo + size); gc.setForeground(dark); gc.drawLine(xo + size, yo + size, xo + size, yo); gc.drawLine(xo + size, yo + size, xo, yo + size); Tile tile = b.getTile(y, x); if (tile.equals(Tile.NONE)) { for (Iterator i = placedTiles.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) i.next(); Point point = (Point) entry.getKey(); if (point.x == x && point.y == y) { tile = (Tile) entry.getValue(); DragSource source = new DragSource(); source.rectangle = new Rectangle(xo, yo, size + 1, size + 1); source.x = x; source.y = y; source.tile = tile; dragSources.put(source.rectangle, source); } } } boolean highlight = false; IGameAction action = game.getLastAction(); if (action != null && action instanceof MoveAction) { MoveAction moveAction = (MoveAction) action; MoveResult result = moveAction.getMoveResult(); Tile[] tiles = result.getPreviousBoardState(); Move move = result.getMove(); Orientation orientation = move.getOrientation(); int dx = orientation.getDx(); int dy = orientation.getDy(); int mx = move.getColumn(); int my = move.getRow(); for (int i = 0; i < tiles.length; i++) { Tile t = tiles[i]; if (mx == x && my == y && t.equals(Tile.NONE)) { highlight = true; } mx += dx; my += dy; } } drawTile(gc, new Rectangle(xo, yo, size + 1, size + 1), tile, highlight); if (arrow != null && arrow.x == x && arrow.y == y) { drawArrow(gc, xo, yo, size); } }