  public int compareTo(TextChannel chan) {
    if (this == chan) return 0;

    if (this.getGuild() != chan.getGuild())
      throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          "Cannot compare TextChannels that aren't from the same guild!");

    if (this.getPositionRaw() != chan.getPositionRaw())
      return chan.getPositionRaw() - this.getPositionRaw();

    OffsetDateTime thisTime = MiscUtil.getCreationTime(this);
    OffsetDateTime chanTime = MiscUtil.getCreationTime(chan);

    // We compare the provided channel's time to this's time instead of the reverse as one would
    // expect due to how
    // discord deals with hierarchy. The more recent a channel was created, the lower its hierarchy
    // ranking when
    // it shares the same position as another channel.
    return chanTime.compareTo(thisTime);
 public boolean equals(Object o) {
   if (!(o instanceof TextChannel)) return false;
   TextChannel oTChannel = (TextChannel) o;
   return this == oTChannel || this.getId().equals(oTChannel.getId());