  public void exceptionHandlingRequiredFilesMissing() throws Exception {
    TakstParser takstParser = new TakstParser();
    File dir = FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("data/incomplete/"));

    try {
      fail("expected the parser to complain about missing file");
    } catch (ParserException e) {
      assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("lms28.txt")); // the missing file
  public void exceptionHandlingUnparsable() throws Exception {
    TakstParser takstParser = new TakstParser();
    File dir = FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getClassLoader().getResource("data/unparsable/"));

    try {
      fail("expected the parser to complain about missing file");
    } catch (ParserException e) {
      assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("8100009555S")); // the offending value
      assertTrue(e.getMessage().contains("Laegemiddel")); // the name of the entity involved