public EditModeTabs() { ButtonGroup bG = new ButtonGroup(); for (int i = 0; i < m_editPanes.length; i++) { TabButton addMe = new TabButton(m_editPanes[i].m_name); final int mode = m_editPanes[i].m_mode; addMe.addActionListener( new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { m_soul.m_editorManager.setMode(mode); } }); bG.add(addMe); this.add(addMe); } this.setOpaque(false); this.setLayout(new MigLayout("gap 0, inset 0")); }
/** 其他导航条按钮还原 */ public void otherNavBtnToNormal(Widget widget) { Control[] btns = winToolbar.getChildren(); for (Control btn : btns) { if (btn instanceof TabButton) { if (!btn.equals(widget)) { ((TabButton) btn).toNoraml(); } } } }
/** * Adds a tab. * * @param card the tab content. * @param name the tab name. */ public void addTab(final WComponent card, final String name) { WContainer titledCard = new WContainer(); WText title = new WText("<b>[" + name + "]:</b><br/>"); title.setEncodeText(false); titledCard.add(title); titledCard.add(card); deck.add(titledCard); final TabButton button = new TabButton(name, titledCard); button.setAction( new Action() { public void execute(final ActionEvent event) { deck.makeVisible(button.getAssociatedCard()); } }); btnPanel.add(button); }
void updateTabButton(int index, int selectedIndex, int buttonsCount) { if (buttonsCount == 1) { tabButton.setFocusable(false); tabButton.setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); setBackground(BACKGROUND_COLOR_NORMAL); setBorder( TabbedCaptionBorder.get( BORDER_COLOR_NORMAL, BORDER_COLOR_NORMAL, COLOR_NONE, COLOR_NONE)); } else if (index == selectedIndex) { tabButton.setFocusable(true); tabButton.setCursor(Cursor.getDefaultCursor()); setBackground(BACKGROUND_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); setBorder( TabbedCaptionBorder.get( BORDER_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT, BORDER_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT, COLOR_NONE, BORDER_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); } else { tabButton.setFocusable(true); tabButton.setCursor(Cursor.getPredefinedCursor(Cursor.HAND_CURSOR)); setBackground(BACKGROUND_COLOR_NORMAL); Color topColor = BORDER_COLOR_NORMAL; Color leftColor = index == 0 ? BORDER_COLOR_NORMAL : null; Color bottomColor = BORDER_COLOR_HIGHLIGHT; Color rightColor = index == selectedIndex - 1 ? null : index == buttonsCount - 1 ? COLOR_NONE : TABS_SEPARATOR; setBorder(TabbedCaptionBorder.get(topColor, leftColor, bottomColor, rightColor)); } }
public void setEnabled(boolean enabled) { super.setEnabled(enabled); tabButton.setEnabled(enabled); }
private Composite createWinToolBar(Composite composite) { Composite winToolbar = new Composite(composite, SWT.NONE); winToolbar.setLayoutData(new RowData(850, 88)); TabButton button1 = new TabButton(winToolbar, SWT.NONE, true, "/res/tab_button_SoftCenter.png", 3, null, this); button1.setBounds(20, 0, 74, 82); TabButton button2 = new TabButton(winToolbar, SWT.NONE, false, "/res/tab_button_AppCenter.png", 3, null, this); button2.setBounds(20 + 74 + 5, 0, 74, 82); TabButton button3 = new TabButton(winToolbar, SWT.NONE, false, "/res/tab_button_GameCenter.png", 3, null, this); button3.setBounds(20 + 74 * 2 + 5, 0, 74, 82); TabButton button4 = new TabButton(winToolbar, SWT.NONE, false, "/res/tab_button_Update.png", 3, null, this); button4.setBounds(20 + 74 * 3 + 5, 0, 74, 82); TabButton button5 = new TabButton(winToolbar, SWT.NONE, false, "/res/tab_button_Uninstall.png", 3, null, this); button5.setBounds(20 + 74 * 4 + 5, 0, 74, 82); TabButton button6 = new TabButton( winToolbar, SWT.NONE, false, "/res/tab_button_StartupAccelerate.png", 3, null, this); button6.setBounds(20 + 74 * 5 + 5, 0, 74, 82); TabButton button7 = new TabButton( winToolbar, SWT.NONE, false, "/res/tab_button_MobileEssential.png", 3, null, this); button7.setBounds(20 + 74 * 6 + 5, 0, 74, 82); Label logoLabel = new Label(winToolbar, SWT.NONE); logoLabel.setBounds(690, 5, 140, 67); logoLabel.setImage(SWTResourceManager.getImage(getClass(), "/res/logo.png")); return winToolbar; }