private static String toXml(Object objVo, ConsructionHeadVO consructionHeadVO) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String ENDL = "\n"; String TABLE = "\t"; String strVo = ""; String strHead = ""; strHead = TEST.headVoToXml(consructionHeadVO); // 构造XML sb.append(TABLE).append("<Root>").append(ENDL); // 报文头 sb.append(TABLE).append(strHead); // 数据区数据 sb.append(TABLE).append("<Body>").append(ENDL); // 数据区数据取得 strVo = TEST.VoToXml(objVo); sb.append(TABLE).append(strVo); sb.append(TABLE).append("</Body>").append(ENDL); sb.append(TABLE).append("</Root>").append(ENDL); return sb.toString(); }
private JSONObject makeJson() { response.setContentType("text/json"); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); String attributes[] = new String[] { TEST.toString(), PropertySEARCH, PropertyEDIT, PropertyPROPERTIES, PropertyVERSIONS, PropertyREFACTOR, PropertyWHERE_USED, PropertyRECENT_CHANGES, SUITE.toString(), PropertyPRUNE, PropertySECURE_READ, PropertySECURE_WRITE, PropertySECURE_TEST, PropertyFILES }; for (String attribute : attributes) addJsonAttribute(jsonObject, attribute); if (pageData.hasAttribute(PropertyHELP)) { jsonObject.put(PropertyHELP, pageData.getAttribute(PropertyHELP)); } if (pageData.hasAttribute(PropertySUITES)) { JSONArray tags = new JSONArray(); for (String tag : pageData.getAttribute(PropertySUITES).split(",")) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(tag)) { tags.put(tag.trim()); } } jsonObject.put(PropertySUITES, tags); } return jsonObject; }
/** Retrieves the currently active singleton instance of {@link ConfidentialStore}. */ public static @Nonnull ConfidentialStore get() { if (TEST != null) return TEST.get(); Jenkins j = Jenkins.getInstance(); if (j == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "cannot initialize confidential key store until Jenkins has started"); } Lookup lookup = j.lookup; ConfidentialStore cs = lookup.get(ConfidentialStore.class); if (cs == null) { try { List<ConfidentialStore> r = (List) Service.loadInstances( ConfidentialStore.class.getClassLoader(), ConfidentialStore.class); if (!r.isEmpty()) cs = r.get(0); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, "Failed to list up ConfidentialStore implementations", e); // fall through } if (cs == null) try { cs = new DefaultConfidentialStore(); } catch (Exception e) { // if it's still null, bail out throw new Error(e); } cs = lookup.setIfNull(ConfidentialStore.class, cs); } return cs; }
/** * 将RyJbxx转换为xml格式的字符串 * * @param head XML的头名字<head>..</head> * @return 返回XML字符串 * @throws Exception */ public static String toXml(String head, ConsructionHeadVO headVo, Consruction1104RequestVO rj) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Field[] field = rj.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); String ENDL = "\n"; String TABLE = "\t"; String name = ""; for (int i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { // 跳过表态属性 String mod = Modifier.toString(field[i].getModifiers()); if (mod.indexOf("static") != -1) { continue; } name = TEST.FirstStringToUpperCase(field[i].getName()); Method m = rj.getClass().getMethod("get" + name); String value = (String) m.invoke(rj); // 构造XML sb.append(TABLE) .append("<") .append(name) .append(">") .append(value) .append("</") .append(name) .append(">") .append(ENDL); } return "<" + head + ">" + sb.toString() + "</" + head + ">"; }
@Test public void testDefaultAttributesForSuitePageNames() throws Exception { WikiPage suitePage3 = WikiPageUtil.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("TestPageSuite")); PageData data = suitePage3.getData(); assertFalse(data.hasAttribute(TEST.toString())); assertTrue(data.hasAttribute(SUITE.toString())); }
@Test public void testThatTestAtEndOfNameSetsTestProperty() throws Exception { WikiPage testPage2 = WikiPageUtil.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("PageTest")); PageData data = testPage2.getData(); assertTrue(data.hasAttribute(TEST.toString())); assertFalse(data.hasAttribute(SUITE.toString())); }
@Test public void testThatSuiteAtBeginningOfNameSetsSuiteProperty() throws Exception { WikiPage suitePage1 = WikiPageUtil.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("SuitePage")); PageData data = suitePage1.getData(); assertFalse(data.hasAttribute(TEST.toString())); assertTrue(data.hasAttribute(SUITE.toString())); }
@Test public void testDefaultAttributesForNormalPageNames() throws Exception { WikiPage normalPage = WikiPageUtil.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("NormalPage")); PageData data = normalPage.getData(); assertTrue(data.hasAttribute(PropertyEDIT)); assertTrue(data.hasAttribute(PropertySEARCH)); assertTrue(data.hasAttribute(PropertyVERSIONS)); assertTrue(data.hasAttribute(PropertyFILES)); assertFalse(data.hasAttribute(TEST.toString())); assertFalse(data.hasAttribute(SUITE.toString())); }
public static PageType fromWikiPage(WikiPage page) { PageData data = page.getData(); if (data.hasAttribute(SUITE.toString())) { return SUITE; } if (data.hasAttribute(TEST.toString())) { return TEST; } return STATIC; }
/** * 将VO转换为xml格式的字符串 * * @return 返回XML字符串 * @throws Exception */ public static String headVoToXml(ConsructionHeadVO consructionHeadVO) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); String ENDL = "\n"; String TABLE = "\t"; String strVo = ""; strVo = TEST.VoToXml(consructionHeadVO); // 构造XML sb.append(TABLE).append("<head>").append(ENDL); sb.append(TABLE).append(strVo); sb.append(TABLE).append("</head>").append(ENDL); return sb.toString(); }
private JSONObject makeJson() { response.setContentType("text/json"); JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(); String attributes[] = new String[] { TEST.toString(), PropertySEARCH, PropertyEDIT, PropertyPROPERTIES, PropertyVERSIONS, PropertyREFACTOR, PropertyWHERE_USED, PropertyRECENT_CHANGES, SUITE.toString(), PropertyPRUNE, PropertySECURE_READ, PropertySECURE_WRITE, PropertySECURE_TEST }; for (String attribute : attributes) addJsonAttribute(jsonObject, attribute); return jsonObject; }
/** * 将VO转换为xml格式的字符串 * * @param strVo * @return 返回XML字符串 * @throws Exception */ public static String VoToXml(Object objVo) throws Exception { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); Field[] field = objVo.getClass().getDeclaredFields(); String ENDL = "\n"; String TABLE = "\t"; String name = ""; for (int i = 0; i < field.length; i++) { // 跳过表态属性 String mod = Modifier.toString(field[i].getModifiers()); if (mod.indexOf("static") != -1) { continue; } name = TEST.FirstStringToUpperCase(field[i].getName()); Method m = objVo.getClass().getMethod("get" + name); String value = (String) m.invoke(objVo); // 当value是null的时候,变成“” if (StringUtil.isBlank(value)) { value = ""; } // 构造XML sb.append(TABLE) .append("<") .append(name) .append(">") .append(value) .append("</") .append(name) .append(">") .append(ENDL); } return sb.toString(); }
@Test public void testThatExampleAtEndOfNameSetsTestProperty() throws Exception { WikiPage page = WikiPageUtil.addPage(root, PathParser.parse("PageExample")); PageData data = page.getData(); assertTrue(data.hasAttribute(TEST.toString())); }