  * Copies all styles from the parent style sheet.
  * @param parent the parent style sheet
 private void copyStyles(StyleSheet parent) {
   HashMap<String, Style> source = parent.stylesByName;
   HashMap<String, Style> target = this.stylesByName;
   Set<String> keys = source.keySet();
   for (Iterator<String> iter = keys.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
     String key = iter.next();
     Style original = source.get(key);
     Style existing = target.get(key);
     if (existing == null) {
       Style copy = new Style(original);
       target.put(key, copy);
     } else {
   * Adds a CSS block to this style sheet. A CSS block contains either a style or the colors, fonts,
   * borders or backgrounds areas.
   * @param cssBlock the block containing CSS declarations
  public void addCssBlock(CssBlock cssBlock) {
    this.isInitialised = false;
    String selector = cssBlock.getSelector().toLowerCase();
    String[] groupNames = cssBlock.getGroupNames();
    AttributesGroup[] groups = new AttributesGroup[groupNames.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
      groups[i] = cssBlock.getGroupDeclarations(groupNames[i]);
    Map<String, AttributesGroup> target = null;
    if ("colors".equals(selector)) {
      target = this.colors;
    } else if ("fonts".equals(selector)) {
      target = this.fonts;
    } else if ("backgrounds".equals(selector)) {
      target = this.backgrounds;
    } else if ("borders".equals(selector)) {
      target = this.borders;
    if (target != null) {
      for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
        String name = groupNames[i];
        AttributesGroup group = groups[i];
        AttributesGroup targetGroup = (AttributesGroup) target.get(name);
        if (targetGroup == null) {
          target.put(name, group);
        } else {
    } else { // this is a style:
      String parent = null;
      int extendsPos = selector.indexOf(" extends ");
      int colonPos = selector.indexOf(':');
      if (extendsPos != -1) {
        if (colonPos != -1) {
          throw new BuildException(
              "Invalid CSS: the CSS style \""
                  + selector
                  + "\" is a pseudo style that uses an extends clause. Please either use a pseudo style (:hover, etc) or use the extends clause. Pseudo styles inherit from their base styles automatically. Please adjust your polish.css design settings.");
        parent = selector.substring(extendsPos + 9).trim();
        if (parent.charAt(0) == '.') {
          parent = parent.substring(1);
        selector = selector.substring(0, extendsPos).trim();
        if ("default".equals(selector)) {
          throw new BuildException(
              "Invalid CSS code: The style [default] must not extend any other style.");
      // check for the "[parentStyleName]:hover" "[parentStyleName]:pressed" etc syntax:
      if (colonPos != -1) {
        // allow any number of levels of pseudo styles, e.g. myStyle:hover:visited:pressed
        String subName = null;
        Style parentStyle = null;
        while (colonPos != -1) {
          subName = selector.substring(colonPos + 1);
          int subNameColonIndex = subName.indexOf(':');
          if (subNameColonIndex != -1) {
            subName = subName.substring(0, subNameColonIndex).trim();
          parent = selector.substring(0, colonPos).trim();
          if (parent.charAt(0) == '.') {
            parent = parent.substring(1);

          parentStyle = getStyle(parent);
          if (parentStyle == null && this.mediaQueryCondition == null) {
            throw new BuildException(
                "Invalid CSS: the :"
                    + subName
                    + " CSS style \""
                    + selector
                    + "\" needs to follow AFTER the referenced style definition. Please adjust your polish.css design settings.");
          // found parent style, now set the implicit focused-style attribute:
          String newStyleName = subName;
          if (subName.equals("hover")) {
            newStyleName = "focused";

          selector =
              (selector.substring(0, colonPos).trim()
                      + newStyleName
                      + selector.substring(colonPos + subName.length() + 1).trim())
          subName = newStyleName;
          //					System.out.println("selector: " + selector );
          //					System.out.println( "subname: [" + subName + "]");
          colonPos = selector.indexOf(':');
        if (parentStyle != null) {
          AttributesGroup referenceMap = new AttributesGroup(parentStyle, subName, 1);
          referenceMap.put("style", parent + subName);
          parentStyle.addGroup(subName, referenceMap);
      boolean isDynamicStyle = false;
      // check if this style is dynamic:
      isDynamicStyle =
          (selector.indexOf(' ') != -1)
              || (selector.indexOf('\t') != -1)
              || (selector.indexOf('>') != -1)
              || (selector.indexOf('*') != -1);
      if (selector.charAt(0) == '.') {
        selector = selector.substring(1);
        if (PSEUDO_CLASSES.get(selector) != null) {
          throw new BuildException(
              "Invalid CSS code: The style [."
                  + selector
                  + "] uses a reserved name, please choose another one or remove the leading dot of the name.");
      } else {
        // this could be a DYNAMIC style:
        if (PSEUDO_CLASSES.get(selector) == null && selector.indexOf(':') == -1) {
          isDynamicStyle = true;
      if (isDynamicStyle) {
        this.containsDynamicStyles = true;
        // System.out.println("project uses dynamic style: [" + selector + "]");
      // check for reserved names of the style-selector:
      if (KEYWORDS.get(selector) != null) {
        throw new BuildException(
            "Invalid CSS code: The style-selector ["
                + selector
                + "] uses a reserved keyword, please choose another name.");
      if (selector.startsWith("@media ")) {
        addMediaQuery(selector.substring("@media ".length()).trim(), cssBlock);
      } else {
        // this is a traditional style:
        String styleName = StringUtil.replace(selector, '-', '_');
        if (isDynamicStyle) {
          selector = StringUtil.replace(selector, ".", "");
          selector = StringUtil.replace(selector, '\t', ' ');
          selector = StringUtil.replace(selector, " > ", ">");
          selector = StringUtil.replace(selector, " > ", ">");
          selector = StringUtil.replace(selector, " * ", "*");
          selector = StringUtil.replace(selector, "  ", " ");
          styleName = StringUtil.replace(selector, ' ', '_');
          styleName = StringUtil.replace(styleName, ">", "__");
          styleName = StringUtil.replace(styleName, "*", "___");

        // check style name for invalid characters:
        if ((styleName.indexOf('.') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('"') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('\'') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('*') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('+') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('-') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('/') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf(':') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('=') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('|') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('&') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('~') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('!') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('^') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('(') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf(')') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('%') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('?') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('#') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('$') != -1)
            || (styleName.indexOf('@') != -1)) {
          throw new BuildException(
              "Invalid CSS code: The style-selector ["
                  + selector
                  + "] contains invalid characters, please use only alpha-numeric characters for style-names.");

        Style style = (Style) this.stylesByName.get(styleName);
        if (style == null) {
          style = new Style(selector, styleName, isDynamicStyle, parent, cssBlock);
          // System.out.println("added new style [" + style.getStyleName() + "].");
          this.stylesByName.put(selector, style);
        } else {