/** Tests the vetoing capability */ public void testAcceptorVetoedConnectionListener() throws Exception { VetoedConnectionListener l = new VetoedConnectionListener(); acceptor.aaccept(handler); acceptor.addConnectionListener(l); Socket socket = new Socket("", 7000); // no need to read data as we're only checking connection event Thread.currentThread().sleep(500); IOUtil.closeSocket(socket); assertTrue(l.starting == true); assertTrue(l.established == false); assertTrue(l.closed == true); }
/** * Tears down the fixture, for example, close a network connection. This method is called after a * test is executed. */ protected void tearDown() throws Exception { // shutdown the socket acceptor.close(); // sleep for a short period so that there is time for the thread and socket // to close down Thread.currentThread().sleep(100); }
/** Tests the asynchronous accept to see if everything is working correctly */ public void testSocketAcceptorNormalAsync() throws Exception { acceptor.aaccept(handler); // now let's simulate a connect Socket socket = new Socket("", 7000); byte[] data = new byte[10]; int bytesRead = socket.getInputStream().read(data); if (bytesRead == -1) fail("Unable to read any bytes"); String result = new String(data, 0, bytesRead); assertEquals("Success", result); IOUtil.closeSocket(socket); }
public static void main(String[] args) { String specloc = System.getProperty("spec"); if (specloc == null) { System.out.print("No spec file given, quitting"); System.exit(0); } DateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss z"); java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date(); String startstamp = dateFormat.format(date); boolean firstrun = true; while (true) { System.out.println("Loading XML Spec file: " + specloc); // BufferedWriter out = null; SocketAcceptor acceptor = null; SocketAcceptor statusacceptor = null; Vector<MonitorThread> monitorlist = new Vector<MonitorThread>(); try { DocumentBuilderFactory docBuilderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); DocumentBuilder docBuilder = docBuilderFactory.newDocumentBuilder(); Document doc = docBuilder.parse(new File(specloc)); doc.getDocumentElement().normalize(); String heartbeatportString = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("heartbeatport"); String statusportString = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("statusport"); String logfiledir = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("logfiledir"); String masterlabel = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("label"); String nodeid = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("id"); String smtphost = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("smtphost"); String l1mailto = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("l1mailto"); String l2mailto = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("l2mailto"); String l2threshold = doc.getDocumentElement().getAttribute("l2threshold"); if (heartbeatportString == null || heartbeatportString.equals("")) { System.out.println("No heartbeat specified in spec, quitting"); System.exit(0); } if (statusportString == null || statusportString.equals("")) { System.out.println("No status port specified in spec, quitting"); System.exit(0); } if (logfiledir == null || logfiledir.equals("")) { System.out.println("No logfile directory location specified in spec, quitting"); System.exit(0); } int heartbeatport = Integer.valueOf(heartbeatportString).intValue(); System.out.println("This Monitor is using port " + heartbeatport + " for heartbeat"); int statusport = Integer.valueOf(statusportString).intValue(); System.out.println("This Monitor is using port " + statusport + " for status updates"); System.out.println("Logging to directory " + logfiledir); Log log = new Log(logfiledir); log.nodelabel = masterlabel; log.setMailer(smtphost, l1mailto, l2mailto, convertStringToInt(l2threshold)); if (firstrun) { firstrun = false; log.logit("Monitor Node Started", "start", null); } log.logit("Logging started", "", null); ThreadPing threadping = new ThreadPing(log, false); Thread pinger = new Thread(threadping); threadping.thisThread = pinger; pinger.start(); log.pinger = threadping; // ShutdownHook hook = new ShutdownHook(out); // Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(hook); // Starting Heartbeat server acceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor(); acceptor.getSessionConfig().setReuseAddress(true); acceptor.getSessionConfig().setTcpNoDelay(true); acceptor.setReuseAddress(true); // acceptor.getFilterChain().addLast("logger", new LoggingFilter()); acceptor .getFilterChain() .addLast( "codec", new ProtocolCodecFilter(new TextLineCodecFactory(Charset.forName("UTF-8")))); acceptor.setReuseAddress(true); // acceptor.setCloseOnDeactivation(true); acceptor.getSessionConfig().setTcpNoDelay(true); acceptor.setDefaultLocalAddress(new InetSocketAddress(heartbeatport)); Vector<IoSession> sessionlist = new Vector<IoSession>(); acceptor.setHandler(new HeartBeatHandler(sessionlist)); acceptor.bind(); // Starting Path Monitoring NodeList listOfServers = doc.getElementsByTagName("check"); int totalServers = listOfServers.getLength(); System.out.println("Total # of checks: " + totalServers); // Vector<PingMonitorThread> pinglist = new Vector<PingMonitorThread>(); // Vector<PortMonitorThread> portlist = new Vector<PortMonitorThread>(); // Vector<HeartbeatMonitorThread> heartbeatlist = new Vector<HeartbeatMonitorThread>(); System.out.println(); for (int i = 0; i < totalServers; i++) { Node serverNode = listOfServers.item(i); Element serverNodeElement = (Element) serverNode; String checklabel = serverNodeElement.getAttribute("label"); String host = serverNodeElement .getElementsByTagName("host") .item(0) .getChildNodes() .item(0) .getNodeValue(); String checktype = serverNodeElement .getElementsByTagName("checktype") .item(0) .getChildNodes() .item(0) .getNodeValue(); boolean enabled = true; if (serverNodeElement.getElementsByTagName("enabled").item(0) != null && serverNodeElement .getElementsByTagName("enabled") .item(0) .getChildNodes() .item(0) .getNodeValue() .toLowerCase() .equals("false")) { enabled = false; } String successrateString = serverNodeElement .getElementsByTagName("successrate") .item(0) .getChildNodes() .item(0) .getNodeValue(); String retryrateString = serverNodeElement .getElementsByTagName("retryrate") .item(0) .getChildNodes() .item(0) .getNodeValue(); // String l2thresholdoverride = // serverNodeElement.getElementsByTagName("l2threshold").item(0).getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue(); String l2thresholdoverride = getElementValue("l2threshold", serverNodeElement); // String l1mailtoadd = // serverNodeElement.getElementsByTagName("l1mailto").item(0).getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue(); String l1mailtoadd = getElementValue("l1mailto", serverNodeElement); // String l2mailtoadd = // serverNodeElement.getElementsByTagName("l2mailto").item(0).getChildNodes().item(0).getNodeValue(); String l2mailtoadd = getElementValue("l2mailto", serverNodeElement); int l2thresholdoverrideint = convertStringToInt(l2thresholdoverride); String[] l1mailtoaddarray = new String[0]; String[] l2mailtoaddarray = new String[0]; if (!l1mailtoadd.equals("")) { l1mailtoaddarray = l1mailtoadd.split(","); } if (!l2mailtoadd.equals("")) { l2mailtoaddarray = l2mailtoadd.split(","); } // System.out.println(l1mailtoaddarray.length + "-" + l2mailtoaddarray.length); int successrate = 30; int retryrate = 30; if (host == null || host.equals("")) { System.out.println("No Host, skipping this path"); enabled = false; } if (successrateString == null || successrateString.equals("")) { System.out.println( "No Success Rate defined, using default (" + successrate + " seconds)"); } else { successrate = Integer.valueOf(successrateString).intValue(); } if (retryrateString == null || retryrateString.equals("")) { System.out.println("No retry rate defined, using default (" + retryrate + " seconds)"); } else { retryrate = Integer.valueOf(retryrateString).intValue(); } System.out.println(checklabel); if (checktype.equals("heartbeat")) { String portString = serverNodeElement .getElementsByTagName("port") .item(0) .getChildNodes() .item(0) .getNodeValue(); if (portString == null || portString.equals("")) { System.out.println("No Heartbeat, skipping this path"); } else { int heartbeat = Integer.valueOf(portString).intValue(); System.out.println("Starting Heartbeat Check:"); System.out.println("Host: " + host); System.out.println("Port: " + heartbeat); System.out.println(); HeartbeatMonitorThread m = new HeartbeatMonitorThread( host, heartbeat, log, successrate, retryrate, checklabel); m.setAlertOverride(l2thresholdoverrideint, l1mailtoaddarray, l2mailtoaddarray); Thread t = new Thread(m); m.thisthread = t; if (enabled) { t.start(); log.logit( "Starting Heartbeat Check - " + host + ":" + heartbeat, "enable-" + successrate + "-" + retryrate, m.getStatus()); } else { log.logit( "Heartbeat Check - " + host + ":" + heartbeat + " Disabled on start", "disable", m.getStatus()); } monitorlist.add(m); } } else if (checktype.equals("ping")) { System.out.println("Starting Ping Check:"); System.out.println("Host: " + host); System.out.println(); PingMonitorThread m = new PingMonitorThread(host, log, successrate, retryrate, checklabel); m.setAlertOverride(l2thresholdoverrideint, l1mailtoaddarray, l2mailtoaddarray); Thread t = new Thread(m); m.thisthread = t; if (enabled) { t.start(); log.logit( "Starting Ping Check - " + host, "enable-" + successrate + "-" + retryrate, m.getStatus()); } else { log.logit("Ping Check - " + host + " Disabled on start", "disable", m.getStatus()); } monitorlist.add(m); } else if (checktype.equals("port")) { String portString = serverNodeElement .getElementsByTagName("port") .item(0) .getChildNodes() .item(0) .getNodeValue(); if (portString == null || portString.equals("")) { System.out.println("No Port Given, skipping"); } else { int heartbeat = Integer.valueOf(portString).intValue(); System.out.println("Starting Port Check:"); System.out.println("Host: " + host); System.out.println("Port: " + heartbeat); System.out.println(); PortMonitorThread m = new PortMonitorThread(host, heartbeat, log, successrate, retryrate, checklabel); m.setAlertOverride(l2thresholdoverrideint, l1mailtoaddarray, l2mailtoaddarray); Thread t = new Thread(m); m.thisthread = t; if (enabled) { t.start(); log.logit( "Starting Port Check - " + host + ":" + heartbeat, "enable-" + successrate + "-" + retryrate, m.getStatus()); } else { log.logit( "Port Check - " + host + ":" + heartbeat + " Disabled on start", "disable", m.getStatus()); } monitorlist.add(m); } } } statusacceptor = new NioSocketAcceptor(); statusacceptor.setReuseAddress(true); // statusacceptor.getFilterChain().addLast("logger", new LoggingFilter()); statusacceptor.getSessionConfig().setTcpNoDelay(true); statusacceptor.getSessionConfig().setKeepAlive(true); statusacceptor.getSessionConfig().setBothIdleTime(5); statusacceptor.getSessionConfig().setReaderIdleTime(5); statusacceptor.getSessionConfig().setWriteTimeout(5); // statusacceptor.setReuseAddress(true); statusacceptor.setCloseOnDeactivation(true); statusacceptor.setDefaultLocalAddress(new InetSocketAddress(statusport)); statusacceptor.setHandler( new StatusHttpProtocolHandler( monitorlist, acceptor, statusacceptor, log, masterlabel, nodeid, sessionlist, startstamp)); statusacceptor.bind(); System.out.println("Status Listener activated..."); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); try { // out.flush(); // out.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { } try { Thread.sleep(30000); } catch (Exception e3) { } } for (int x = 0; x < monitorlist.size(); x++) { if (monitorlist.get(x).getThisThread() != null) { try { monitorlist.get(x).getThisThread().join(); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (acceptor != null) { while (acceptor.isActive() || !acceptor.isDisposed()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } } } if (statusacceptor != null) { while (statusacceptor.isActive() || !statusacceptor.isDisposed()) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e) { } } } System.out.println("Main thread has reached end, reloading..."); /* try { Thread.sleep(9999999); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } */ } }