/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.dev.SnapshotManagerInternal#shutdown() */ @Override public void shutdown() throws BabuDBException { for (Map<String, Snapshot> snapshots : snapshotDBs.values()) for (Snapshot snapshot : snapshots.values()) snapshot.shutdown(); Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.babudb, this, "snapshot manager shut down successfully"); }
@Test public void calculatesAStdDevOfZeroForAnEmptySnapshot() throws Exception { final Snapshot emptySnapshot = new WeightedSnapshot(WeightedArray(new long[] {}, new double[] {})); assertThat(emptySnapshot.getStdDev()).isZero(); }
@Test public void calculatesAStdDevOfZeroForASingletonSnapshot() throws Exception { final Snapshot singleItemSnapshot = new WeightedSnapshot(WeightedArray(new long[] {1}, new double[] {1.0})); assertThat(singleItemSnapshot.getStdDev()).isZero(); }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Snapshot getSnapshot(MesquiteFile file) { Snapshot temp = new Snapshot(); temp.addLine( "setColor " + ColorDistribution.getStandardColorName( ColorDistribution.getStandardColor((int) currentColor))); temp.addLine("removeColor " + removeColor.toOffOnString()); return temp; }
@Test public void canExtractSnapshotFromEntityManager() throws SQLException, DatabaseUnitException, IOException { createEntityManager(); populateDataBase("backup.dbunit.xml"); Snapshot snapshot = Snapshot.create(); assertNotNull(snapshot.getCaptureDate()); System.out.println(snapshot); }
@Test public void canValidateBackUp() { Snapshot backUp = Fixture.createSnapshot(); assertValid(backUp); // make member first name invalid. backUp.getMembers().get(3).setFirstName(""); assertInvalid(backUp, "members[3].firstName"); }
@Test public void worksWithOverestimatedCollections() throws Exception { final List<WeightedSample> items = spy(WeightedArray(new long[] {5, 1, 2, 3, 4}, new double[] {1, 2, 3, 2, 2})); when(items.size()).thenReturn(6, 5); final Snapshot other = new WeightedSnapshot(items); assertThat(other.getValues()).containsOnly(1, 2, 3, 4, 5); }
@Test public void canPopulateEntityManagerFromSnapshot() throws Exception { EntityManager manager = createEntityManager(); Snapshot source = Fixture.createSnapshot(); manager.getTransaction().begin(); source.persistTo(manager); manager.flush(); manager.getTransaction().commit(); assertDataAsExpected("backup.dbunit.xml"); }
@Test public void expectNoOverflowForLowWeights() throws Exception { final Snapshot scatteredSnapshot = new WeightedSnapshot( WeightedArray( new long[] {1, 2, 3}, new double[] {Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MIN_VALUE, Double.MIN_VALUE})); assertThat(scatteredSnapshot.getMean()).isEqualTo(2); }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Snapshot getSnapshot(MesquiteFile file) { Snapshot temp = new Snapshot(); temp.addLine("setRunningFilePath " + ParseUtil.tokenize(runningFilePath)); if (outputFilePaths != null) { String files = " "; for (int i = 0; i < outputFilePaths.length; i++) { files += " " + ParseUtil.tokenize(outputFilePaths[i]); } temp.addLine("setOutputFilePaths " + files); } return temp; }
// // Handle a HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP // Return number of bytes read // private int readInstance() throws IOException { long start = in.position(); long id = readID(); StackTrace stackTrace = getStackTraceFromSerial(in.readInt()); long classID = readID(); int bytesFollowing = in.readInt(); int bytesRead = (2 * identifierSize) + 8 + bytesFollowing; JavaObject jobj = new JavaObject(classID, start); skipBytes(bytesFollowing); snapshot.addHeapObject(id, jobj); snapshot.setSiteTrace(jobj, stackTrace); return bytesRead; }
@Test public void testToStringTest() throws Exception { Snapshot snap = new Snapshot(field, 'b', 2, '0'); String exp1 = "{\'status\':\'snapshot\',\'next\':\'0\',\'color\':\'b\',\'field\':[[\'black\', " + "\'nothing\'], [\'black\', \'white\']],\'king\':[[\'true\', \'false\'], [\'false\', \'true\']]}"; Assert.assertEquals(snap.toStringTest(), exp1); snap = new Snapshot(field, 'w', 2, '0'); String exp2 = "{\'status\':\'snapshot\',\'next\':\'0\',\'color\':\'w\',\'field\':[[\'black\', " + "\'nothing\'], [\'black\', \'white\']],\'king\':[[\'true\', \'false\'], [\'false\', \'true\']]}"; Assert.assertEquals(snap.toStringTest(), exp2); }
@Test public void testToString() throws Exception { Snapshot snap = new Snapshot(field, 'b', 2, '0'); String exp1 = "{\"status\":\"snapshot\",\"next\":\"0\",\"color\":\"b\",\"field\":[[\"black\", " + "\"nothing\"], [\"black\", \"white\"]],\"king\":[[\"true\", \"false\"], [\"false\", \"true\"]]}"; Assert.assertEquals(snap.toString(), exp1); snap = new Snapshot(field, 'w', 2, '0'); String exp2 = "{\"status\":\"snapshot\",\"next\":\"0\",\"color\":\"w\",\"field\":[[\"black\", " + "\"nothing\"], [\"black\", \"white\"]],\"king\":[[\"true\", \"false\"], [\"false\", \"true\"]]}"; Assert.assertEquals(snap.toString(), exp2); }
private int getNumPorts(NodeProtoId nodeProtoId) { if (nodeProtoId instanceof CellId) { return snapshot.getCell((CellId) nodeProtoId).cellRevision.exports.size(); } else { return techPool.getPrimitiveNode((PrimitiveNodeId) nodeProtoId).getNumPorts(); } }
private PortProtoId getPortIdByIndex(NodeProtoId nodeProtoId, int portIndex) { if (nodeProtoId instanceof CellId) { return snapshot.getCell((CellId) nodeProtoId).cellRevision.exports.get(portIndex).exportId; } else { return techPool.getPrimitiveNode((PrimitiveNodeId) nodeProtoId).getPort(portIndex).getId(); } }
@Test public void dumpsToAStream() throws Exception { final ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); snapshot.dump(output); assertThat(output.toString()).isEqualTo(String.format("1%n2%n3%n4%n5%n")); }
private void handleEOF(EOFException exp, Snapshot snapshot) { if (debugLevel > 0) { exp.printStackTrace(); } warn("Unexpected EOF. Will miss information..."); // we have EOF, we have to tolerate missing references snapshot.setUnresolvedObjectsOK(true); }
@Test public void usage() throws Exception { dir = testDir("usage"); File headFile = new File(dir, "HEAD"); File pagesDir = new File(dir, "pages"); IndexCodec indexCodec = mock(IndexCodec.class); Codec<Entry<Key, Integer>> entryCodec = mock(Codec.class); Snapshot<Integer> snapshot = new Snapshot<Integer>(dir, indexCodec, entryCodec); snapshot.updateAndCleanUp(); String snapshotFileName = Files.readFirstLine(headFile, Charset.defaultCharset()); assertThat(snapshotFileName, is(not("null.s"))); assertThat(new File(pagesDir, snapshotFileName).exists(), is(true)); assertThat(new File(pagesDir, "null.s").exists(), is(false)); }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.xtreemfs.babudb.api.dev.SnapshotManagerInternal#snapshotComplete(java.lang.String, * org.xtreemfs.babudb.snapshots.SnapshotConfig) */ @Override public void snapshotComplete(String dbName, SnapshotConfig snap) throws BabuDBException { // as soon as the snapshot has been completed, replace the entry in the // snapshot DB map with a disk index-based BabuDB instance if necessary synchronized (snapshotDBs) { DatabaseInternal db = dbs.getDatabaseManager().getDatabase(dbName); boolean compressed = db.getLSMDB().getIndex(0).isCompressed(); boolean mmaped = db.getLSMDB().getIndex(0).isMMapEnabled(); Snapshot s = snapshotDBs.get(dbName).get(snap.getName()); s.setView( new DiskIndexView( getSnapshotDir(dbName, snap.getName()), dbs.getDatabaseManager().getDatabase(dbName).getComparators(), compressed, mmaped)); } }
public CreateVolumeResponseType CreateVolume(final CreateVolumeType request) throws EucalyptusCloudException, AuthException { Context ctx = Contexts.lookup(); Long volSize = request.getSize() != null ? Long.parseLong(request.getSize()) : null; final String snapId = request.getSnapshotId(); String partition = request.getAvailabilityZone(); if ((request.getSnapshotId() == null && request.getSize() == null)) { throw new EucalyptusCloudException("One of size or snapshotId is required as a parameter."); } if (snapId != null) { try { Transactions.find(Snapshot.named(null, snapId)); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { throw new EucalyptusCloudException( "Failed to create volume because the referenced snapshot id is invalid: " + snapId); } } final Integer newSize = new Integer(request.getSize() != null ? request.getSize() : "-1"); Exception lastEx = null; for (int i = 0; i < VOL_CREATE_RETRIES; i++) { try { final ServiceConfiguration sc = Topology.lookup(Storage.class, Partitions.lookupByName(partition)); final UserFullName owner = ctx.getUserFullName(); Function<Long, Volume> allocator = new Function<Long, Volume>() { @Override public Volume apply(Long size) { try { return Volumes.createStorageVolume( sc, owner, snapId, Ints.checkedCast(size), request); } catch (ExecutionException ex) { throw Exceptions.toUndeclared(ex); } } }; Volume newVol = RestrictedTypes.allocateMeasurableResource(newSize.longValue(), allocator); CreateVolumeResponseType reply = request.getReply(); reply.setVolume(newVol.morph(new edu.ucsb.eucalyptus.msgs.Volume())); return reply; } catch (RuntimeException ex) { LOG.error(ex, ex); if (!(ex.getCause() instanceof ExecutionException)) { throw ex; } else { lastEx = ex; } } } throw new EucalyptusCloudException( "Failed to create volume after " + VOL_CREATE_RETRIES + " because of: " + lastEx, lastEx); }
private int getPortIndex(PortProtoId portId) { if (portId instanceof ExportId) { ExportId exportId = (ExportId) portId; return snapshot .getCell(exportId.getParentId()) .cellRevision .getExportIndexByExportId(exportId); } else { return techPool.getPrimitivePort((PrimitivePortId) portId).getPortIndex(); } }
/** * Method to tell whether this NodeInst is an icon of its parent. Electric does not allow * recursive circuit hierarchies (instances of Cells inside of themselves). However, it does allow * one exception: a schematic may contain its own icon for documentation purposes. This method * determines whether this NodeInst is such an icon. * * @return true if this NodeInst is an icon of its parent. */ private boolean isIconOfParent(ImmutableNodeInst n) { if (!(n.protoId instanceof CellId)) { return false; } CellBackup subCell = snapshot.getCell((CellId) n.protoId); CellId subCellId = subCell.cellRevision.d.cellId; return subCellId.isIcon() && cellId.isSchematic() && subCellId.libId == cellId.libId && subCell.cellRevision.d.groupName.equals(cellRevision.d.groupName); }
private Response getResponse(MissionInfo info) { QueryResponse response = new QueryResponse(); Snapshot snapshot = info.getSnapshot(); response.setTime(snapshot.getTimestamp()); response.setVersion(snapshot.getVersion()); response.setMinVersion(snapshot.getMinVersion()); response.setMaxVersion(snapshot.getMaxVersion()); Report report = snapshot.getReport(); response.setRunning(info.getState().equals(LAUNCHED)); response.setReport(Arrays.asList(report.getAllMetrics())); return response; }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Snapshot getSnapshot(MesquiteFile file) { Snapshot temp = new Snapshot(); temp.addLine("getTreeFiller ", fillerTask); if (enableNumTreesChoice()) temp.addLine("setNumberTrees " + numTrees); return temp; }
@Override public int compareTo(Snapshot o) { return Long.compare(id, o.id()); }
@Override public void close() { snapshot.closeWriter(this); buffer.close(); }
public Snapshot read() throws IOException { currPos = 4; // 4 because of the magic number version = readVersionHeader(); identifierSize = in.readInt(); snapshot.setIdentifierSize(identifierSize); if (version >= VERSION_JDK12BETA4) { snapshot.setNewStyleArrayClass(true); } else { snapshot.setNewStyleArrayClass(false); } currPos += 4; if (identifierSize != 4 && identifierSize != 8) { throw new IOException( "I'm sorry, but I can't deal with an identifier size of " + identifierSize + ". I can only deal with 4 or 8."); } System.out.println("Dump file created " + (new Date(in.readLong()))); currPos += 8; for (; ; ) { int type; try { type = in.readUnsignedByte(); } catch (EOFException ignored) { break; } in.readInt(); // Timestamp of this record // Length of record: readInt() will return negative value for record // length >2GB. so store 32bit value in long to keep it unsigned. long length = in.readInt() & 0xffffffffL; if (debugLevel > 0) { System.out.println( "Read record type " + type + ", length " + length + " at position " + toHex(currPos)); } if (length < 0) { throw new IOException( "Bad record length of " + length + " at byte " + toHex(currPos + 5) + " of file."); } currPos += 9 + length; switch (type) { case HPROF_UTF8: { long id = readID(); byte[] chars = new byte[(int) length - identifierSize]; in.readFully(chars); names.put(new Long(id), new String(chars)); break; } case HPROF_LOAD_CLASS: { int serialNo = in.readInt(); // Not used long classID = readID(); int stackTraceSerialNo = in.readInt(); long classNameID = readID(); Long classIdI = new Long(classID); String nm = getNameFromID(classNameID).replace('/', '.'); classNameFromObjectID.put(classIdI, nm); if (classNameFromSerialNo != null) { classNameFromSerialNo.put(new Integer(serialNo), nm); } break; } case HPROF_HEAP_DUMP: { if (dumpsToSkip <= 0) { try { readHeapDump(length, currPos); } catch (EOFException exp) { handleEOF(exp, snapshot); } if (debugLevel > 0) { System.out.println(" Finished processing instances in heap dump."); } return snapshot; } else { dumpsToSkip--; skipBytes(length); } break; } case HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_END: { if (version >= VERSION_JDK6) { if (dumpsToSkip <= 0) { skipBytes(length); // should be no-op return snapshot; } else { // skip this dump (of the end record for a sequence of dump segments) dumpsToSkip--; } } else { // HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_END only recognized in >= 1.0.2 warn("Ignoring unrecognized record type " + type); } skipBytes(length); // should be no-op break; } case HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_SEGMENT: { if (version >= VERSION_JDK6) { if (dumpsToSkip <= 0) { try { // read the dump segment readHeapDump(length, currPos); } catch (EOFException exp) { handleEOF(exp, snapshot); } } else { // all segments comprising the heap dump will be skipped skipBytes(length); } } else { // HPROF_HEAP_DUMP_SEGMENT only recognized in >= 1.0.2 warn("Ignoring unrecognized record type " + type); skipBytes(length); } break; } case HPROF_FRAME: { if (stackFrames == null) { skipBytes(length); } else { long id = readID(); String methodName = getNameFromID(readID()); String methodSig = getNameFromID(readID()); String sourceFile = getNameFromID(readID()); int classSer = in.readInt(); String className = classNameFromSerialNo.get(new Integer(classSer)); int lineNumber = in.readInt(); if (lineNumber < StackFrame.LINE_NUMBER_NATIVE) { warn("Weird stack frame line number: " + lineNumber); lineNumber = StackFrame.LINE_NUMBER_UNKNOWN; } stackFrames.put( new Long(id), new StackFrame(methodName, methodSig, className, sourceFile, lineNumber)); } break; } case HPROF_TRACE: { if (stackTraces == null) { skipBytes(length); } else { int serialNo = in.readInt(); int threadSeq = in.readInt(); // Not used StackFrame[] frames = new StackFrame[in.readInt()]; for (int i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) { long fid = readID(); frames[i] = stackFrames.get(new Long(fid)); if (frames[i] == null) { throw new IOException("Stack frame " + toHex(fid) + " not found"); } } stackTraces.put(new Integer(serialNo), new StackTrace(frames)); } break; } case HPROF_UNLOAD_CLASS: case HPROF_ALLOC_SITES: case HPROF_START_THREAD: case HPROF_END_THREAD: case HPROF_HEAP_SUMMARY: case HPROF_CPU_SAMPLES: case HPROF_CONTROL_SETTINGS: case HPROF_LOCKSTATS_WAIT_TIME: case HPROF_LOCKSTATS_HOLD_TIME: { // Ignore these record types skipBytes(length); break; } default: { skipBytes(length); warn("Ignoring unrecognized record type " + type); } } } return snapshot; }
private void readHeapDump(long bytesLeft, long posAtEnd) throws IOException { while (bytesLeft > 0) { int type = in.readUnsignedByte(); if (debugLevel > 0) { System.out.println( " Read heap sub-record type " + type + " at position " + toHex(posAtEnd - bytesLeft)); } bytesLeft--; switch (type) { case HPROF_GC_ROOT_UNKNOWN: { long id = readID(); bytesLeft -= identifierSize; snapshot.addRoot(new Root(id, 0, Root.UNKNOWN, "")); break; } case HPROF_GC_ROOT_THREAD_OBJ: { long id = readID(); int threadSeq = in.readInt(); int stackSeq = in.readInt(); bytesLeft -= identifierSize + 8; threadObjects.put(new Integer(threadSeq), new ThreadObject(id, stackSeq)); break; } case HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_GLOBAL: { long id = readID(); long globalRefId = readID(); // Ignored, for now bytesLeft -= 2 * identifierSize; snapshot.addRoot(new Root(id, 0, Root.NATIVE_STATIC, "")); break; } case HPROF_GC_ROOT_JNI_LOCAL: { long id = readID(); int threadSeq = in.readInt(); int depth = in.readInt(); bytesLeft -= identifierSize + 8; ThreadObject to = getThreadObjectFromSequence(threadSeq); StackTrace st = getStackTraceFromSerial(to.stackSeq); if (st != null) { st = st.traceForDepth(depth + 1); } snapshot.addRoot(new Root(id, to.threadId, Root.NATIVE_LOCAL, "", st)); break; } case HPROF_GC_ROOT_JAVA_FRAME: { long id = readID(); int threadSeq = in.readInt(); int depth = in.readInt(); bytesLeft -= identifierSize + 8; ThreadObject to = getThreadObjectFromSequence(threadSeq); StackTrace st = getStackTraceFromSerial(to.stackSeq); if (st != null) { st = st.traceForDepth(depth + 1); } snapshot.addRoot(new Root(id, to.threadId, Root.JAVA_LOCAL, "", st)); break; } case HPROF_GC_ROOT_NATIVE_STACK: { long id = readID(); int threadSeq = in.readInt(); bytesLeft -= identifierSize + 4; ThreadObject to = getThreadObjectFromSequence(threadSeq); StackTrace st = getStackTraceFromSerial(to.stackSeq); snapshot.addRoot(new Root(id, to.threadId, Root.NATIVE_STACK, "", st)); break; } case HPROF_GC_ROOT_STICKY_CLASS: { long id = readID(); bytesLeft -= identifierSize; snapshot.addRoot(new Root(id, 0, Root.SYSTEM_CLASS, "")); break; } case HPROF_GC_ROOT_THREAD_BLOCK: { long id = readID(); int threadSeq = in.readInt(); bytesLeft -= identifierSize + 4; ThreadObject to = getThreadObjectFromSequence(threadSeq); StackTrace st = getStackTraceFromSerial(to.stackSeq); snapshot.addRoot(new Root(id, to.threadId, Root.THREAD_BLOCK, "", st)); break; } case HPROF_GC_ROOT_MONITOR_USED: { long id = readID(); bytesLeft -= identifierSize; snapshot.addRoot(new Root(id, 0, Root.BUSY_MONITOR, "")); break; } case HPROF_GC_CLASS_DUMP: { int bytesRead = readClass(); bytesLeft -= bytesRead; break; } case HPROF_GC_INSTANCE_DUMP: { int bytesRead = readInstance(); bytesLeft -= bytesRead; break; } case HPROF_GC_OBJ_ARRAY_DUMP: { int bytesRead = readArray(false); bytesLeft -= bytesRead; break; } case HPROF_GC_PRIM_ARRAY_DUMP: { int bytesRead = readArray(true); bytesLeft -= bytesRead; break; } default: { throw new IOException("Unrecognized heap dump sub-record type: " + type); } } } if (bytesLeft != 0) { warn( "Error reading heap dump or heap dump segment: Byte count is " + bytesLeft + " instead of 0"); skipBytes(bytesLeft); } if (debugLevel > 0) { System.out.println(" Finished heap sub-records."); } }
// // Handle a HPROF_GC_OBJ_ARRAY_DUMP or HPROF_GC_PRIM_ARRAY_DUMP // Return number of bytes read // private int readArray(boolean isPrimitive) throws IOException { long start = in.position(); long id = readID(); StackTrace stackTrace = getStackTraceFromSerial(in.readInt()); int num = in.readInt(); int bytesRead = identifierSize + 8; long elementClassID; if (isPrimitive) { elementClassID = in.readByte(); bytesRead++; } else { elementClassID = readID(); bytesRead += identifierSize; } // Check for primitive arrays: byte primitiveSignature = 0x00; int elSize = 0; if (isPrimitive || version < VERSION_JDK12BETA4) { switch ((int) elementClassID) { case T_BOOLEAN: { primitiveSignature = (byte) 'Z'; elSize = 1; break; } case T_CHAR: { primitiveSignature = (byte) 'C'; elSize = 2; break; } case T_FLOAT: { primitiveSignature = (byte) 'F'; elSize = 4; break; } case T_DOUBLE: { primitiveSignature = (byte) 'D'; elSize = 8; break; } case T_BYTE: { primitiveSignature = (byte) 'B'; elSize = 1; break; } case T_SHORT: { primitiveSignature = (byte) 'S'; elSize = 2; break; } case T_INT: { primitiveSignature = (byte) 'I'; elSize = 4; break; } case T_LONG: { primitiveSignature = (byte) 'J'; elSize = 8; break; } } if (version >= VERSION_JDK12BETA4 && primitiveSignature == 0x00) { throw new IOException("Unrecognized typecode: " + elementClassID); } } if (primitiveSignature != 0x00) { int size = elSize * num; bytesRead += size; JavaValueArray va = new JavaValueArray(primitiveSignature, start); skipBytes(size); snapshot.addHeapObject(id, va); snapshot.setSiteTrace(va, stackTrace); } else { int sz = num * identifierSize; bytesRead += sz; JavaObjectArray arr = new JavaObjectArray(elementClassID, start); skipBytes(sz); snapshot.addHeapObject(id, arr); snapshot.setSiteTrace(arr, stackTrace); } return bytesRead; }
// // Handle a HPROF_GC_CLASS_DUMP // Return number of bytes read // private int readClass() throws IOException { long id = readID(); StackTrace stackTrace = getStackTraceFromSerial(in.readInt()); long superId = readID(); long classLoaderId = readID(); long signersId = readID(); long protDomainId = readID(); long reserved1 = readID(); long reserved2 = readID(); int instanceSize = in.readInt(); int bytesRead = 7 * identifierSize + 8; int numConstPoolEntries = in.readUnsignedShort(); bytesRead += 2; for (int i = 0; i < numConstPoolEntries; i++) { int index = in.readUnsignedShort(); // unused bytesRead += 2; bytesRead += readValue(null); // We ignore the values } int numStatics = in.readUnsignedShort(); bytesRead += 2; JavaThing[] valueBin = new JavaThing[1]; JavaStatic[] statics = new JavaStatic[numStatics]; for (int i = 0; i < numStatics; i++) { long nameId = readID(); bytesRead += identifierSize; byte type = in.readByte(); bytesRead++; bytesRead += readValueForType(type, valueBin); String fieldName = getNameFromID(nameId); if (version >= VERSION_JDK12BETA4) { type = signatureFromTypeId(type); } String signature = "" + ((char) type); JavaField f = new JavaField(fieldName, signature); statics[i] = new JavaStatic(f, valueBin[0]); } int numFields = in.readUnsignedShort(); bytesRead += 2; JavaField[] fields = new JavaField[numFields]; for (int i = 0; i < numFields; i++) { long nameId = readID(); bytesRead += identifierSize; byte type = in.readByte(); bytesRead++; String fieldName = getNameFromID(nameId); if (version >= VERSION_JDK12BETA4) { type = signatureFromTypeId(type); } String signature = "" + ((char) type); fields[i] = new JavaField(fieldName, signature); } String name = classNameFromObjectID.get(new Long(id)); if (name == null) { warn("Class name not found for " + toHex(id)); name = "unknown-name@" + toHex(id); } JavaClass c = new JavaClass( id, name, superId, classLoaderId, signersId, protDomainId, fields, statics, instanceSize); snapshot.addClass(id, c); snapshot.setSiteTrace(c, stackTrace); return bytesRead; }