  * Applies the shifts {@code u} to the trace {@code g}.
  * @param sf the sampling that {@code g} is being warped to.
  * @param u the shifts to apply to {@code g}.
  * @param sg the sampling of {@code g}.
  * @param g the trace to be warped.
  * @return the warped trace.
 public static float[] applyShifts(Sampling sf, final float[] u, Sampling sg, final float[] g) {
   final int n1 = u.length;
   final int ng = g.length;
   final double dg = sg.getDelta();
   final double df = sf.getDelta();
   final double fg = sg.getDelta();
   final double ff = sf.getDelta();
   final float[] hf = new float[n1];
   final SincInterp si = new SincInterp();
   double v = ff;
   for (int i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++, v = ff + i1 * df)
     hf[i1] = si.interpolate(ng, dg, fg, g, (float) v + u[i1]);
   return hf;
 public static void scale(SincInterp si, int n1, float[] f, float c, float[] g) {
   si.interpolate(n1, 1.0, 0.0, f, n1, c, 0.0, g);
   copy(g, f);