public MockProcessSession(final SharedSessionState sharedState, final Processor processor) { this.sharedState = sharedState; this.processorQueue = sharedState.getFlowFileQueue(); provenanceReporter = new MockProvenanceReporter( this, sharedState, processor.getIdentifier(), processor.getClass().getSimpleName()); }
StandardProcessorTestRunner(final Processor processor) { this.processor = processor; this.idGenerator = new AtomicLong(0L); this.sharedState = new SharedSessionState(processor, idGenerator); this.flowFileQueue = sharedState.getFlowFileQueue(); this.sessionFactory = new MockSessionFactory(sharedState, processor); this.processorStateManager = new MockStateManager(processor); this.context = new MockProcessContext(processor, processorStateManager); detectDeprecatedAnnotations(processor); final MockProcessorInitializationContext mockInitContext = new MockProcessorInitializationContext(processor, context); processor.initialize(mockInitContext); logger = mockInitContext.getLogger(); try { ReflectionUtils.invokeMethodsWithAnnotation(OnAdded.class, processor); } catch (final Exception e) {"Could not invoke methods annotated with @OnAdded annotation due to: " + e); } triggerSerially = null != processor.getClass().getAnnotation(TriggerSerially.class); ReflectionUtils.quietlyInvokeMethodsWithAnnotation(OnConfigurationRestored.class, processor); }
@Override public MockFlowFile create() { final MockFlowFile flowFile = new MockFlowFile(sharedState.nextFlowFileId()); currentVersions.put(flowFile.getId(), flowFile); beingProcessed.add(flowFile.getId()); return flowFile; }
@Override public MockFlowFile clone(final FlowFile flowFile) { validateState(flowFile); final MockFlowFile newFlowFile = new MockFlowFile(sharedState.nextFlowFileId(), flowFile); currentVersions.put(newFlowFile.getId(), newFlowFile); beingProcessed.add(newFlowFile.getId()); return newFlowFile; }
@Override public void adjustCounter(final String name, final long delta, final boolean immediate) { if (immediate) { sharedState.adjustCounter(name, delta); return; } Long counter = counterMap.get(name); if (counter == null) { counter = delta; counterMap.put(name, counter); return; } counter = counter + delta; counterMap.put(name, counter); }
@Override public void commit() { if (!beingProcessed.isEmpty()) { throw new FlowFileHandlingException( "Cannot commit session because the following FlowFiles have not been removed or transferred: " + beingProcessed); } committed = true; beingProcessed.clear(); currentVersions.clear(); originalVersions.clear(); for (final Map.Entry<String, Long> entry : counterMap.entrySet()) { sharedState.adjustCounter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } counterMap.clear(); }
@Override public MockFlowFile clone(final FlowFile flowFile, final long offset, final long size) { validateState(flowFile); if (offset + size > flowFile.getSize()) { throw new FlowFileHandlingException( "Specified offset of " + offset + " and size " + size + " exceeds size of " + flowFile.toString()); } final MockFlowFile newFlowFile = new MockFlowFile(sharedState.nextFlowFileId(), flowFile); final byte[] newContent = Arrays.copyOfRange( ((MockFlowFile) flowFile).getData(), (int) offset, (int) (offset + size)); newFlowFile.setData(newContent); currentVersions.put(newFlowFile.getId(), newFlowFile); beingProcessed.add(newFlowFile.getId()); return newFlowFile; }
@Override public void clearProvenanceEvents() { sharedState.clearProvenanceEvents(); }
@Override public List<ProvenanceEventRecord> getProvenanceEvents() { return sharedState.getProvenanceEvents(); }
@Override public Long getCounterValue(final String name) { return sharedState.getCounterValue(name); }
/** * @deprecated The ProvenanceReporter should not be accessed through the test runner, as it does * not expose the events that were emitted. */ @Override @Deprecated public ProvenanceReporter getProvenanceReporter() { return sharedState.getProvenanceReporter(); }