 private Queue<SearchNode> GetSolution(Board initial) {
   Queue<SearchNode> queue = new Queue<SearchNode>();
   MinPQ<SearchNode> pq = new MinPQ<SearchNode>();
   SearchNode node = new SearchNode();
   node.brd = initial;
   node.moves = 0;
   // node.priority = initial.manhattan();
   node.prev = null;
   SearchNode curNode = null;
   while (!pq.isEmpty()) {
     curNode = pq.delMin();
     if (curNode.brd.isGoal()) break;
     Iterable<Board> qe = curNode.brd.neighbors();
     Iterator it = qe.iterator();
     while (it.hasNext()) {
       node.brd = (Board) it.next();
       node.moves = curNode.moves + 1;
       node.prev = curNode;
       // node.priority = node.brd.manhattan();
   if (queue.isEmpty()) return null;
   else {
     do {
       curNode = curNode.prev;
     } while (curNode != null);
     return queue;
  public void solve(T start, T target) {

    Set<T> visited = new HashSet<T>();
    SearchNode best = new SearchNode(null, start, target);
    Queue<SearchNode> openList = new PriorityQueue<>();
    solutionFound = false;
    while (openList.size() > 0 && !solutionFound) {
      best = openList.poll();
      if (debug) {
        System.out.println("best: " + best.getObject());
      if (!visited.contains(best.getObject())) {
        if (best.getObject().achieves(target)) {
          solutionFound = true;
        } else {
          addSuccessors(best, openList, target);

    if (solutionFound) {
  public boolean leftChild(PrimitiveConstraint choice, boolean status) {

    boolean returnCode = true;

    if (exitChildListeners != null) {
      boolean code = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < exitChildListeners.length; i++)
        code |= exitChildListeners[i].leftChild(choice, status);
      returnCode = code;

    currentSearchNode = searchStack.pop();
    //		SearchNode previousSearchNode = currentSearchNode;

    if (!status && returnCode) {

      currentSearchNode = new SearchNode();
      // currentSearchNode.v = var;

      //			if (previousSearchNode.dom instanceof JaCoP.core.IntDomain)
      //				currentSearchNode.dom = ((IntDomain)previousSearchNode.dom).subtract( value );
      //			else if (previousSearchNode.dom instanceof JaCoP.set.core.SetDomain)
      //				currentSearchNode.dom = ((SetDomain)previousSearchNode.dom).subtract( value, value );

      // currentSearchNode.val = value;
      currentSearchNode.id = searchNodeId++;
      currentSearchNode.equal = false;
      currentSearchNode.c = choice;
      currentSearchNode.previous = searchStack.peek().id;


    return returnCode;
 /** Returns the best move to make from here during a playout. */
 short bestSearchMove(SearchNode node, McRunnable runnable) {
   final Board runnableBoard = runnable.getBoard();
   final MersenneTwisterFast random = runnable.getRandom();
   short result = node.getWinningMove();
   if (result != NO_POINT && runnableBoard.isLegal(result)) {
     // The isLegal() check is necessary to avoid superko violations
     return result;
   float bestSearchValue = searchValue(node, PASS);
   result = PASS;
   final ShortSet vacantPoints = runnableBoard.getVacantPoints();
   int start;
   start = random.nextInt(vacantPoints.size());
   int i = start;
   final int skip = PRIMES[random.nextInt(PRIMES.length)];
   do {
     final short move = vacantPoints.get(i);
     final float searchValue = searchValue(node, move);
     if (searchValue > bestSearchValue) {
       if (runnable.isFeasible(move) && runnableBoard.isLegal(move)) {
         bestSearchValue = searchValue;
         result = move;
       } else {
     // Advancing by a random prime skips through the array
     // in a manner analogous to double hashing.
     i = (i + skip) % vacantPoints.size();
   } while (i != start);
   return result;
  public static SearchResult generic(SearchProblem prob, Comparator<SearchNode> cmp) {
    PriorityQueue<SearchNode> frontier = new PriorityQueue<SearchNode>(10000, cmp);

    Set<State> explored = new HashSet<State>();

    while (!frontier.isEmpty()) {
      SearchNode candidate = frontier.poll();

      if (candidate.isGoal()) {
        return new SearchResult(candidate, explored.size(), frontier.size());

      List<Action> nextActions = prob.actions(candidate.state);
      for (Action action : nextActions) {
        SearchNode child = prob.childNode(candidate, action);
        if (!explored.contains(child.state)) {

    return null;
 private void addSuccessors(SearchNode best, Queue<SearchNode> openList, T target) {
   for (T p : best.getObject().getSuccessors()) {
     SearchNode newNode = new SearchNode(best, p, target);
     depth = Math.max(newNode.getDepth(), depth);
 public void testSmall() {
   State node5 = new State(5, 0, 0, true);
   State node6 = new State(6, 0, 0, true);
   State node2 = new State(2, 1, 6, false);
   node2.next[0] = node5;
   node2.cost[0] = 6;
   State node3 = new State(3, 2, 2, false);
   node3.next[0] = node5;
   node3.cost[0] = 4;
   node3.next[1] = node6;
   node3.cost[1] = 2;
   State node4 = new State(4, 1, 6, false);
   node4.next[0] = node6;
   node4.cost[0] = 6;
   State node0 = new State(0, 2, 4, false);
   node0.next[0] = node2;
   node0.cost[0] = 2;
   node0.next[1] = node3;
   node0.cost[1] = 2;
   State node1 = new State(1, 2, 3, false);
   node1.next[0] = node3;
   node1.cost[0] = 1;
   node1.next[1] = node4;
   node1.cost[1] = 1;
   State[][] paths = new State[6][];
   double[] costs = new double[6];
   paths[0] = new State[] {node6, node3, node1};
   costs[0] = 3;
   paths[1] = new State[] {node6, node3, node0};
   costs[1] = 4;
   paths[2] = new State[] {node5, node3, node1};
   costs[2] = 5;
   paths[3] = new State[] {node5, node3, node0};
   costs[3] = 6;
   paths[4] = new State[] {node6, node4, node1};
   costs[4] = 7;
   paths[5] = new State[] {node5, node2, node0};
   costs[5] = 8;
   AStar s = new AStar(new State[] {node0, node1}, 7);
   int i = 0;
   while (s.hasNext()) {
     assertTrue("number of answers > " + i, i < 6);
     SearchNode n = s.nextAnswer();
     assertEquals("costs[" + i + "] != " + n.getPriority(), costs[i], n.getPriority(), 1e-5);
     int j = 0;
     while (n != null) {
       assertTrue("path length > " + j, j < 3);
       assertTrue("path[" + i + "][" + j + "] != " + n, paths[i][j] == n.getState());
       n = (SearchNode) n.getParent();
     assertTrue("path length != " + j, j == 3);
   assertTrue("number of answers != " + i, i == 6);
 private int[] solve() {
   SearchNode s;
   // Symmetry constraint: color[start] = 0
   s = branch(new SearchNode(), 0, 0, null);
   if (s != null) return s.solution();
   else {
     int[] cs = new int[V];
     for (int v = 0; v < V; v++) cs[v] = -1;
     return cs;
  public int getChoiceValue() {

    selectedValue = select.getChoiceValue();
    currentSearchNode.val = selectedValue;
    currentSearchNode.id = searchNodeId++;
    currentSearchNode.previous = searchStack.peek().id;


    return selectedValue;
  public T getChoiceVariable(int index) {

    selectedVar = select.getChoiceVariable(index);

    if (selectedVar != null) {

      currentSearchNode = new SearchNode();
      currentSearchNode.v = selectedVar;
      currentSearchNode.dom = selectedVar.dom().cloneLight();

    return selectedVar;
  private void reconstructMoves(SearchNode searcher) {
    while (searcher != null) {
      searcher = searcher.getParent();

    for (int i = 0; i < solution.size() / 2; ++i) {
      T temp = solution.get(i);
      int other = solution.size() - i - 1;
      solution.set(i, solution.get(other));
      solution.set(other, temp);
 /** Some nodes may have their biases updated. */
 public void descend(McRunnable runnable) {
   SearchNode node = getRoot();
   assert node != null : "Fancy hash code: " + board.getFancyHash();
   while (runnable.getBoard().getPasses() < 2) {
     selectAndPlayMove(node, runnable);
     final SearchNode child = table.findIfPresent(runnable.getBoard().getFancyHash());
     if (child == null) {
       return; // No child
     if (child.getTotalRuns() > biasDelay && !child.biasUpdated()) {
     node = child;
 SearchNode(Board b, SearchNode prevNode) {
   board = b;
   prev = prevNode;
   existingMoves = prevNode.getMoves() + 1;
   manhattan = b.manhattan();
   priority = existingMoves + manhattan;
 public void fakeDescend(McRunnable runnable, short... moves) {
   final SearchNode node = getRoot();
   assert node != null : "Fancy hash code: " + board.getFancyHash();
   for (final short move : moves) {
     System.out.println("Passing " + move + " to runnable");
     final SearchNode child = table.findIfPresent(runnable.getBoard().getFancyHash());
     if (child == null) {
       return; // No child
     if (child.getTotalRuns() > biasDelay && !child.biasUpdated()) {
   * It creates a CPviz trace generator around proper select choice point object.
   * @param select it specifies how the select choice points are being generated.
   * @param vars it specifies variables which are being traced.
   * @param treeFilename it specifies the file name for search tree trace (default tree.xml).
   * @param visFilename it specifies the file name for variable trace (default vis.xml).
  private TraceGenerator(
      SelectChoicePoint<T> select, Var[] vars, String treeFilename, String visFilename) {

    this.select = select;
    this.treeFilename = treeFilename;
    this.visFilename = visFilename;

    SearchNode rootNode = new SearchNode();
    rootNode.id = 0;

    // 		for (Var v : vars) {
    for (int i = 0; i < vars.length; i++) {
      varIndex.put(vars[i], i);

  public PrimitiveConstraint getChoiceConstraint(int index) {

    PrimitiveConstraint c = select.getChoiceConstraint(index);

    if (c == null) {

      generateVisualizationNode(currentSearchNode.id, true);

    } else {

      currentSearchNode = new SearchNode();
      currentSearchNode.c = c;
      currentSearchNode.id = searchNodeId++;
      currentSearchNode.previous = searchStack.peek().id;


    return c;
  // sequence of boards in a shortest solution; null if no solution
  public Iterable<Board> solution() {
    if (solution == null) {
      return null;

    List<Board> resultList = new LinkedList<Board>();

    // Spec stated that Collections.reverse() is not allowed for this assignment.
    // Using Stack to reverse the list.
    Stack<SearchNode> stack = new Stack<SearchNode>();

    SearchNode node = solution;
    while (node != null) {
      node = node.getPrev();

    while (!stack.isEmpty()) {

    return resultList;
  // find a solution to the initial board (using the A* algorithm)
  public Solver(Board initial) {
    Board twin = initial.twin();
    SearchNode minNode = null;
    boolean isTwinRound = false;
    MinPQ<SearchNode> currentPQ = null;

    minPQ.insert(new SearchNode(initial));
    minPQForTwin.insert(new SearchNode(twin));

    while (true) {
      // Searching solution in the initial board and and its twin board
      // simultaneously(alternating in loops).
      // It has been proven by Math theory that exactly one of the two
      // will lead to the goal board. If a solution is found in the twin
      // board, it immediately proves that the initial board is not solvable,
      // and the search will terminate there.
      // Otherwise, the initial board will reach a solution.
      if (isTwinRound) {
        currentPQ = minPQForTwin;
      } else {
        currentPQ = minPQ;

      minNode = currentPQ.delMin();
      if (minNode.getBoard().isGoal()) {
      } else {
        for (Board neighbor : minNode.getBoard().neighbors()) {
          // Insert the neighbors into the MinPQ if:
          // 1. Current node contains the initial board(has no prev node)
          // 2. The new neighbor is not the same as current node's previous search node.
          //    This is a critical optimization used to reduce unnecessary
          //    exploration of already visited search nodes.
          if (minNode.getPrev() == null || !neighbor.equals(minNode.getPrev().getBoard())) {
            currentPQ.insert(new SearchNode(neighbor, minNode));
        // Flip the state of the isTwinRound flag
        isTwinRound = isTwinRound ? false : true;

    if (isTwinRound) {
      isSolvable = false;
      solution = null;
    } else {
      isSolvable = true;
      solution = minNode;
      moves = solution.getMoves();
 public short bestPlayMove() {
   double mostWins = 1;
   short result = PASS;
   final ShortSet vacantPoints = board.getVacantPoints();
   final SearchNode root = getRoot();
   do {
     mostWins = root.getWins(PASS);
     // If the move chosen on the previous pass through this loop was
     // illegal (e.g., because it was never actually tried in a playout),
     // throw it out
     if (result != PASS) {
       log("Rejected " + board.getCoordinateSystem().toString(result) + " as illegal");
       result = PASS;
     for (int i = 0; i < vacantPoints.size(); i++) {
       final short move = vacantPoints.get(i);
       if (root.getWins(move) > mostWins) {
         mostWins = root.getWins(move);
         result = move;
   } while (result != PASS && !board.isLegal(result));
   // Consider resigning
   if (root.getWinRate(result) < RESIGN_PARAMETER) {
     return RESIGN;
       "Selected "
           + board.getCoordinateSystem().toString(result)
           + " with "
           + root.getWins(result)
           + " wins in "
           + root.getRuns(result)
           + " runs");
   return result;
  public boolean leftChild(T var, int value, boolean status) {

    boolean returnCode = true;

    if (exitChildListeners != null) {
      boolean code = false;
      for (int i = 0; i < exitChildListeners.length; i++)
        code |= exitChildListeners[i].leftChild(var, value, status);
      returnCode = code;

    currentSearchNode = searchStack.pop();
    SearchNode previousSearchNode = currentSearchNode;

    if (!status && returnCode) {

      currentSearchNode = new SearchNode();
      currentSearchNode.v = var;

      if (previousSearchNode.dom
          instanceof uk.ac.stir.cs.homer.homerPolicyServer.overlap.JaCoP.core.IntDomain)
        currentSearchNode.dom = ((IntDomain) previousSearchNode.dom).subtract(value);
      else if (previousSearchNode.dom
          instanceof uk.ac.stir.cs.homer.homerPolicyServer.overlap.JaCoP.set.core.SetDomain)
        currentSearchNode.dom = ((SetDomain) previousSearchNode.dom).subtract(value, value);

      currentSearchNode.val = value;
      currentSearchNode.id = searchNodeId++;
      currentSearchNode.equal = false;
      currentSearchNode.previous = searchStack.peek().id;


    return returnCode;
 public int compareTo(SearchNode o) {
   return (int) Math.signum(priority() - o.priority());
  public SearchNode bugSearch(MapLocation start, MapLocation target) throws GameActionException {
    MapLocation s = start, t = target;
    int closest = s.distanceSquaredTo(t);
    int closestL = closest, closestR = closest;
    SearchNode current = new SearchNode(start, 1, null, true),
        currentL = new SearchNode(start, 1, null, true),
        currentR = new SearchNode(start, 1, null, true);
    boolean isTracingL = false, isTracingR = false;
    Direction curDir = current.loc.directionTo(t);
    Direction curDirL = curDir, curDirR = curDir;

    if (debug) System.out.println("Source: " + s + "; Target: " + t);
    while (!(current.loc.x == t.x && current.loc.y == t.y)
        && !(currentL.loc.x == t.x && currentL.loc.y == t.y)
        && !(currentR.loc.x == t.x && currentR.loc.y == t.y)) {
      if (debug)
            "Current: " + current.loc + ";Right " + currentR.loc + ";Left " + currentL.loc);

      if (!isTracingL || !isTracingR) {
        // we're done tracing
        if (isTracingL) {
          // the right bug finished first
          isTracingL = false;
          current = currentR;
          closest = closestR;
        } else if (isTracingR) {
          // the left bug finished first
          isTracingR = false;
          current = currentL;
          closest = closestL;
        curDir = directionTo(current.loc, t);
        if (curDir != null) {
          current = current.update(curDir);
        } else {
          current.isPivot = true;
          closest = current.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t);
          closestL = closest;
          closestR = closest;
          isTracingL = true;
          isTracingR = true;
          curDir = current.loc.directionTo(t);
          curDirL = curDir;
          curDirR = curDir;

          while (!isGood(current.loc.add(curDirL))) {
            curDirL = curDirL.rotateRight();
          while (!isGood(current.loc.add(curDirR))) {
            curDirR = curDirR.rotateLeft();
          currentL = current.update(curDirL);
          currentR = current.update(curDirR);
          if (currentL.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t) < closestL)
            closestL = currentL.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t);
          if (currentR.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t) < closestR)
            closestR = currentR.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t);
      } else { // we're tracing
        if (currentL.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t) < currentR.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t)) {
          if (debug) System.out.println("LEFT TRACE");
          // the left trace is closer
          curDirL = directionTo(currentL.loc, t);
          if (curDirL != null && currentL.loc.add(curDirL).distanceSquaredTo(t) < closestL) {
            if (debug) System.out.print("FINISH LEFT TRACE. GOING " + curDirL);
            isTracingL = false;
            currentL.isPivot = true;
            if (debug) System.out.println("LEFT PIVOT");
            currentL = currentL.update(curDirL);
            if (currentL.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t) < closestL)
              closestL = currentL.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t);
          } else {
            curDirL = currentL.loc.directionTo(currentL.prevLoc.loc).rotateRight().rotateRight();
            int i = 2;
            while (!isGood(currentL.loc.add(curDirL))) {
              curDirL = curDirL.rotateRight();
            if (i < 4
                || curDirL != Direction.EAST
                    && curDirL != Direction.WEST
                    && curDirL != Direction.NORTH
                    && curDirL != Direction.SOUTH) {
              currentL.isPivot = true;
              if (debug) System.out.println("LEFT PIVOT");
            if (curDirL != directionTo(currentL.prevLoc.loc, currentL.loc)) {
              currentL.isPivot = true;
              if (debug) System.out.println("LEFT PIVOT");
            currentL = currentL.update(curDirL);
            if (currentL.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t) < closestL)
              closestL = currentL.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t);
        } else {
          // the right trace is closer
          if (debug) System.out.println("RIGHT TRACE");
          curDirR = directionTo(currentR.loc, t);
          if (curDirR != null && currentR.loc.add(curDirR).distanceSquaredTo(t) < closestR) {
            if (debug) System.out.println("FINISH RIGHT TRACE. GOING " + curDirR);
            isTracingR = false;
            currentR.isPivot = true;
            if (debug) System.out.println("RIGHT PIVOT");
            currentR = currentR.update(curDirR);
            if (currentR.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t) < closestR)
              closestR = currentR.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t);
          } else {
            curDirR = currentR.loc.directionTo(currentR.prevLoc.loc).rotateLeft().rotateLeft();
            int i = 2;
            while (!isGood(currentR.loc.add(curDirR))) {
              curDirR = curDirR.rotateLeft();
            if (i < 4
                || curDirR != Direction.EAST
                    && curDirR != Direction.WEST
                    && curDirR != Direction.NORTH
                    && curDirR != Direction.SOUTH) {
              currentR.isPivot = true;
              if (debug) System.out.println("RIGHT PIVOT");
            if (curDirR != directionTo(currentR.prevLoc.loc, currentR.loc)) {
              currentR.isPivot = true;
              if (debug) System.out.println("RIGHT PIVOT");
            currentR = currentR.update(curDirR);
            if (currentR.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t) < closestR)
              closestR = currentR.loc.distanceSquaredTo(t);

    current.isPivot = true;
    currentL.isPivot = true;
    currentR.isPivot = true;
    if (current.loc.equals(t)) {
      return current;
    if (currentL.loc.equals(t)) {
      return currentL;
    if (currentR.loc.equals(t)) {
      return currentR;
    throw new GameActionException(null, "Unable to find a path from " + s + " to " + t);
 private void outputSN(SearchNode sn) {
   System.out.println("Moves = " + sn.moves + " Prio = " + sn.priority());
 /** Compare the SearchNode with the anchor one by priority value. */
 public int compareTo(SearchNode that) {
   if (this.priority() < that.priority()) return -1;
   else if (this.priority() > that.priority()) return 1;
   else return 0;
   * Performs a bi-directional best-first graph search on the tf graph to try to find a path from
   * sourceFrame to targetFrame, at the given time. One priority queue is used to keep a sorted list
   * of all search nodes (from both directions, ordered descending by their potential of
   * contributing to a good solution). At the moment, the cost of the path from A to B is defined as
   * the largest absolute difference between the time stamps of the transforms from A to B and the
   * given time point. This corresponds to searching for a transform path that needs the least
   * amount of inter- and extrapolation.
   * <p>Note: often in search, if we talk about expanding a search node, we say that the node
   * expands and its _children_ are added to the queue. Yet, the tf graph is stored by linking child
   * frames to their _parent_ frames, not the other way around. So, if a search node is expanded,
   * the _parent_ frames are added to the queue. This may be a bit confusing.
  protected boolean lookupLists(
      Frame targetFrame,
      Frame sourceFrame,
      long time,
      LinkedList<TransformStorage> inverseTransforms,
      LinkedList<TransformStorage> forwardTransforms) {

    // wrap the source and target frames in search nodes
    SearchNode<Frame> sourceNode = new SearchNode<Frame>(sourceFrame);
    SearchNode<Frame> targetNode = new SearchNode<Frame>(targetFrame);

    // set beginning of forward path (from source)
    sourceNode.backwardStep = sourceNode;
    // set beginning of backward path (form target)
    targetNode.forwardStep = targetNode;

    // create a hash map that map frames to search nodes. This is necessary to keep track of
    // which frames have already been visited (and from which direction).
    HashMap<Frame, SearchNode<Frame>> frameToNode = new HashMap<Frame, SearchNode<Frame>>();

    // add source and target search nodes to the map
    frameToNode.put(sourceFrame, sourceNode);
    frameToNode.put(targetFrame, targetNode);

    // create a priority queue, which will hold the search nodes ordered by cost (descending)
    PriorityQueue<SearchNode<Frame>> Q = new PriorityQueue<SearchNode<Frame>>();

    // at the source and target search nodes to the queue

    // perform the search
    while (!Q.isEmpty()) {
      // poll most potential search node from queue
      SearchNode<Frame> frameNode = Q.poll();
      Frame frame = frameNode.content;

      // if the node is both visited from the source and from the target node, a path has been found
      if (frameNode.backwardStep != null && frameNode.forwardStep != null) {
        // found the best path from source to target through FRAME.

        // create inverse list (from source to FRAME)
        SearchNode<Frame> node = frameNode;
        while (node.content != sourceNode.content) {
          inverseTransforms.addLast(node.backwardStep.content.getData(time, node.content));
          node = node.backwardStep;

        // create forward list (from FRAME to target)
        node = frameNode;
        while (node.content != targetNode.content) {
          forwardTransforms.addLast(node.forwardStep.content.getData(time, node.content));
          node = node.forwardStep;
        return true;

      // expand search node
      for (Frame parentFrame : frame.getParentFrames()) {
        SearchNode<Frame> parentFrameNode = frameToNode.get(parentFrame);

        boolean addToQueue = false;
        if (parentFrameNode == null) {
          // node was not yet visited
          parentFrameNode = new SearchNode<Frame>(parentFrame);
          frameToNode.put(parentFrame, parentFrameNode);
          addToQueue = true;
        } else {
          // node is already visited
          if ((parentFrameNode.backwardStep == null && frameNode.forwardStep == null)
              || (parentFrameNode.forwardStep == null && frameNode.backwardStep == null)) {
            // node was visited, but from other direction.
            // create new search node that represents this frame, visited from both sides
            // this allows the other search node of this frame to still be expanded first
            parentFrameNode = new SearchNode<Frame>(parentFrameNode);
            addToQueue = true;

        // add search node belonging to parent frame to the queue
        if (addToQueue) {
          // determine cost (based on max absolute difference in time stamp)
          TimeCache cache = frame.getTimeCache(parentFrame);
          parentFrameNode.cost =
                  (double) cache.timeToNearestTransform(time),
                  Math.max(parentFrameNode.cost, frameNode.cost));
          // if visiting forward (from source), set backward step to remember path
          if (frameNode.backwardStep != null) parentFrameNode.backwardStep = frameNode;
          // if visiting backward (from target), set forward step to remember path
          if (frameNode.forwardStep != null) parentFrameNode.forwardStep = frameNode;
          // add node to queue

    // target and source frames are not connected.
    return false;
 /** Branch and bound. */
 private SearchNode branch(SearchNode s, int v, int color, SearchNode best) {
   SearchNode newBest, nextTry;
   assert s != null && v >= 0 && color >= 0 && v < V && color < V;
   assert best != null || v == 0 && color == 0; // best only null if first call.
   if (!s.setColor(v, color)) return null;
   if (best != null && s.bound() > best.maxColor()) return best;
   if (best == null || s.maxColor() < best.maxColor()) newBest = s;
   else newBest = best;
   if (!newBest.solved()) {
     for (int w = v; w < V; w++) {
       for (int nextColor : s.nextColors(w, newBest.maxColor())) {
         nextTry = branch(new SearchNode(s), w, nextColor, newBest);
         if (nextTry != null && nextTry.maxColor() < newBest.maxColor()) newBest = nextTry;
   return newBest;
 public int compareTo(SearchNode that) {
   return this.priority() - that.priority();
 private static double getHCost(int choice, SearchNode crntNode) {
   switch (choice) {
     case 1:
       // h1: straight line distance heuristic function.
       return Math.sqrt(
           Math.pow((goalNode.getxPos() - crntNode.getxPos()), 2)
               + Math.pow((goalNode.getyPos() - crntNode.getyPos()), 2));
     case 2:
       // h2: the sum of the displacement along the x and y axes heuristic function.
       return Math.abs(goalNode.getxPos() - crntNode.getxPos())
           + Math.abs(goalNode.getyPos() - crntNode.getyPos());
     case 3:
       // h3: 0.5h1 + 0.5h2
       return 0.5
               * (Math.sqrt(
                   Math.pow((goalNode.getxPos() - crntNode.getxPos()), 2)
                       + Math.pow((goalNode.getyPos() - crntNode.getyPos()), 2)))
           + 0.5
               * ((goalNode.getxPos() - crntNode.getxPos())
                   + (goalNode.getyPos() - crntNode.getyPos()));
       return Math.sqrt(
           Math.pow((goalNode.getxPos() - crntNode.getxPos()), 2)
               + Math.pow((goalNode.getyPos() - crntNode.getyPos()), 2));
  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // Creates the grid and prints it.
    System.out.println("Enter the nn value");
    nn = keyboard.nextInt();
    System.out.println("Enter the mm value");
    mm = keyboard.nextInt();
    System.out.println("Enter the max cost range value");
    maxCostRange = keyboard.nextInt();
    System.out.println("Enter the p value");
    p = keyboard.nextDouble();

    // Ask the user which heuristic function they want to use.
    do {
      System.out.println("\nMake a choice");
      System.out.println("1-Heuristic Function (h1) = Straight-line distance");
      System.out.println("2-Heuristic Function (h2) = Sum of displacement in x and y axes");
      System.out.println("3-Heuristic Function (h3) = 0.5h1+0.5h2");
      heuristicChoice = keyboard.nextInt();
    } while (heuristicChoice != 1 && heuristicChoice != 2 && heuristicChoice != 3);

    // Print the random maze generated.
    System.out.print("\nRandom Maze");
    g = new GridProblem(nn, mm, maxCostRange, p);

    // Set the start and goal states.
    startState = g.startState;
    goalState = g.goalState;
    startNode = new SearchNode(startState, null);
    goalNode = new SearchNode(goalState, null);
    startNode.setFscore(0 + getHCost(heuristicChoice, startNode));
    stateToNode.put(startState, startNode);

    // The while loop executes until we haven't reach the goal state and
    // there are still search nodes in the priority queue.
    while (!open.isEmpty()) {
      // Get the first element from the priority queue.
      crntNode = open.peek();

      // We've reached the destination. We print the path leading to the goal node
      // and return.
      if (g.isGoal(crntNode.getGridState())) {

      // Get the node that is visited next. The neighbors (those that can be reached with legal
      // operations) of this node will be added to the queue as well.
      crntNode = open.poll();
      crntState = crntNode.getGridState();
      a = g.getLegalOps(crntNode.getGridState());

      // Goes through all of the neighbors of the current node. The neighbors get added to the queue
      // if they may potentially be on the optimal path to the goal node.
      for (int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
        // Gets an operation to perform on the current state and gets the next state
        // after this operation is performed.
        op = a.get(i);
        nxtState = g.nextState((State) crntState, op);

        // If the next state returned is equal to the current state, then it must be a wall
        // so we ignore this operation.
        if (nxtState == crntState) {

        // Check to see whether a search node has already been created for the current state.
        nxtNode = stateToNode.get(nxtState);
        if (nxtNode == null) {
          nxtNode = new SearchNode(nxtState, crntNode);
          stateToNode.put(nxtState, nxtNode);

        // Compute a temporary gScore for the neighbor.
        tmpGScore = crntNode.getgScore() + g.cost(crntState, op);

        // Check to see whether the gScore for the neighbor is greater than
        // the gScore calculated in the above operation. If it is, any search nodes
        // present in the priority queue or list will have to be removed as it may
        // potentially be on the optimal path.
        if (tmpGScore < nxtNode.getgScore()) {
          if (open.contains(nxtNode)) {
            open.remove(nxtNode); // The given node can be reached from a more optimal path.
          if (closed.contains(nxtNode)) {
                nxtNode); // A node already considered can be reached from a more optimal path.

        // Adjust/set the cost of the neighbor and add it to the priority queue.
        if (!open.contains(nxtNode) && !closed.contains(nxtNode)) {
          nxtNode.setParent(crntNode); // Set the parent for the given node.
          nxtNode.setgScore(tmpGScore); // Set the new cost to get to this node from the start node.
                  + getHCost(
                      nxtNode)); // Set the estimated cost to get from this node to the goal node.
          open.offer(nxtNode); // Add the node to the priority queue.

    // There are no more search nodes in the priority queue and we haven't reached the goal
    // node yet. Thus, there is no valid path from the start node to the goal node.
    System.out.println("No path exists!");
 private static void constructPath(SearchNode searchNode) {
   if (searchNode.getParent() == null) { // We're at the start node
     System.out.println("(i,j)=(" + searchNode.getxPos() + "," + searchNode.getyPos() + ")");
     System.out.println("F cost: " + searchNode.getFscore());
     System.out.println("G cost: " + searchNode.getgScore());
   System.out.println("(i,j)=(" + searchNode.getxPos() + "," + searchNode.getyPos() + ")");
   System.out.println("F cost: " + searchNode.getFscore());
   System.out.println("G cost: " + searchNode.getgScore());
   if (g.isGoal(searchNode.getGridState())) {
     System.out.println("\nFinal cost is: " + searchNode.getgScore());