private void addNextTripsForLink(
      ScheduledTrip trip,
      OsmNodeP currentNode,
      OsmLinkP currentLink,
      OsmLinkP link,
      OffsetSet offsets,
      int level) {
    if (link == currentLink) {
      return; // just reverse, ignore
    OsmNodeP node = link.getTarget(currentNode);
    if (node == null) {
      System.out.println("ups2: " + link);

    // calc distance and check nogos
    rc.nogomatch = false;
    int distance = rc.calcDistance(currentNode.ilon, currentNode.ilat, node.ilon, node.ilat);
    if (rc.nogomatch) {

    if (link instanceof ScheduledLink) {
      // System.out.println( "next trip for link: " + link + " at offset " + offsets );

      ScheduledLink slink = (ScheduledLink) link;
      ScheduledLine line = slink.line;

      // line change delay
      long delay = 0L;
      if (currentLink instanceof ScheduledLink) {
        delay =
            ((ScheduledLink) currentLink).line == line
                ? 0L
                : (long) (rc.changetime * 1000.); // 3 minutes
      long changePenalty = delay > 0 ? 60000L : 0L;

      List<ScheduledDeparture> nextDepartures =
          line.getScheduledDepartures(slink.indexInLine, time0 + trip.arrival + delay, offsets);
      for (ScheduledDeparture nextDeparture : nextDepartures) {
        ScheduledTrip nextTrip = new ScheduledTrip(nextDeparture.offsets, link, currentNode, trip);
        long waitTime = nextDeparture.waitTime + delay;
        long rideTime = nextDeparture.rideTime;

        nextTrip.cost =
                + (int)
                    ((rideTime + changePenalty + waitTime * rc.waittimeadjustment)
                        * rc.cost1speed
                        / 3600.); // 160ms / meter = 22km/h
        nextTrip.departure = trip.arrival + waitTime;
        nextTrip.arrival = nextTrip.departure + rideTime;


        //	      System.out.println( "found: " + nextTrip );
    } else if (link.isWayLink()) {
      // get costfactor
      rc.expctxWay.evaluate(link.isReverse(currentNode), link.descriptionBitmap, null);

      // *** penalty for distance
      float costfactor = rc.expctxWay.getCostfactor();
      if (costfactor > 9999.) {
      int waycost = (int) (distance * costfactor + 0.5f);

      // *** add initial cost if factor changed
      float costdiff = costfactor - trip.lastcostfactor;
      if (costdiff > 0.0005 || costdiff < -0.0005) {
        waycost += (int) rc.expctxWay.getInitialcost();

      if (node.getNodeDecsription() != null) {
            rc.expctxWay.getNodeAccessGranted() != 0., node.getNodeDecsription(), null);
        float initialcost = rc.expctxNode.getInitialcost();
        if (initialcost >= 1000000.) {
        waycost += (int) initialcost;

      // *** penalty for turning angles
      if (trip.originNode != null) {
        // penalty proportional to direction change
        double cos =
        int turncost =
                (cos * rc.expctxWay.getTurncost()
                    + 0.2); // e.g. turncost=90 -> 90 degree = 90m penalty
        waycost += turncost;

      ScheduledTrip nextTrip = new ScheduledTrip(offsets, link, currentNode, trip);

      // *** penalty for elevation
      short ele2 = node.selev;
      short ele1 = trip.selev;
      int elefactor = 250000;
      if (ele2 == Short.MIN_VALUE) ele2 = ele1;
      nextTrip.selev = ele2;
      if (ele1 != Short.MIN_VALUE) {
        nextTrip.ehbd = trip.ehbd + (ele1 - ele2) * elefactor - distance * rc.downhillcutoff;
        nextTrip.ehbu = trip.ehbu + (ele2 - ele1) * elefactor - distance * rc.uphillcutoff;

      if (nextTrip.ehbd > rc.elevationpenaltybuffer) {
        int excess = nextTrip.ehbd - rc.elevationpenaltybuffer;
        int reduce = distance * rc.elevationbufferreduce;
        if (reduce > excess) {
          reduce = excess;
        excess = nextTrip.ehbd - rc.elevationmaxbuffer;
        if (reduce < excess) {
          reduce = excess;
        nextTrip.ehbd -= reduce;
        if (rc.downhillcostdiv > 0) {
          int elevationCost = reduce / rc.downhillcostdiv;
          waycost += elevationCost;
      } else if (nextTrip.ehbd < 0) {
        nextTrip.ehbd = 0;

      if (nextTrip.ehbu > rc.elevationpenaltybuffer) {
        int excess = nextTrip.ehbu - rc.elevationpenaltybuffer;
        int reduce = distance * rc.elevationbufferreduce;
        if (reduce > excess) {
          reduce = excess;
        excess = nextTrip.ehbu - rc.elevationmaxbuffer;
        if (reduce < excess) {
          reduce = excess;
        nextTrip.ehbu -= reduce;
        if (rc.uphillcostdiv > 0) {
          int elevationCost = reduce / rc.uphillcostdiv;
          waycost += elevationCost;
      } else if (nextTrip.ehbu < 0) {
        nextTrip.ehbu = 0;

      nextTrip.lastcostfactor = costfactor;
      nextTrip.cost = trip.cost + (int) (waycost * rc.additionalcostfactor + 0.5);
      nextTrip.departure = trip.arrival;
      nextTrip.arrival =
          nextTrip.departure + (long) (waycost * 3600. / rc.cost1speed); // 160ms / meter = 22km/h

    } else // connecting link
      ScheduledTrip nextTrip = new ScheduledTrip(offsets, link, currentNode, trip);

      long delay = (long) (rc.buffertime * 1000.); // 2 min
      nextTrip.cost = trip.cost + (int) (delay * rc.waittimeadjustment * rc.cost1speed / 3600.);
      nextTrip.departure = trip.arrival;
      nextTrip.arrival = nextTrip.departure + delay;
