public void testMergedUpdate() throws Exception {
    // Download content in two locations
    env1.execute("co", EMPTY_ARGS, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");
    env2.execute("co", EMPTY_ARGS, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");

    // change the file in both directories in a different way so that
    // can be merged without conflicts
    env1.prefixToFile("proj2/f1/c.txt", new String[] {"AppendIt at top"});
    env2.appendToFile("proj2/f1/c.txt", new String[] {"AppendIt at bottom"});

    // commit changes of the first
    env1.execute("ci", new String[] {"-m", "TestMessage"}, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");

    // changes should be merged
    env2.execute("update", EMPTY_ARGS, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");
    env2.execute("ci", new String[] {"-m", "TestMessage"}, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");
  public void testSimpleConflict() throws Exception {
    // Download content in two locations
    env1.execute("co", EMPTY_ARGS, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");
    env2.execute("co", EMPTY_ARGS, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");

    // change the file in both directories in a different way
    env1.appendToFile("proj2/f1/c.txt", new String[] {"AppendIt This"});
    env2.appendToFile("proj2/f1/c.txt", new String[] {"AppendIt That"});

    // commit changes of the first
    env1.execute("ci", new String[] {"-m", "TestMessage"}, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");

    // load the changes into the changed file
    // and submit the merge
    env2.execute("update", EMPTY_ARGS, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");

    // commit must fail because we have a merged conflict which has not been
    // edited.
    env2.execute("ci", new String[] {"-m", "TestMessage"}, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");

    // Make a change to the file in order to let the cvs-client know
    // that we solved the confilict
    env2.appendToFile("proj2/f1/c.txt", new String[] {"That's allright"});
    env2.execute("ci", new String[] {"-m", "TestMessage"}, new String[] {"proj2"}, "");