   * Creates a mostly unitialized SHAiButtonUser object. This constructor merely copies the
   * coprocessors 7 byte binding code into a local cache and stores the name of the account service
   * file used for all user iButtons.
   * <p>Since this constructor leaves data unitialized, you should be very careful with the use of
   * it. It is expected that after calling this constructor, the user will call <code>setiButton
   * </code> to finish the initialization process. On memory-starved platforms, this should help
   * optimize memory usage.
   * @param copr The SHAiButtonCopr to which the user object is tied. This Coprocessor contains the
   *     necessary binding code and service filename, necessary for both locating a user and
   *     recreating his unique secret.
   * @see #SHAiButtonUser18(SHAiButtonCopr,OneWireContainer18,boolean,byte[])
   * @see #SHAiButtonUser18(SHAiButtonCopr)
  public SHAiButtonUser18(SHAiButtonCopr copr) {
    // save a copy of the binding code
    copr.getBindCode(this.fullBindCode, 0);
    System.arraycopy(this.fullBindCode, 4, this.fullBindCode, 12, 3);

    // create string representation of service filename
    copr.getFilename(this.serviceFile, 0);
    this.strServiceFilename = new String(this.serviceFile) + "." + (int) copr.getFilenameExt();