/** {@inheritDoc} */
  public void integrate(final ExpandableStatefulODE equations, final double t)
      throws MathIllegalStateException, MathIllegalArgumentException {

    sanityChecks(equations, t);
    final boolean forward = t > equations.getTime();

    // create some internal working arrays
    final double[] y0 = equations.getCompleteState();
    final double[] y = y0.clone();
    final int stages = c.length + 1;
    final double[][] yDotK = new double[stages][y.length];
    final double[] yTmp = y0.clone();
    final double[] yDotTmp = new double[y.length];

    // set up an interpolator sharing the integrator arrays
    final RungeKuttaStepInterpolator interpolator = (RungeKuttaStepInterpolator) prototype.copy();
        this, yTmp, yDotK, forward, equations.getPrimaryMapper(), equations.getSecondaryMappers());

    // set up integration control objects
    stepStart = equations.getTime();
    double hNew = 0;
    boolean firstTime = true;
    initIntegration(equations.getTime(), y0, t);

    // main integration loop
    isLastStep = false;
    do {


      // iterate over step size, ensuring local normalized error is smaller than 1
      double error = 10;
      while (error >= 1.0) {

        if (firstTime || !fsal) {
          // first stage
          computeDerivatives(stepStart, y, yDotK[0]);

        if (firstTime) {
          final double[] scale = new double[mainSetDimension];
          if (vecAbsoluteTolerance == null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < scale.length; ++i) {
              scale[i] = scalAbsoluteTolerance + scalRelativeTolerance * FastMath.abs(y[i]);
          } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < scale.length; ++i) {
              scale[i] = vecAbsoluteTolerance[i] + vecRelativeTolerance[i] * FastMath.abs(y[i]);
          hNew = initializeStep(forward, getOrder(), scale, stepStart, y, yDotK[0], yTmp, yDotK[1]);
          firstTime = false;

        stepSize = hNew;
        if (forward) {
          if (stepStart + stepSize >= t) {
            stepSize = t - stepStart;
        } else {
          if (stepStart + stepSize <= t) {
            stepSize = t - stepStart;

        // next stages
        for (int k = 1; k < stages; ++k) {

          for (int j = 0; j < y0.length; ++j) {
            double sum = a[k - 1][0] * yDotK[0][j];
            for (int l = 1; l < k; ++l) {
              sum += a[k - 1][l] * yDotK[l][j];
            yTmp[j] = y[j] + stepSize * sum;

          computeDerivatives(stepStart + c[k - 1] * stepSize, yTmp, yDotK[k]);

        // estimate the state at the end of the step
        for (int j = 0; j < y0.length; ++j) {
          double sum = b[0] * yDotK[0][j];
          for (int l = 1; l < stages; ++l) {
            sum += b[l] * yDotK[l][j];
          yTmp[j] = y[j] + stepSize * sum;

        // estimate the error at the end of the step
        error = estimateError(yDotK, y, yTmp, stepSize);
        if (error >= 1.0) {
          // reject the step and attempt to reduce error by stepsize control
          final double factor =
                  maxGrowth, FastMath.max(minReduction, safety * FastMath.pow(error, exp)));
          hNew = filterStep(stepSize * factor, forward, false);

      // local error is small enough: accept the step, trigger events and step handlers
      interpolator.storeTime(stepStart + stepSize);
      System.arraycopy(yTmp, 0, y, 0, y0.length);
      System.arraycopy(yDotK[stages - 1], 0, yDotTmp, 0, y0.length);
      stepStart = acceptStep(interpolator, y, yDotTmp, t);
      System.arraycopy(y, 0, yTmp, 0, y.length);

      if (!isLastStep) {

        // prepare next step

        if (fsal) {
          // save the last evaluation for the next step
          System.arraycopy(yDotTmp, 0, yDotK[0], 0, y0.length);

        // stepsize control for next step
        final double factor =
            FastMath.min(maxGrowth, FastMath.max(minReduction, safety * FastMath.pow(error, exp)));
        final double scaledH = stepSize * factor;
        final double nextT = stepStart + scaledH;
        final boolean nextIsLast = forward ? (nextT >= t) : (nextT <= t);
        hNew = filterStep(scaledH, forward, nextIsLast);

        final double filteredNextT = stepStart + hNew;
        final boolean filteredNextIsLast = forward ? (filteredNextT >= t) : (filteredNextT <= t);
        if (filteredNextIsLast) {
          hNew = t - stepStart;

    } while (!isLastStep);

    // dispatch results

  private <T extends RealFieldElement<T>> RungeKuttaStepInterpolator convertInterpolator(
      final RungeKuttaFieldStepInterpolator<T> fieldInterpolator,
      final FirstOrderFieldDifferentialEquations<T> eqn) {

    RungeKuttaStepInterpolator regularInterpolator = null;
    try {

      String interpolatorName = fieldInterpolator.getClass().getName();
      String integratorName = interpolatorName.replaceAll("Field", "");
      Class<RungeKuttaStepInterpolator> clz =
          (Class<RungeKuttaStepInterpolator>) Class.forName(integratorName);
      regularInterpolator = clz.newInstance();

      double[][] yDotArray = null;
      java.lang.reflect.Field fYD = RungeKuttaFieldStepInterpolator.class.getDeclaredField("yDotK");
      T[][] fieldYDotk = (T[][]) fYD.get(fieldInterpolator);
      yDotArray = new double[fieldYDotk.length][];
      for (int i = 0; i < yDotArray.length; ++i) {
        yDotArray[i] = new double[fieldYDotk[i].length];
        for (int j = 0; j < yDotArray[i].length; ++j) {
          yDotArray[i][j] = fieldYDotk[i][j].getReal();
      double[] y = new double[yDotArray[0].length];

      EquationsMapper primaryMapper = null;
      EquationsMapper[] secondaryMappers = null;
      java.lang.reflect.Field fMapper =
      FieldEquationsMapper<T> mapper = (FieldEquationsMapper<T>) fMapper.get(fieldInterpolator);
      java.lang.reflect.Field fStart = FieldEquationsMapper.class.getDeclaredField("start");
      int[] start = (int[]) fStart.get(mapper);
      primaryMapper = new EquationsMapper(start[0], start[1]);
      secondaryMappers = new EquationsMapper[mapper.getNumberOfEquations() - 1];
      for (int i = 0; i < secondaryMappers.length; ++i) {
        secondaryMappers[i] = new EquationsMapper(start[i + 1], start[i + 2]);

      AbstractIntegrator dummyIntegrator =
          new AbstractIntegrator("dummy") {
            public void integrate(ExpandableStatefulODE equations, double t) {
              Assert.fail("this method should not be called");

            public void computeDerivatives(final double t, final double[] y, final double[] yDot) {
              T fieldT = fieldInterpolator.getCurrentState().getTime().getField().getZero().add(t);
              T[] fieldY =
                      fieldInterpolator.getCurrentState().getTime().getField(), y.length);
              for (int i = 0; i < y.length; ++i) {
                fieldY[i] =
              T[] fieldYDot = eqn.computeDerivatives(fieldT, fieldY);
              for (int i = 0; i < yDot.length; ++i) {
                yDot[i] = fieldYDot[i].getReal();

      T[] fieldPreviousY = fieldInterpolator.getPreviousState().getState();
      for (int i = 0; i < y.length; ++i) {
        y[i] = fieldPreviousY[i].getReal();


      T[] fieldCurrentY = fieldInterpolator.getCurrentState().getState();
      for (int i = 0; i < y.length; ++i) {
        y[i] = fieldCurrentY[i].getReal();

    } catch (ClassNotFoundException cnfe) {
    } catch (InstantiationException ie) {
    } catch (IllegalAccessException iae) {
    } catch (NoSuchFieldException nsfe) {
    } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) {

    return regularInterpolator;
  /** {@inheritDoc} */
  public double integrate(
      final FirstOrderDifferentialEquations equations,
      final double t0,
      final double[] y0,
      final double t,
      final double[] y)
      throws DerivativeException, IntegratorException {

    sanityChecks(equations, t0, y0, t, y);
    final boolean forward = (t > t0);

    // create some internal working arrays
    final int stages = c.length + 1;
    if (y != y0) {
      System.arraycopy(y0, 0, y, 0, y0.length);
    final double[][] yDotK = new double[stages][y0.length];
    final double[] yTmp = new double[y0.length];

    // set up an interpolator sharing the integrator arrays
    AbstractStepInterpolator interpolator;
    if (requiresDenseOutput() || (!eventsHandlersManager.isEmpty())) {
      final RungeKuttaStepInterpolator rki = (RungeKuttaStepInterpolator) prototype.copy();
      rki.reinitialize(this, yTmp, yDotK, forward);
      interpolator = rki;
    } else {
      interpolator = new DummyStepInterpolator(yTmp, forward);

    // set up integration control objects
    stepStart = t0;
    double hNew = 0;
    boolean firstTime = true;
    for (StepHandler handler : stepHandlers) {
    CombinedEventsManager manager = addEndTimeChecker(t0, t, eventsHandlersManager);
    boolean lastStep = false;

    // main integration loop
    while (!lastStep) {


      double error = 0;
      for (boolean loop = true; loop; ) {

        if (firstTime || !fsal) {
          // first stage
          computeDerivatives(stepStart, y, yDotK[0]);

        if (firstTime) {
          final double[] scale;
          if (vecAbsoluteTolerance != null) {
            scale = vecAbsoluteTolerance;
          } else {
            scale = new double[y0.length];
            Arrays.fill(scale, scalAbsoluteTolerance);
          hNew =
                  equations, forward, getOrder(), scale, stepStart, y, yDotK[0], yTmp, yDotK[1]);
          firstTime = false;

        stepSize = hNew;

        // next stages
        for (int k = 1; k < stages; ++k) {

          for (int j = 0; j < y0.length; ++j) {
            double sum = a[k - 1][0] * yDotK[0][j];
            for (int l = 1; l < k; ++l) {
              sum += a[k - 1][l] * yDotK[l][j];
            yTmp[j] = y[j] + stepSize * sum;

          computeDerivatives(stepStart + c[k - 1] * stepSize, yTmp, yDotK[k]);

        // estimate the state at the end of the step
        for (int j = 0; j < y0.length; ++j) {
          double sum = b[0] * yDotK[0][j];
          for (int l = 1; l < stages; ++l) {
            sum += b[l] * yDotK[l][j];
          yTmp[j] = y[j] + stepSize * sum;

        // estimate the error at the end of the step
        error = estimateError(yDotK, y, yTmp, stepSize);
        if (error <= 1.0) {

          // discrete events handling
          interpolator.storeTime(stepStart + stepSize);
          if (manager.evaluateStep(interpolator)) {
            final double dt = manager.getEventTime() - stepStart;
            if (Math.abs(dt) <= Math.ulp(stepStart)) {
              // rejecting the step would lead to a too small next step, we accept it
              loop = false;
            } else {
              // reject the step to match exactly the next switch time
              hNew = dt;
          } else {
            // accept the step
            loop = false;

        } else {
          // reject the step and attempt to reduce error by stepsize control
          final double factor =
              Math.min(maxGrowth, Math.max(minReduction, safety * Math.pow(error, exp)));
          hNew = filterStep(stepSize * factor, forward, false);

      // the step has been accepted
      final double nextStep = stepStart + stepSize;
      System.arraycopy(yTmp, 0, y, 0, y0.length);
      manager.stepAccepted(nextStep, y);
      lastStep = manager.stop();

      // provide the step data to the step handler
      for (StepHandler handler : stepHandlers) {
        handler.handleStep(interpolator, lastStep);
      stepStart = nextStep;

      if (fsal) {
        // save the last evaluation for the next step
        System.arraycopy(yDotK[stages - 1], 0, yDotK[0], 0, y0.length);

      if (manager.reset(stepStart, y) && !lastStep) {
        // some event handler has triggered changes that
        // invalidate the derivatives, we need to recompute them
        computeDerivatives(stepStart, y, yDotK[0]);

      if (!lastStep) {
        // in some rare cases we may get here with stepSize = 0, for example
        // when an event occurs at integration start, reducing the first step
        // to zero; we have to reset the step to some safe non zero value
        stepSize = filterStep(stepSize, forward, true);

        // stepsize control for next step
        final double factor =
            Math.min(maxGrowth, Math.max(minReduction, safety * Math.pow(error, exp)));
        final double scaledH = stepSize * factor;
        final double nextT = stepStart + scaledH;
        final boolean nextIsLast = forward ? (nextT >= t) : (nextT <= t);
        hNew = filterStep(scaledH, forward, nextIsLast);

    final double stopTime = stepStart;
    return stopTime;