 // FIXME: We should have a better way of using the proper method based
 // on version as a general solution...
 private RubyString makeShared(Ruby runtime, RubyString str, int begin, int length) {
   if (runtime.is1_9()) {
     return str.makeShared19(runtime, begin, length);
   } else {
     return str.makeShared(runtime, begin, length);
  public static RubyClass createIntegerClass(Ruby runtime) {
    RubyClass integer =
            "Integer", runtime.getNumeric(), ObjectAllocator.NOT_ALLOCATABLE_ALLOCATOR);

    integer.index = ClassIndex.INTEGER;

    integer.kindOf =
        new RubyModule.KindOf() {
          public boolean isKindOf(IRubyObject obj, RubyModule type) {
            return obj instanceof RubyInteger;


    if (!runtime.is1_9()) {


    return integer;
  public void exceptionRaised(RaiseException exception) {
    assert isCurrent();

    RubyException rubyException = exception.getException();
    Ruby runtime = rubyException.getRuntime();
    if (runtime.getSystemExit().isInstance(rubyException)) {
          .raise(new IRubyObject[] {rubyException}, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
    } else if (abortOnException(runtime)) {
      RubyException systemExit;

      if (!runtime.is1_9()) {

        systemExit = RubySystemExit.newInstance(runtime, 1);
        systemExit.message = rubyException.message;
      } else {
        systemExit = rubyException;

          .raise(new IRubyObject[] {systemExit}, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
    } else if (runtime.getDebug().isTrue()) {
    exitingException = exception;
  @JRubyMethod(name = "inspect")
  public IRubyObject inspect() {
    if (str == null) return anyToString();

    Ruby runtime = getRuntime();
    RubyString result = runtime.newString();
    result.cat((byte) '#').cat((byte) '<');

    NameEntry[] names = new NameEntry[regs == null ? 1 : regs.numRegs];

    if (pattern.numberOfNames() > 0) {
      for (Iterator<NameEntry> i = pattern.namedBackrefIterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        NameEntry e = i.next();
        for (int num : e.getBackRefs()) names[num] = e;

    for (int i = 0; i < names.length; i++) {
      result.cat((byte) ' ');
      if (i > 0) {
        NameEntry e = names[i];
        if (e != null) {
          result.cat(e.name, e.nameP, e.nameEnd - e.nameP);
        } else {
          result.cat((byte) ('0' + i));
        result.cat((byte) ':');
      IRubyObject v = RubyRegexp.nth_match(i, this);
      if (v.isNil()) {
      } else {
        result.append(((RubyString) v).inspectCommon(runtime.is1_9()));

    return result.cat((byte) '>');
  public static void createGlobals(ThreadContext context, Ruby runtime) {
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("TOPLEVEL_BINDING", runtime.newBinding());

    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("TRUE", runtime.getTrue());
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("FALSE", runtime.getFalse());
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("NIL", runtime.getNil());

    // define ARGV and $* for this runtime
    RubyArray argvArray = runtime.newArray();
    String[] argv = runtime.getInstanceConfig().getArgv();
    for (int i = 0; i < argv.length; i++) {
      argvArray.append(RubyString.newStringShared(runtime, argv[i].getBytes()));
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("ARGV", argvArray);
    runtime.getGlobalVariables().defineReadonly("$*", new ValueAccessor(argvArray));

    IAccessor d =
        new ValueAccessor(runtime.newString(runtime.getInstanceConfig().displayedFileName()));
    runtime.getGlobalVariables().define("$PROGRAM_NAME", d);
    runtime.getGlobalVariables().define("$0", d);

    // Version information:
    IRubyObject version = null;
    IRubyObject patchlevel = null;
    IRubyObject release = runtime.newString(Constants.COMPILE_DATE).freeze(context);
    IRubyObject platform = runtime.newString(Constants.PLATFORM).freeze(context);
    IRubyObject engine = runtime.newString(Constants.ENGINE).freeze(context);

    switch (runtime.getInstanceConfig().getCompatVersion()) {
      case RUBY1_8:
        version = runtime.newString(Constants.RUBY_VERSION).freeze(context);
        patchlevel = runtime.newFixnum(Constants.RUBY_PATCHLEVEL).freeze(context);
      case RUBY1_9:
        version = runtime.newString(Constants.RUBY1_9_VERSION).freeze(context);
        patchlevel = runtime.newFixnum(Constants.RUBY1_9_PATCHLEVEL).freeze(context);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("RUBY_VERSION", version);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("RUBY_PATCHLEVEL", patchlevel);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("RUBY_RELEASE_DATE", release);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("RUBY_PLATFORM", platform);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("RUBY_ENGINE", engine);

    IRubyObject description =
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("RUBY_DESCRIPTION", description);

    IRubyObject copyright =
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("RUBY_COPYRIGHT", copyright);

    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("VERSION", version);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("RELEASE_DATE", release);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("PLATFORM", platform);

    IRubyObject jrubyVersion = runtime.newString(Constants.VERSION).freeze(context);
    IRubyObject jrubyRevision = runtime.newString(Constants.REVISION).freeze(context);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("JRUBY_VERSION", jrubyVersion);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("JRUBY_REVISION", jrubyRevision);

    if (runtime.is1_9()) {
      // needs to be a fixnum, but our revision is a sha1 hash from git
      runtime.defineGlobalConstant("RUBY_REVISION", runtime.newFixnum(Constants.RUBY1_9_REVISION));

    GlobalVariable kcodeGV = new KCodeGlobalVariable(runtime, "$KCODE", runtime.newString("NONE"));
    runtime.defineVariable(new GlobalVariable.Copy(runtime, "$-K", kcodeGV));
    IRubyObject defaultRS =
    GlobalVariable rs = new StringGlobalVariable(runtime, "$/", defaultRS);
    runtime.defineVariable(new StringGlobalVariable(runtime, "$\\", runtime.getNil()));
    runtime.defineVariable(new StringGlobalVariable(runtime, "$,", runtime.getNil()));

    runtime.defineVariable(new LineNumberGlobalVariable(runtime, "$."));
    runtime.defineVariable(new LastlineGlobalVariable(runtime, "$_"));
    runtime.defineVariable(new LastExitStatusVariable(runtime, "$?"));

    runtime.defineVariable(new ErrorInfoGlobalVariable(runtime, "$!", runtime.getNil()));
    runtime.defineVariable(new NonEffectiveGlobalVariable(runtime, "$=", runtime.getFalse()));

    if (runtime.getInstanceConfig().getInputFieldSeparator() == null) {
      runtime.defineVariable(new GlobalVariable(runtime, "$;", runtime.getNil()));
    } else {
          new GlobalVariable(
                  runtime, runtime.getInstanceConfig().getInputFieldSeparator(), 0)));

    Boolean verbose = runtime.getInstanceConfig().getVerbose();
    IRubyObject verboseValue = null;
    if (verbose == null) {
      verboseValue = runtime.getNil();
    } else if (verbose == Boolean.TRUE) {
      verboseValue = runtime.getTrue();
    } else {
      verboseValue = runtime.getFalse();
    runtime.defineVariable(new VerboseGlobalVariable(runtime, "$VERBOSE", verboseValue));

    IRubyObject debug = runtime.newBoolean(runtime.getInstanceConfig().isDebug());
    runtime.defineVariable(new DebugGlobalVariable(runtime, "$DEBUG", debug));
    runtime.defineVariable(new DebugGlobalVariable(runtime, "$-d", debug));

    runtime.defineVariable(new SafeGlobalVariable(runtime, "$SAFE"));

    runtime.defineVariable(new BacktraceGlobalVariable(runtime, "$@"));

    IRubyObject stdin = new RubyIO(runtime, STDIO.IN);
    IRubyObject stdout = new RubyIO(runtime, STDIO.OUT);
    IRubyObject stderr = new RubyIO(runtime, STDIO.ERR);

    runtime.defineVariable(new InputGlobalVariable(runtime, "$stdin", stdin));

    runtime.defineVariable(new OutputGlobalVariable(runtime, "$stdout", stdout));
    runtime.getGlobalVariables().alias("$>", "$stdout");
    runtime.getGlobalVariables().alias("$defout", "$stdout");

    runtime.defineVariable(new OutputGlobalVariable(runtime, "$stderr", stderr));
    runtime.getGlobalVariables().alias("$deferr", "$stderr");

    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("STDIN", stdin);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("STDOUT", stdout);
    runtime.defineGlobalConstant("STDERR", stderr);

    runtime.defineVariable(new LoadedFeatures(runtime, "$\""));
    runtime.defineVariable(new LoadedFeatures(runtime, "$LOADED_FEATURES"));

    runtime.defineVariable(new LoadPath(runtime, "$:"));
    runtime.defineVariable(new LoadPath(runtime, "$-I"));
    runtime.defineVariable(new LoadPath(runtime, "$LOAD_PATH"));

    runtime.defineVariable(new MatchMatchGlobalVariable(runtime, "$&"));
    runtime.defineVariable(new PreMatchGlobalVariable(runtime, "$`"));
    runtime.defineVariable(new PostMatchGlobalVariable(runtime, "$'"));
    runtime.defineVariable(new LastMatchGlobalVariable(runtime, "$+"));
    runtime.defineVariable(new BackRefGlobalVariable(runtime, "$~"));

    // On platforms without a c-library accessable through JNA, getpid will return hashCode
    // as $$ used to. Using $$ to kill processes could take down many runtimes, but by basing
    // $$ on getpid() where available, we have the same semantics as MRI.
    runtime.getGlobalVariables().defineReadonly("$$", new PidAccessor(runtime));

    // after defn of $stderr as the call may produce warnings

    // Fixme: Do we need the check or does Main.java not call this...they should consolidate
    if (runtime.getGlobalVariables().get("$*").isNil()) {
      runtime.getGlobalVariables().defineReadonly("$*", new ValueAccessor(runtime.newArray()));

            new ValueAccessor(runtime.newBoolean(runtime.getInstanceConfig().isAssumePrinting())));
            "$-a", new ValueAccessor(runtime.newBoolean(runtime.getInstanceConfig().isSplit())));
            new ValueAccessor(runtime.newBoolean(runtime.getInstanceConfig().isProcessLineEnds())));

    // ARGF, $< object
  private static RubyTime createTime(IRubyObject recv, IRubyObject[] args, boolean gmt) {
    Ruby runtime = recv.getRuntime();
    int len = ARG_SIZE;
    Boolean isDst = null;

    DateTimeZone dtz;
    if (gmt) {
      dtz = DateTimeZone.UTC;
    } else if (args.length == 10 && args[9] instanceof RubyString) {
      dtz = getTimeZone(runtime, ((RubyString) args[9]).toString());
    } else {
      dtz = getLocalTimeZone(runtime);

    if (args.length == 10) {
      if (args[8] instanceof RubyBoolean) {
        isDst = ((RubyBoolean) args[8]).isTrue();
      args =
          new IRubyObject[] {
            args[5], args[4], args[3], args[2], args[1], args[0], runtime.getNil()
    } else {
      // MRI accepts additional wday argument which appears to be ignored.
      len = args.length;

      if (len < ARG_SIZE) {
        IRubyObject[] newArgs = new IRubyObject[ARG_SIZE];
        System.arraycopy(args, 0, newArgs, 0, args.length);
        for (int i = len; i < ARG_SIZE; i++) {
          newArgs[i] = runtime.getNil();
        args = newArgs;
        len = ARG_SIZE;

    if (args[0] instanceof RubyString) {
      args[0] = RubyNumeric.str2inum(runtime, (RubyString) args[0], 10, false);

    int year = (int) RubyNumeric.num2long(args[0]);
    int month = 1;

    if (len > 1) {
      if (!args[1].isNil()) {
        IRubyObject tmp = args[1].checkStringType();
        if (!tmp.isNil()) {
          String monthString = tmp.toString().toLowerCase();
          Integer monthInt = MONTHS_MAP.get(monthString);

          if (monthInt != null) {
            month = monthInt;
          } else {
            try {
              month = Integer.parseInt(monthString);
            } catch (NumberFormatException nfExcptn) {
              throw runtime.newArgumentError("Argument out of range.");
        } else {
          month = (int) RubyNumeric.num2long(args[1]);
      if (1 > month || month > 12) {
        throw runtime.newArgumentError("Argument out of range: for month: " + month);

    int[] int_args = {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0};

    for (int i = 0; int_args.length >= i + 2; i++) {
      if (!args[i + 2].isNil()) {
        if (!(args[i + 2] instanceof RubyNumeric)) {
          args[i + 2] = args[i + 2].callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), "to_i");

        long value = RubyNumeric.num2long(args[i + 2]);
        if (time_min[i] > value || value > time_max[i]) {
          throw runtime.newArgumentError("argument out of range.");
        int_args[i] = (int) value;

    if (!runtime.is1_9()) {
      if (0 <= year && year < 39) {
        year += 2000;
      } else if (69 <= year && year < 139) {
        year += 1900;

    DateTime dt;
    // set up with min values and then add to allow rolling over
    try {
      dt = new DateTime(year, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, DateTimeZone.UTC);

      dt =
          dt.plusMonths(month - 1)
              .plusDays(int_args[0] - 1)
      if (runtime.is1_9() && !args[5].isNil()) {
        double millis = RubyFloat.num2dbl(args[5]);
        int int_millis = (int) (millis * 1000) % 1000;
        dt = dt.plusMillis(int_millis);

      dt = dt.withZoneRetainFields(dtz);

      // we might need to perform a DST correction
      if (isDst != null) {
        // the instant at which we will ask dtz what the difference between DST and
        // standard time is
        long offsetCalculationInstant = dt.getMillis();

        // if we might be moving this time from !DST -> DST, the offset is assumed
        // to be the same as it was just before we last moved from DST -> !DST
        if (dtz.isStandardOffset(dt.getMillis())) {
          offsetCalculationInstant = dtz.previousTransition(offsetCalculationInstant);

        int offset =
                - dtz.getOffset(offsetCalculationInstant);

        if (!isDst && !dtz.isStandardOffset(dt.getMillis())) {
          dt = dt.minusMillis(offset);
        if (isDst && dtz.isStandardOffset(dt.getMillis())) {
          dt = dt.plusMillis(offset);
    } catch (org.joda.time.IllegalFieldValueException e) {
      throw runtime.newArgumentError("time out of range");

    RubyTime time = new RubyTime(runtime, (RubyClass) recv, dt);
    // Ignores usec if 8 args (for compatibility with parsedate) or if not supplied.
    if (args.length != 8 && !args[6].isNil()) {
      int usec = int_args[4] % 1000;
      int msec = int_args[4] / 1000;

      if (int_args[4] < 0) {
        msec -= 1;
        usec += 1000;
      time.dt = dt.withMillis(dt.getMillis() + msec);

    time.callInit(IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
    return time;