public Long handleUpload(String uploadId, Representation entity, Long startPosition) {
    ResumableUploadResource resource = getResource(uploadId);
    Long writtenBytes = 0L;
    try {
      final ReadableByteChannel source = entity.getChannel();
      RandomAccessFile raf = null;
      FileChannel outputChannel = null;
      try {
        raf = new RandomAccessFile(resource.getFile(), "rw");
        outputChannel = raf.getChannel();
        writtenBytes = IOUtils.copyToFileChannel(256 * 1024, source, outputChannel, startPosition);
      } finally {
        try {
          if (raf != null) {
        } finally {
    } catch (IOException e) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
    } finally {


    return resource.getFile().length();
 // Return relative path of uploaded file
 private String getDestinationPath(String uploadId) throws IOException {
   ResumableUploadResource resource = getResource(uploadId);
   String fileName =
           .replaceAll(tmpUploadFolder.dir().getCanonicalPath(), "");
   fileName = fileName.replaceAll("_" + uploadId, "");
   fileName = fileName.replaceAll("^/", "");
   return fileName;
  * Executes validations on resume parameters to check if successive start position index matches
  * actual partial file length
 public Boolean validateUpload(
     String uploadId,
     Long totalByteToUpload,
     Long startPosition,
     Long endPosition,
     Long totalFileSize) {
   Boolean validated = false;
   ResumableUploadResource uploadResource = getResource(uploadId);
   if (uploadResource != null && uploadResource.getFile().exists()) {
     if (uploadResource.getFile().length() == startPosition) {
       validated = true;
   return validated;
  * Executes the mapping to move uploaded file from temporary folder to REST upload root Creates
  * the sidecar file
 public String uploadDone(String uploadId) throws IOException {
   ResumableUploadResource resource = getResource(uploadId);
   Map<String, String> storeParams = new HashMap<String, String>();
   String destinationPath = getDestinationPath(uploadId);
   StringBuilder remappingPath = new StringBuilder(destinationPath);
   String tempFile = resource.getFile().getCanonicalPath();
       null, FilenameUtils.getBaseName(destinationPath), remappingPath, tempFile, storeParams);
   // Move file to remapped path
   Resource destinationFile = Resources.fromPath(remappingPath.toString());
   // Fill file
   IOUtils.copyStream(new FileInputStream(resource.getFile()), destinationFile.out(), true, true);
   // Add temporary sidecar file to mark upload completion, it will be cleared after
   // expirationThreshold
   return destinationPath.toString();
 /** Create new temporary file for this uploadId */
 public void clearUpload(String uploadId) {
   ResumableUploadResource resource = getResource(uploadId);
   if (resource != null) {