 public void hideComponents(boolean hide) {
   this.hideComponents = hide;
   if (componentsInHiearchy == null) return;
   for (Renderable r : componentsInHiearchy) {
     Node node = (Node) r;
     if (r instanceof RenderableComplex) {
       ((RenderableComplex) r).hideComponents = hide;
   // The following statements are related to bounds.
   if (bounds == null) return;
   if (hide) {
   } else {
     // Make sure a complex container has enough size
     Renderable container = this.container;
     Rectangle childBounds = this.bounds;
     while (container instanceof RenderableComplex) {
       Rectangle cBounds = container.getBounds();
       if (!cBounds.contains(childBounds)) {
         ((RenderableComplex) container).layout();
       childBounds = container.getBounds();
       container = container.getContainer();
  public void render(Renderer renderer) {
    // Find renderables and sort them by depth
    List<Renderable> renderables = new ArrayList<>();

    for (GameObject actor : actors) {
      if (actor instanceof Renderable) {
        renderables.add((Renderable) actor);

    renderables.sort((o1, o2) -> (int) (Integer.MAX_VALUE * (o2.getDepth() - o1.getDepth())));

    // Apply camera
    if (camera != null) {

    // render objects
    for (Renderable renderable : renderables) {

  public void render(EntityPlayer player, Graphics g, double x, double y) {
    final float pitch = player.pitch;

    final int attackTime = player.getAttackTime();

    final boolean flip = pitch >= 90 && pitch <= 270;
    final Renderable sprite = this.getSprite(player, attackTime);

    final float width = 12;
    final float height = 24;


    GL11.glTranslated(x, y, 0);

    if (flip) {
      GL11.glScalef(-1, 1, 1);

    GL11.glTranslatef(-width / 2, -height, 0);

    sprite.draw(0, 0);

    this.drawHeldItem(player, attackTime);

 private boolean isNormalObject(Renderable r, Set<Long> normalIds) {
   if (r instanceof HyperEdge) {
     if (r instanceof FlowLine) return isFlowLineRelatedToSet((FlowLine) r, normalIds);
     // Most likely the following statements should not be reached. But place
     // here just in case.
     if (r.getReactomeId() == null) return true;
     if (normalIds.contains(r.getReactomeId())) return true;
   } else if (r instanceof Node) {
     if (r instanceof ProcessNode) return true; // Should be used only for normal pathway.
     if (r.getReactomeId() == null) return true;
     // Check if it is linked to another disease entities
     Node node = (Node) r;
     List<HyperEdge> edges = node.getConnectedReactions();
     boolean isNormal = false;
     for (HyperEdge edge : edges) {
       if (edge instanceof FlowLine) isNormal = isFlowLineRelatedToSet((FlowLine) edge, normalIds);
       if (isNormal) return true;
       if (edge.getReactomeId() != null && normalIds.contains(edge.getReactomeId())) return true;
       // Some special cases that use links
       if (!(edge instanceof EntitySetAndEntitySetLink)
           && !(edge instanceof EntitySetAndMemberLink)
           && edge.getReactomeId() == null) return true;
   return false;
  * Some of disease reactions may not be drawn in the pathway diagram (e.g. LoF or GoF reactions).
  * These reactions should be overlaid onto their normalReaction counterparts, which are encoded by
  * their normalReaction attributes.
  * @param diseaseIds
 private void overlayDiseaseReactions(Set<Long> diseaseIds) {
   // Get the list of all drawing objects for checking
   Map<Long, Renderable> idToObject = new HashMap<Long, Renderable>();
   List<Renderable> components = displayedObject.getComponents();
   if (components == null || components.size() == 0) return;
   for (Renderable r : components) {
     if (r.getReactomeId() == null) continue;
     idToObject.put(r.getReactomeId(), r);
   try {
     normalToDiseaseNode = new HashMap<Node, Node>();
     for (Long diseaseId : diseaseIds) {
       if (idToObject.containsKey(diseaseId)) continue;
       // Have to copy the normal reactions to draw
       GKInstance inst = adaptor.fetchInstance(diseaseId);
       if (inst.getSchemClass().isa(ReactomeJavaConstants.ReactionlikeEvent)) {
         List<GKInstance> normalReactions =
         if (normalReactions != null && normalReactions.size() > 0) {
           for (GKInstance normalRxt : normalReactions) {
             Renderable r = idToObject.get(normalRxt.getDBID());
             if (r instanceof HyperEdge) overlayDiseaseReaction((HyperEdge) r, inst);
   } catch (Exception e) {
 private boolean isDiseaseObject(Renderable r, Set<Long> diseaseIds) {
   if (r instanceof FlowLine) {
     FlowLine fl = (FlowLine) r;
     return isFlowLineRelatedToSet(fl, diseaseIds);
   // Assume normal objects only: this is a very strong assumption
   if (r.getReactomeId() == null) return false;
   // A PE may be represented multiple times in a pathway diagram. Some of them
   // are linked to normal reactions, and some linked to disease reactions.
   // Have to check these cases.
   if (r instanceof HyperEdge) return diseaseIds.contains(r.getReactomeId());
   if (r instanceof Node) {
     Node node = (Node) r;
     List<HyperEdge> edges = node.getConnectedReactions();
     boolean isDisease = false;
     for (HyperEdge edge : edges) {
       if (edge instanceof FlowLine) {
         isDisease = isFlowLineRelatedToSet((FlowLine) edge, diseaseIds);
       } else if (edge.getReactomeId() != null && diseaseIds.contains(edge.getReactomeId())) {
         isDisease = true;
       if (isDisease) return true;
   return false;
 public Renderable getComponentByName(String name) {
   Renderable renderable = null;
   for (Iterator it = components.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
     renderable = (Renderable) it.next();
     if (renderable.getDisplayName().equals(name)) return renderable;
   return null;
 public Renderable obtain() {
   Renderable renderable = super.obtain();
   renderable.lights = null;
   renderable.material = null;
   renderable.mesh = null;
   renderable.shader = null;
   return renderable;
 public static Sampleable sampleable(Renderable base) {
   BoundingBox bb = base.getBoundingBox();
   OverlayRaster or = new OverlayRaster(bb.intRight() + 1, bb.intBottom() + 1);
   return new AbstractSampleable(bb) {
     public Color getColorAt(Point<Double> point) {
       return or.getColor(point.toIntegerPoint());
  public static void renderScene() {
    for (int ID : renderables.keySet()) {
      List<Renderable> batch = renderables.get(ID);
      GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, ID);
      for (Renderable renderable : batch) {
      GL11.glBindTexture(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0);

  * Calls {@link RenderableProvider#getRenderables(Array, Pool)} and adds all returned {@link
  * Renderable} instances to the current batch to be rendered. Any lights set on the returned
  * renderables will be replaced with the given lights. Any shaders set on the returned renderables
  * will be replaced by the given {@link Shader}.
  * @param renderableProvider the renderable provider
  * @param lights the lights to use for the renderables
  * @param shader the shader to use for the renderables
 public void render(
     final RenderableProvider renderableProvider, final Lights lights, final Shader shader) {
   int offset = renderables.size;
   renderableProvider.getRenderables(renderables, renderablesPool);
   for (int i = offset; i < renderables.size; i++) {
     Renderable renderable = renderables.get(i);
     renderable.lights = lights;
     renderable.shader = shader;
     renderable.shader = shaderProvider.getShader(renderable);
  * Check if a passed Renderable object can be a Complex's component.
  * @param r
  * @return
 public boolean isAssignable(Renderable r) {
   if (bounds == null || r == this) // Don't point it to itself
   return false; // This container has not be materialized
   if (r instanceof Node) {
     if (r instanceof RenderableCompartment || r instanceof RenderablePathway || r instanceof Note)
       return false;
     // Need to check based on bounds. Should have a full containing
     if (r.getBounds() == null) return bounds.contains(r.getPosition());
     else return bounds.contains(r.getBounds());
   return false;
 private void saveOldBounds() {
   if (oldIdToBounds == null) oldIdToBounds = new HashMap<Integer, Rectangle>();
   else oldIdToBounds.clear();
   // Save the bounds for this RenderableComplex. This bounds
   // will be used as the reference for future recovering
   oldIdToBounds.put(getID(), new Rectangle(bounds));
   for (Renderable r : componentsInHiearchy) {
     Rectangle rBounds = r.getBounds();
     if (rBounds != null) { // Just in case
       oldIdToBounds.put(r.getID(), new Rectangle(rBounds));
 protected void doRender(DrawContext dc, Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables) {
   for (Renderable renderable : renderables) {
     try {
       // If the caller has specified their own Iterable,
       // then we cannot make any guarantees about its contents.
       if (renderable != null) renderable.render(dc);
     } catch (Exception e) {
       String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionWhileRenderingRenderable");
       Logging.logger().log(java.util.logging.Level.SEVERE, msg, e);
       // continue to next renderable
  public void onDrawFrame(GL10 gl) {


    for (Renderable r : renderScheduler.getRenderList(gl)) {
 public Renderable removeComponent(Renderable renderable) {
   Renderable target = getTarget(renderable);
   if (componentsInHiearchy != null) componentsInHiearchy.remove(renderable);
   if (oldIdToBounds != null) oldIdToBounds.remove(renderable.getID());
   return super.removeComponent(renderable);
 /** This method is used to copy the bounds of this complex to all it contained components. */
 public void copyBoundsToComponents() {
   if (componentsInHiearchy == null || componentsInHiearchy.size() == 0) return;
   for (Renderable r : componentsInHiearchy) {
     if (r.bounds == null) {
       r.bounds = new Rectangle(bounds);
       if (r.getPosition() == null) r.setPosition(new Point());
       ((Node) r).validatePositionFromBounds();
     } else {
       r.bounds.x = bounds.x;
       r.bounds.y = bounds.y;
       r.bounds.width = bounds.width;
       r.bounds.height = bounds.height;
     ((Node) r).invalidateTextBounds();
 public void addComponent(Renderable renderable) {
   // as of Jan 22, stoichiometry is disabled.
   //      // Check stoichiometries first
   //      Renderable target = getTarget(renderable);
   //      // Have to make stoichiometries consistent
   //      Integer value = (Integer) stoichiometries.get(target);
   //      if (value == null)
   //      stoichiometries.put(target, new Integer(1));
   //      else
   //      stoichiometries.put(target, new Integer(value.intValue() + 1));
   //      // Check if renderable has been added to components
   //      for (Iterator it = components.iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
   //      Renderable r = (Renderable) it.next();
   //      if (r instanceof Shortcut)
   //      r = ((Shortcut)r).getTarget();
   //      if (r == target)
   //      return;
   //      }
   if (hideComponents) {
     if (renderable instanceof ContainerNode) ((ContainerNode) renderable).hideComponents(true);
  public void render() {



    for (Renderable renderable : Handler.renderables) {

     * EntityHandler.render();

 private Node replaceNormalNode(
     Node normalNode, GKInstance diseaseEntity, Boolean needDashedBorder) {
   Node diseaseNode = normalToDiseaseNode.get(normalNode);
   if (diseaseNode != null) return diseaseNode;
   try {
     // If a node exists already, it should use
     for (Renderable r : diseaseComps) {
       if (diseaseEntity.getDBID().equals(r.getReactomeId()) && r instanceof Node) {
         // This is rather arbitrary: if two nodes are very close,
         // use the existing one.
         int dx = Math.abs(r.getPosition().x - normalNode.getPosition().x);
         int dy = Math.abs(r.getPosition().y - normalNode.getPosition().y);
         if (dx < 10 && dy < 10) {
           // We don't need to create a new Node if it exists already
           normalToDiseaseNode.put(normalNode, (Node) r);
           overlaidObjects.add(r); // Add it to overlaid object to cover edges
           return (Node) r;
     diseaseNode = normalNode.getClass().newInstance();
     RenderUtility.copyRenderInfo(normalNode, diseaseNode);
     // The following should NOT be called since NodeAttachment is
     // related to disease entity only.
     // TODO: Need to support this. Currently it is not supported!!! See example
     // in PI3/AKT cancer pathway.
     // diseaseNode.setNodeAttachmentsLocally(node.getNodeAttachments());
     normalToDiseaseNode.put(normalNode, diseaseNode);
     return diseaseNode;
   } catch (Exception e) {
   return null;
 public boolean isPicked(Point p) {
   // reset
   selectionPosition = SelectionPosition.NONE;
   if (!isVisible || bounds == null) return false;
   // Check contained components first
   // Need to check contained components in an order
   if (componentsInHiearchy != null && componentsInHiearchy.size() > 0) {
     for (Renderable r : componentsInHiearchy) {
       if (r.isPicked(p)) return false;
   if (isResizeWidgetPicked(p)) return true;
   //      // Check if text label is picked
   //      if (isTextPicked(p)) {
   //      selectionPosition = SelectionPosition.TEXT;
   //      return true;
   //      }
   if (isNodeAttachmentPicked(p)) return true;
   return bounds.contains(p);
  public void testIsRenderable() {
    Renderable ui = new Renderable();

    try {
      assertEquals(values.anUnsafeUri(), ui.jsAnchorFromSafeUri.getHref());
      AnchorElement anchor = expectedEscapedAnchor();
      assertEquals(anchor.getHref(), ui.jsAnchorFromString.getHref());
      assertEquals("http://www.google.com/images/logo_sm.gif", ui.inlineHttpAnchor.getHref());
      assertEquals("javascript:void(0)", ui.inlineJavascriptAnchor.getHref());
          values.aSelector() + values.aGifPath(), ui.httpAnchorFromConstructedString.getHref());

      assertEquals(values.anUnsafeUri(), ui.jsAnchorFromSafeUriObj.uri.asString());
          "http://www.google.com/images/logo_sm.gif", ui.inlineHttpAnchorObj.uri.asString());
      assertEquals("javascript:void(0)", ui.inlineJavascriptAnchorObj.uri.asString());
    } finally {
  public void render(GL2 gl, GLU glu, GLUT glut) {

    // camera.prepare(gl, glu, glut);

    // preRendering(gl, glu, glut);


    camera.prepare(gl, glu, glut);

    setupWorld(gl, glu, glut);

    for (Renderable r : this) {

      r.render(gl, glu, glut);

  protected void doPick(
      DrawContext dc, Iterable<? extends Renderable> renderables, java.awt.Point pickPoint) {

    try {
      for (Renderable renderable : renderables) {
        // If the caller has specified their own Iterable,
        // then we cannot make any guarantees about its contents.
        if (renderable != null) {
          float[] inColor = new float[4];
          dc.getGL().glGetFloatv(GL.GL_CURRENT_COLOR, inColor, 0);
          java.awt.Color color = dc.getUniquePickColor();
              .glColor3ub((byte) color.getRed(), (byte) color.getGreen(), (byte) color.getBlue());

          try {
          } catch (Exception e) {
            String msg = Logging.getMessage("generic.ExceptionWhilePickingRenderable");
            continue; // go on to next renderable

          dc.getGL().glColor4fv(inColor, 0);

          if (renderable instanceof Locatable) {
                color.getRGB(), renderable, ((Locatable) renderable).getPosition(), false);
          } else {
            this.pickSupport.addPickableObject(color.getRGB(), renderable);

      this.pickSupport.resolvePick(dc, pickPoint, this);
    } finally {
 private void checkLossOfFunctionNodes() {
   try {
     lofNodes = new ArrayList<Node>();
     List<Renderable> components = displayedObject.getComponents();
     if (components == null || components.size() == 0) return;
     for (Renderable r : components) {
       if (r instanceof Node || r.getReactomeId() == null) continue;
       if (!diseaseIds.contains(r.getReactomeId())) continue;
       GKInstance inst = adaptor.fetchInstance(r.getReactomeId());
       if (!inst.getSchemClass().isa(ReactomeJavaConstants.ReactionlikeEvent)
           || !inst.getSchemClass().isValidAttribute(ReactomeJavaConstants.entityFunctionalStatus))
       List<GKInstance> efs =
       Set<GKInstance> lofPEs = new HashSet<GKInstance>();
       for (GKInstance ef : efs) {
         GKInstance pe = (GKInstance) ef.getAttributeValue(ReactomeJavaConstants.physicalEntity);
         if (isLOFEntity(ef)) lofPEs.add(pe);
       List<Node> nodes = ((HyperEdge) r).getConnectedNodes();
       for (Node node : nodes) {
         if (node.getReactomeId() == null) continue;
         GKInstance nodeInst = adaptor.fetchInstance(node.getReactomeId());
         Set<GKInstance> nodeRefEntities = getReferenceEntity(nodeInst);
         for (GKInstance lofPE : lofPEs) {
           Set<GKInstance> lofRefEntities = getReferenceEntity(lofPE);
           if (lofRefEntities.size() > 0) {
             // A LOF node
   } catch (Exception e) {
   * We override the equals method of Object so that we can compare RunnableRender instances against
   * each other. Since the important pieces are "wrapped" up, we need to unwrap them to compare them
   * correctly. For our purposes, we are really interested in whether the associated {@link
   * com.icesoft.faces.webapp.xmlhttp.PersistentFacesState PersistentFacesState}s are equal so we
   * "unwrap" each RunnableRender and compare the internal PersistentFacesStates.
   * @param obj The RunnableRender to compare to.
   * @return True if the internal PersistentFacesStates of each RunnableRender are equal. False
   *     otherwise.
  public boolean equals(Object obj) {
    if (obj == null || !(obj instanceof RunnableRender) || renderable == null) {
      return false;

    Renderable comparedRenderable = ((RunnableRender) obj).getRenderable();
    if (comparedRenderable == null) {
      return false;

    PersistentFacesState comparedState = comparedRenderable.getState();
    if (comparedState == null) {
      return false;

    PersistentFacesState myState = renderable.getState();
    if (myState == null) {
      return false;

    return myState.equals(comparedState);
 private void getSubunits(Renderable node, Set subunits) {
   List comps = node.getComponents();
   if (comps == null || comps.size() == 0) {
     // Treat an empty complex as a subunit. This might not be good.
     if (node instanceof Shortcut) subunits.add(((Shortcut) node).getTarget());
     else subunits.add(node);
   } else {
     Node tmp = null;
     for (Iterator it = comps.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
       tmp = (Node) it.next();
       getSubunits(tmp, subunits);
 private boolean isOldBoundsRecoverable() {
   if (oldIdToBounds == null || oldIdToBounds.size() == 0) return false;
   // Make sure all nodes have been registered
   if (componentsInHiearchy == null || componentsInHiearchy.size() == 0) return false;
   for (Renderable r : componentsInHiearchy) {
     if (!oldIdToBounds.containsKey(r.getID())) return false;
   // Check if a complex component has the same size as its container.
   // This may occur when a hidecomponent complex forms a complex with
   // another Node.
   for (Renderable r : componentsInHiearchy) {
     if (!(r instanceof RenderableComplex)) continue;
     RenderableComplex complex = (RenderableComplex) r;
     Rectangle complexBounds = oldIdToBounds.get(complex.getID());
     List<Renderable> list = RenderUtility.getComponentsInHierarchy(complex);
     for (Renderable tmp : list) {
       Rectangle tmpBounds = oldIdToBounds.get(tmp.getID());
       if (tmpBounds.width == complexBounds.width && tmpBounds.height == complexBounds.height)
         return false;
   return true;
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

    ((Graphics2D) g).setBackground(Color.BLACK);
    for (Renderable e : RenderableHolder.getInstance().getRenderableList()) {
      if (e.isVisible() && e.getZ() < -1) e.draw((Graphics2D) g);
    for (Monster m : Cage.getInstance().getCage()) {
      if (m.isVisible()) {
        m.draw((Graphics2D) g);
    for (Renderable e : RenderableHolder.getInstance().getRenderableList()) {
      if (e.isVisible() && e.getZ() >= -1) e.draw((Graphics2D) g);
  * See note above in run method. Just fiddle with the session to try to cause
  * IllegalStateExceptions before Seam takes over.
  * @param state PersistentFacesState used in rendering
  * @throws IllegalStateException If logged out.
 private void testSession(PersistentFacesState state) throws IllegalStateException {
   FacesContext fc = state.getFacesContext();
   Object o = fc.getExternalContext().getSession(false);
   if (o == null) {
         new FatalRenderingException("Session has ended (User Logout?)"));
   } else {
     if (o instanceof HttpSession) {
       HttpSession session = (HttpSession) o;
     } else if (o instanceof PortletSession) {
       PortletSession ps = (PortletSession) o;