  * Returns an estimate of the solution to the linear system A · x = b.
  * @param a the linear operator A of the system
  * @param b the right-hand side vector
  * @return a new vector containing the solution
  * @throws NullArgumentException if one of the parameters is {@code null}
  * @throws NonSquareOperatorException if {@code a} is not square
  * @throws DimensionMismatchException if {@code b} has dimensions inconsistent with {@code a}
  * @throws MaxCountExceededException at exhaustion of the iteration count, unless a custom {@link
  *     org.apache.commons.math3.util.Incrementor.MaxCountExceededCallback callback} has been set
  *     at construction of the {@link IterationManager}
 public RealVector solve(final RealLinearOperator a, final RealVector b)
     throws NullArgumentException, NonSquareOperatorException, DimensionMismatchException,
         MaxCountExceededException {
   final RealVector x = new ArrayRealVector(a.getColumnDimension());
   return solveInPlace(a, b, x);
  * Performs all dimension checks on the parameters of {@link #solve(RealLinearOperator,
  * RealVector, RealVector) solve} and {@link #solveInPlace(RealLinearOperator, RealVector,
  * RealVector) solveInPlace}, and throws an exception if one of the checks fails.
  * @param a the linear operator A of the system
  * @param b the right-hand side vector
  * @param x0 the initial guess of the solution
  * @throws NullArgumentException if one of the parameters is {@code null}
  * @throws NonSquareOperatorException if {@code a} is not square
  * @throws DimensionMismatchException if {@code b} or {@code x0} have dimensions inconsistent with
  *     {@code a}
 protected static void checkParameters(
     final RealLinearOperator a, final RealVector b, final RealVector x0)
     throws NullArgumentException, NonSquareOperatorException, DimensionMismatchException {
   if (a.getRowDimension() != a.getColumnDimension()) {
     throw new NonSquareOperatorException(a.getRowDimension(), a.getColumnDimension());
   if (b.getDimension() != a.getRowDimension()) {
     throw new DimensionMismatchException(b.getDimension(), a.getRowDimension());
   if (x0.getDimension() != a.getColumnDimension()) {
     throw new DimensionMismatchException(x0.getDimension(), a.getColumnDimension());