   * Takes a Cholesky decomposition from the Cholesky.cholesky method and a set of data simulated
   * using the information in that matrix. Written by Don Crimbchin. Modified June 8, Matt
   * Easterday: added a random # seed so that data can be recalculated with the same result in
   * Causality lab
   * @param cholesky the result from cholesky above.
   * @param randomUtil a random number generator, if null the method will make a new generator for
   *     each random number needed
   * @return an array the same length as the width or length (cholesky should have the same width
   *     and length) containing a randomly generate data set.
  private double[] exogenousData(TetradMatrix cholesky, RandomUtil randomUtil) {

    // Step 1. Generate normal samples.
    double exoData[] = new double[cholesky.rows()];

    for (int i = 0; i < exoData.length; i++) {
      exoData[i] = randomUtil.nextNormal(0, 1);

    // Step 2. Multiply by cholesky to get correct covariance.
    double point[] = new double[exoData.length];

    for (int i = 0; i < exoData.length; i++) {
      double sum = 0.0;

      for (int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
        sum += cholesky.get(i, j) * exoData[j];

      point[i] = sum;

    return point;