   * *************************************************************** Compute binding and proof from
   * E's response
  public static TPTP3ProofProcessor parseProofOutput(ArrayList<String> lines, KB kb) {

    TPTP3ProofProcessor tpp = new TPTP3ProofProcessor();
    try {
      boolean inProof = false;
      boolean finishAnswersTuple = false;
      String line;
      Iterator<String> it = lines.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        line = it.next();
        if (line.indexOf("SZS output start") != -1) {
          inProof = true;
          line = it.next();
        if (line.indexOf("SZS status") != -1) {
          tpp.status = line.substring(15);
        if (line.indexOf("SZS answers") != -1) {
          if (!finishAnswersTuple) {
            finishAnswersTuple = true;
        if (inProof) {
          if (line.indexOf("SZS output end") != -1) {
            inProof = false;
          } else {
            ProofStep ps = tpp.parseProofStep(line);
            if (ps != null) {
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    // remove unnecessary steps, eg: conjectures, duplicate trues
    tpp.proof = ProofStep.removeUnnecessary(tpp.proof);
    tpp.proof = ProofStep.removeDuplicates(tpp.proof);

    // find types for skolem terms
    findTypesForSkolemTerms(tpp, kb);
    return tpp;
   * *************************************************************** Parse a step like the following
   * into its constituents fof(c_0_5, axiom, (s__subclass(s__Artifact,s__Object)), c_0_3).
   * <p>fof(c_0_2, negated_conjecture, (~(?[X1]:(s__subclass(X1,s__Object)&~$answer(esk1_1(X1))))),
   * inference(assume_negation,[status(cth)],[inference(add_answer_literal,[status(thm)],[c_0_0,
   * theory(answers)])])).
  public ProofStep parseProofStep(String line) {

    if (StringUtil.emptyString(line)) return null;
    ProofStep ps = new ProofStep();
    // System.out.println("Info in TPTP3ProofProcessor.parseProofStep(): " + line);
    int paren = line.indexOf("(");
    if (paren == -1) {
      System.out.println("Error in TPTP3ProofProcessor.parseProofStep() bad format: " + line);
      return null;
    String type = line.substring(0, paren);
    if (!line.endsWith(").")) {
      System.out.println("Error in TPTP3ProofProcessor.parseProofStep() bad format: " + line);
      return null;
    String withoutWrapper = line.substring(paren + 1, line.length() - 2);
    int comma1 = withoutWrapper.indexOf(",");
    String id = withoutWrapper.substring(0, comma1).trim();
    // System.out.println("ID       : " + id);
    Integer intID = new Integer(idCounter++);
    idTable.put(id, intID);
    ps.number = intID;

    int comma2 = withoutWrapper.indexOf(",", comma1 + 1);
    String formulaType = withoutWrapper.substring(comma1 + 1, comma2).trim();
    ps.formulaType = formulaType;
    // System.out.println("type     : " + formulaType);
    String rest = withoutWrapper.substring(comma2 + 1).trim();
    int statementEnd =
            rest.indexOf("("), rest); // startIndex =  index_of_first_"(", instead of 0;
    // TODO: check if exists "="
    if (statementEnd == rest.length() - 1) // sepecial case: rest = "s__Class30_1=s__Reptile,
      // file('/var/folders/s4/38700c8541z9h0t0sy_6lmk40000gn/T//epr_diiVH1', i_0_23)"
      statementEnd = rest.indexOf(","); // expected: "foo(s__Class30_1,s__Reptile),
    // file('/var/folders/s4/38700c8541z9h0t0sy_6lmk40000gn/T//epr_diiVH1', i_0_23)"

    String stmnt = trimParens(rest.substring(0, statementEnd + 1).trim());
    // System.out.println("stmnt    : " + stmnt);
    // line = line.replaceAll("\\$answer\\(","answer(");
    // System.out.println("after remove $answer: " + line);
    StringReader reader = new StringReader(line);
    // kif = TPTP2SUMO.convert(reader, false);
    try {
      TPTPParser tptpP = TPTPParser.parse(new BufferedReader(reader));
      // System.out.println(tptpP.Items.get(0));
      Iterator<String> it = tptpP.ftable.keySet().iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        String tptpid = it.next();
        TPTPFormula tptpF = tptpP.ftable.get(tptpid);
        stmnt = TPTP2SUMO.convertType(tptpF, 0, 0, true).toString();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Error in TPTP3ProofProcessor.parseProofStep(): " + e.getMessage());
      System.out.println("with input: " + line);
    // System.out.println("KIF stmnt : " + stmnt);
    ps.axiom = stmnt;
    String supportId = rest.substring(statementEnd + 2, rest.length()).trim();
    // System.out.println("supportID: " + supportId);
    // add an inference type
    ps.inferenceType = getInferenceType(supportId.trim());
    return ps;