   * Add a node test to the union list.
   * @param test reference to a NodeTest, which will be added directly to the list of node tests (in
   *     other words, it will not be cloned). The parent of this test will be set to this object.
  public void addNodeTest(PredicatedNodeTest test) {

    // Increase array size by only 1 at a time.  Fix this
    // if it looks to be a problem.
    if (null == m_nodeTests) {
      m_nodeTests = new PredicatedNodeTest[1];
      m_nodeTests[0] = test;
    } else {
      PredicatedNodeTest[] tests = m_nodeTests;
      int len = m_nodeTests.length;

      m_nodeTests = new PredicatedNodeTest[len + 1];

      System.arraycopy(tests, 0, m_nodeTests, 0, len);

      m_nodeTests[len] = test;