public Policy getRemoteReferencedPolicy(String uri) { Policy policy = null; // extract the remote resource contents OMElement policyElement = getRemoteReferedElement(uri); // call the policy engine with already extracted content policy = PolicyEngine.getPolicy(policyElement); return policy; }
protected void handle(Message msg) { if (MessageUtils.isRequestor(msg)) { LOG.fine("Is a requestor."); return; } Exchange exchange = msg.getExchange(); assert null != exchange; BindingOperationInfo boi = exchange.get(BindingOperationInfo.class); if (null == boi) { LOG.fine("No binding operation info."); return; } Endpoint e = exchange.get(Endpoint.class); if (null == e) { LOG.fine("No endpoint."); return; } EndpointInfo ei = e.getEndpointInfo(); Bus bus = exchange.get(Bus.class); PolicyEngine pe = bus.getExtension(PolicyEngine.class); if (null == pe) { return; } Destination destination = exchange.getDestination(); Exception ex = exchange.get(Exception.class); List<Interceptor<? extends Message>> faultInterceptors = new ArrayList<Interceptor<? extends Message>>(); Collection<Assertion> assertions = new ArrayList<Assertion>(); // 1. Check overridden policy Policy p = (Policy) msg.getContextualProperty(PolicyConstants.POLICY_OVERRIDE); if (p != null) { EndpointPolicyImpl endpi = new EndpointPolicyImpl(p); EffectivePolicyImpl effectivePolicy = new EffectivePolicyImpl(); effectivePolicy.initialise(endpi, (PolicyEngineImpl) pe, false, true); PolicyUtils.logPolicy( LOG, Level.FINEST, "Using effective policy: ", effectivePolicy.getPolicy()); faultInterceptors.addAll(effectivePolicy.getInterceptors()); assertions.addAll(effectivePolicy.getChosenAlternative()); } else { // 2. Process effective server policy BindingFaultInfo bfi = getBindingFaultInfo(msg, ex, boi); if (bfi == null && msg.get(FaultMode.class) != FaultMode.UNCHECKED_APPLICATION_FAULT && msg.get(FaultMode.class) != FaultMode.CHECKED_APPLICATION_FAULT) { return; } EffectivePolicy effectivePolicy = pe.getEffectiveServerFaultPolicy(ei, boi, bfi, destination); if (effectivePolicy != null) { faultInterceptors.addAll(effectivePolicy.getInterceptors()); assertions.addAll(effectivePolicy.getChosenAlternative()); } } // add interceptors into message chain for (Interceptor<? extends Message> oi : faultInterceptors) { msg.getInterceptorChain().add(oi); LOG.log(Level.FINE, "Added interceptor of type {0}", oi.getClass().getSimpleName()); } // insert assertions of the chosen alternative into the message if (null != assertions && !assertions.isEmpty()) { msg.put(AssertionInfoMap.class, new AssertionInfoMap(assertions)); } }