public void startBootstrapInstance(MavenPluginContext pluginContext) { this.log = pluginContext.getLog(); this.configuration = pluginContext.getConfiguration(); List<Stoppable> stoppables = Lists.newArrayList(); getSetupStepSequence().execute(pluginContext); PrintStream originalSystemErr = System.err; bootstrap = getBootstrap();"Starting Tomcat ..."); try { File catalinaout = new File(configuration.getCatalinaBase(), "/logs/catalina.out"); CatalinaOutPrintStream catalinaOutputStream = new CatalinaOutPrintStream( originalSystemErr, new FileOutputStream(catalinaout), configuration.isSuspendConsoleOutput()); System.setErr(catalinaOutputStream); bootstrap.init(); final BootstrapShutdownHook shutdownHook = new BootstrapShutdownHook(); List<Stoppable> stoppableScanner = ScannerSetup.configureScanners(shutdownHook, configuration, log); stoppables.addAll(stoppableScanner); bootstrap.start(); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(shutdownHook);"Tomcat started"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage(), e); } stoppables.add(new StoppableBootstrapAdapter(bootstrap)); pluginContext .getMojo() .getPluginContext() .put(AbstractT7BaseMojo.T7_BOOTSTRAP_CONTEXT_ID, stoppables); }
/** @see org.apache.maven.plugin.Mojo#execute() */ public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException, MojoFailureException { getLog().info("Configuring Jetty for project: " + project.getName()); if (skip) { getLog().info("Skipping Jetty start: jetty.skip==true"); return; } PluginLog.setLog(getLog()); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new ShutdownThread()); random = new Random(); startJettyRunner(); }
/** @throws MojoExecutionException */ public void startJettyRunner() throws MojoExecutionException { try { File props = prepareConfiguration(); List<String> cmd = new ArrayList<String>(); cmd.add(getJavaBin()); if (jvmArgs != null) { String[] args = jvmArgs.split(" "); for (int i = 0; args != null && i < args.length; i++) { if (args[i] != null && !"".equals(args[i])) cmd.add(args[i].trim()); } } String classPath = getClassPath(); if (classPath != null && classPath.length() > 0) { cmd.add("-cp"); cmd.add(classPath); } cmd.add(Starter.class.getCanonicalName()); if (stopPort > 0 && stopKey != null) { cmd.add("--stop-port"); cmd.add(Integer.toString(stopPort)); cmd.add("--stop-key"); cmd.add(stopKey); } if (jettyXml != null) { cmd.add("--jetty-xml"); cmd.add(jettyXml); } if (contextXml != null) { cmd.add("--context-xml"); cmd.add(contextXml); } cmd.add("--props"); cmd.add(props.getAbsolutePath()); String token = createToken(); cmd.add("--token"); cmd.add(token); ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder(cmd);; if (PluginLog.getLog().isDebugEnabled()) PluginLog.getLog().debug(Arrays.toString(cmd.toArray())); forkedProcess = builder.start(); PluginLog.getLog().info("Forked process starting"); if (waitForChild) { startPump("STDOUT", forkedProcess.getInputStream()); startPump("STDERR", forkedProcess.getErrorStream()); int exitcode = forkedProcess.waitFor(); PluginLog.getLog().info("Forked execution exit: " + exitcode); } else { // wait for the child to be ready before terminating. // child indicates it has finished starting by printing on stdout the token passed to it try { LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new InputStreamReader(forkedProcess.getInputStream())); String line = null; int attempts = 10; // max lines we'll read trying to get token do { --attempts; line = reader.readLine(); if (line != null && line.startsWith(token)) break; } while (line != null && attempts > 0); reader.close(); if (line != null && line.trim().equals(token)) PluginLog.getLog().info("Forked process started."); else { String err = (line == null ? "" : line.substring(token.length())); PluginLog.getLog() .info("Forked process startup errors " + (!"".equals(err) ? ":" + err : "")); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new MojoExecutionException( "Problem determining if forked process is ready: " + e.getMessage()); } } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { if (forkedProcess != null && waitForChild) forkedProcess.destroy(); throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to start Jetty within time limit"); } catch (Exception ex) { if (forkedProcess != null && waitForChild) forkedProcess.destroy(); throw new MojoExecutionException("Failed to create Jetty process", ex); } }