public static Array createHealthGroup() throws SiteViewParameterException { String s = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "groups" + File.separator + ""; File file = new File(s); Array array = null; if (!file.exists()) { array = new Array(); HashMap hashmap = new HashMap(); hashmap.put("_encoding", I18N.getDefaultEncoding()); hashmap.put("_health", "true"); hashmap.put("_dependsCondition", "good"); hashmap.put("_fileEncoding", I18N.getDefaultEncoding()); hashmap.put("_name", "Health"); hashmap.put("_nextID", "1"); array.add(hashmap); try { FrameFile.writeToFile(s, array); } catch (IOException ioexception1) { String as[] = {"", ioexception1.getMessage()}; throw new SiteViewParameterException(SiteViewErrorCodes.ERR_OP_SS_HEALTH_CANNOT_WRITE, as); } } else { try { array = FrameFile.readFromFile(s); } catch (IOException ioexception) { LogManager.log( "error", "Couldn't read the Health group. Got Error: " + ioexception.getMessage()); } } return array; }
public static void readExtraItems(String s, ArrayList array) throws IOException { File file = new File(Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "templates.view"); if (!file.exists()) { return; } String as[] = file.list(); if (as == null) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { File file1 = new File(file, as[i]); if (!file1.isDirectory()) { continue; } File file2 = new File(file1, s); if (!file2.exists()) { continue; } ArrayList array1 = FrameFile.readFromFile(file2.getAbsolutePath()); for (int j = 0; j < array1.size(); j++) { HashMap hashmap = (HashMap) array1.get(j); String s1 = TextUtils.getValue(hashmap, "_id"); s1 = file1.getName() + "-" + s1; hashmap.put("_id", s1); hashmap.put("_package", as[i]); array.add(hashmap); } } }
public static ArrayList getViews() { File file = new File(Platform.getRoot() + "/groups/views.config"); long l = file.lastModified(); if (viewConfigLastModified != l) { viewConfigLastModified = l; viewCache = new ArrayList(); refreshCache("views.config", file, viewCache); } return viewCache; }
public static ArrayList getQueries() { File file = new File(Platform.getRoot() + "/groups/query.config"); long l = file.lastModified(); if (queryConfigLastModified != l) { queryConfigLastModified = l; queryCache = new ArrayList(); refreshCache("query.config", file, queryCache); } return queryCache; }
static { centrascopeDebug = 0; StringProperty astringproperty[] = new StringProperty[0]; addProperties("COM.dragonflow.SiteView.Portal", astringproperty); String s = System.getProperty("CentraScope.debug"); if (s != null) { centrascopeDebug = TextUtils.toInt(s); System.out.println("centrascopeDebug=" + centrascopeDebug); } PORTAL_SERVERS_CONFIG_PATH = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "groups" + File.separator + "portal.config"; }
protected static String CheckCreateHealth() { String s = Platform.getRoot() + "/groups/" + ""; File file = new File(s); if (!file.exists()) { try { createHealthGroup(); } catch (SiteViewParameterException siteviewparameterexception) { LogManager.log( "Error", "Unable to write Health file Error: " + siteviewparameterexception.getLocalizedMessage()); } } return s; }
public String[] getTemplateList(String s) throws SiteViewException { Vector vector = new Vector(); String s1 = ""; String s2 = ""; int i = Machine.getOS(""); String s3 = i != 1 ? "Unix" : "NT"; if (!Platform.isStandardAccount(s)) { s1 = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "accounts" + File.separator + s + File.separator + ""; if (!(new File(s1)).exists()) { s1 = Platform.getRoot() + s2 + File.separator + ""; } } else { s1 = Platform.getRoot() + s2 + File.separator + ""; } File file = new File(s1); String as[] = file.list(); for (int j = 0; as != null && j < as.length; j++) { if (as[j].indexOf(".") < 0 && as[j].startsWith(s3)) { vector.addElement(as[j].substring(s3.length())); } } String as1[] = new String[vector.size()]; for (int k = 0; k < vector.size(); k++) { as1[k] = (String) vector.elementAt(k); } return as1; }
public static void main(String args[]) { File file = new File(Platform.getRoot() + "/logs/alert.log"); AlertLogReader alertlogreader = new AlertLogReader(file); HashMap hashmap = new HashMap(); hashmap.put("alert-type", "Email"); ArrayList array = alertlogreader.process(hashmap, null, null, null); System.out.println("***************************************************"); for (int i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { HashMap hashmap1 = (HashMap) array.get(i); System.out.println( TextUtils.dateToString((Date) hashmap1.get("date")) + " " + hashmap1.get("alert-message")); } }
static { exePath = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "bin" + File.separator + "ss_mon_single_run.exe "; nMaxCounters = 30; HashMap hashmap = MasterConfig.getMasterConfig(); nMaxCounters = TextUtils.toInt(TextUtils.getValue(hashmap, "_DispatcherMaxCounters")); if (nMaxCounters <= 0) { nMaxCounters = 30; } StringProperty astringproperty[] = BrowsableBase.staticInitializer(nMaxCounters, true); exeTimeout = TextUtils.toInt(TextUtils.getValue(hashmap, "_browsableExeTimeout")); if (exeTimeout <= 0) { exeTimeout = 45000; } String s = (COM.dragonflow.SiteView.BrowsableExeBase.class).getName(); addProperties(s, astringproperty); }
public static ArrayList getEditableViewContentsArray(String s, boolean flag) throws IOException { ArrayList array = new ArrayList(); if (flag) { array.add(""); array.add(""); } File file = new File(Platform.getRoot() + "/templates.view/"); String as[] = file.list(); if (as != null) { for (int i = 0; i < as.length; i++) { if (TextUtils.match(as[i], s)) { array.add(as[i]); array.add(as[i]); } } } return array; }
private static void createHealthGroupList(String s) { if (groupIDsInHealth.contains(s)) { return; } groupIDsInHealth.add(s); String s1 = Platform.getRoot() + "/groups/"; try { Array array = FrameFile.readFromFile(s1 + s + ".mg"); for (int i = 1; i < array.size(); i++) { HashMap hashmap = (HashMap); String s2 = (String) hashmap.get("_class"); if (s2 != null && s2.equals("SubGroup")) { createHealthGroupList((String) hashmap.get("_group")); } } } catch (IOException ioexception) { return; } }
public String update(HashMap hashmap, String s) throws SiteViewException { String s1 = (String) hashmap.get("_healthTemplateSet"); String s2 = ""; String s3 = ""; int i = Machine.getOS(""); String s4 = i != 1 ? "Unix" : "NT"; if (!Platform.isStandardAccount(s)) { s2 = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "accounts" + File.separator + s + File.separator + ""; if (!(new File(s2)).exists()) { s2 = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + ""; } s3 = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "accounts" + File.separator + s + File.separator + "groups"; if (!(new File(s3)).exists()) { s3 = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "groups"; } } else { s2 = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + ""; s3 = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "groups"; } if (s1 != null && s1.length() > 0) { File file = new File(s2); String as[] = file.list(); Array array = null; try { array = FrameFile.readFromFile(s3 + "/" + ""); } catch (IOException ioexception) { } if (array == null || array.size() == 0) { array = createHealthGroup(); APISiteView.forceConfigurationRefresh(); } Array array1 = null; try { array1 = FrameFile.readFromFile(s2 + "/" + s4 + s1); } catch (IOException ioexception1) { String as1[] = {ioexception1.getMessage()}; throw new SiteViewParameterException( SiteViewErrorCodes.ERR_OP_SS_HEALTH_NO_TEMPLATE_FILE, as1); } if (array != null && array1 != null) { HashMap hashmap1 = (HashMap); String s5 = (String) hashmap1.get("_nextID"); for (int j = 1; j < array1.size(); j++) { HashMap hashmap2 = (HashMap); HashMap hashmap3 = new HashMap(); hashmap3.put("_id", s5); String s6; for (Enumeration enumeration = hashmap2.keys(); enumeration.hasMoreElements(); hashmap3.put(s6, hashmap2.get(s6))) { s6 = (String) enumeration.nextElement(); } array.add(hashmap3); s5 = TextUtils.increment(s5); } hashmap1.put("_nextID", s5); try { FrameFile.writeToFile(s3 + "/" + "", array); } catch (IOException ioexception2) { String as2[] = {"", ioexception2.getMessage()}; throw new SiteViewParameterException( SiteViewErrorCodes.ERR_OP_SS_HEALTH_CANNOT_WRITE, as2); } } hashmap.remove("_healthTemplateSet"); updateMaster(hashmap); APIGroup.forceConfigurationRefresh(); return s1; } else { hashmap.remove("_healthTemplateSet"); updateMaster(hashmap); APIGroup.forceConfigurationRefresh(); return ""; } }
public static String getPortalRootPath() { return Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + PORTAL_DIRECTORY; }
String getExePath() { String s = Platform.getRoot() + File.separator + "logs"; return exePath + getExeTimeout() + " \"" + s + "\" " + getMonDll() + " "; }