   * Create a booking for a regular passenger with no seat specified.
   * @param p the passenger for whom a booking is to be made
   * @precond p != null && !p.hasBookingOn(this) && remainingCapacity() > 0
  public void makeBooking(Passenger p) {
    if (p == null) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot book a flight for a null passenger.");
    if (p.hasBookingOn(this)) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot book a Person twice on a Flight.");
    if (remainingCapacity() <= 0)
      throw new RuntimeException("Cannot make a booking on a full flight.");

    Booking b = new Booking(p, this);
    numberBooked = numberBooked + 1;
   * Book a seat for a first-class passenger.
   * @param p the passenger for whom a booking is to be made
   * @param seat the seat for the passenger
   * @param meal the meal plan for the passenger
   * @precond p != null && !p.hasBookingOn(this) && isSeatAvailable(seat)
  public void makeFirstClassBooking(Passenger p, String seat, String meal) {
    if (p == null) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot book a flight for a null passenger.");
    if (p.hasBookingOn(this)) throw new RuntimeException("Cannot book a Person twice on a Flight.");
    if (!isSeatAvailable(seat))
      throw new RuntimeException(
          "Seat " + seat + " is invalid or already occupied " + "so cannot book it.");

    Booking b = new FirstClassBooking(p, this, seat, meal);
    numberBooked = numberBooked + 1;