private void initAuthUserInfo(HttpURLConnection conn, String userInfo) { String user; String password; if (userInfo != null) { // get the user and password // System.out.println("UserInfo= " + userInfo ); int delimiter = userInfo.indexOf(':'); if (delimiter == -1) { user = ParseUtil.decode(userInfo); password = null; } else { user = ParseUtil.decode(userInfo.substring(0, delimiter++)); password = ParseUtil.decode(userInfo.substring(delimiter)); } String plain = user + ":"; byte[] nameBytes = plain.getBytes(); byte[] passwdBytes = password.getBytes(); // concatenate user name and password bytes and encode them byte[] concat = new byte[nameBytes.length + passwdBytes.length]; System.arraycopy(nameBytes, 0, concat, 0, nameBytes.length); System.arraycopy(passwdBytes, 0, concat, nameBytes.length, passwdBytes.length); String auth = "Basic " + new String(Base64.encode(concat)); conn.setRequestProperty("Authorization", auth); if (dL > 0) d("Adding auth " + auth); } }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public void fromString(String description, MesquiteInteger stringPos, int format) { hasDefaultValues = false; ParseUtil.getToken(description, stringPos); // RMatrix ParseUtil.getToken(description, stringPos); // = ParseUtil.getToken(description, stringPos); // ( for (int i = 0; i < getNumStates(); i++) { String s = ParseUtil.getToken(description, stringPos); if (s.equalsIgnoreCase(")") || StringUtil.blank(s)) return; setStateFreq(i, MesquiteDouble.fromString(s)); } checkNormality(getStateFrequencies()); }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Snapshot getSnapshot(MesquiteFile file) { Snapshot temp = new Snapshot(); temp.addLine("setRunningFilePath " + ParseUtil.tokenize(runningFilePath)); if (outputFilePaths != null) { String files = " "; for (int i = 0; i < outputFilePaths.length; i++) { files += " " + ParseUtil.tokenize(outputFilePaths[i]); } temp.addLine("setOutputFilePaths " + files); } return temp; }
@Override public Node parse(Token token) throws IOException { AttrNode node = null; if (ExpressionParser.START.contains(token.type())) { node = new AttrNode(startLine()); token = tokenizer().peek(); Token var = tokenizer().current(); if (ATTR.contains(token.type())) { boolean first = true; while (ATTR.contains(token.type())) { Node n = null; if (tokenizer().peek().type() == TokenType.LEFT_PAREN) { CallParser call = new CallParser(this); n = call.parse(var); } else if (ExpressionParser.START.contains(var.type())) { if (first) { n = ParseUtil.value(var); first = false; } else { n = ParseUtil.var(var); } } else { error(ErrorCode.INVALID_EXPR); } if (n != null) { node.add(n); token = tokenizer().next(); if (ATTR.contains(token.type())) { var = tokenizer().next(); } } } } else if (tokenizer().current().type() == TokenType.LEFT_BRACKET) { ArrayParser arrp = new ArrayParser(this); Node n = arrp.parse(tokenizer().current()); node.add(n); } else { node.add(ParseUtil.value(tokenizer().current())); tokenizer().next(); } } else { error(ErrorCode.INVALID_EXPR); } return node; }
@Override public void parse(String line, ParseState state) throws ParseException { super.parse(line, state); final Matcher matcher = match(Constants.EXT_X_VERSION_PATTERN, line); if (state.getCompatibilityVersion() != ParseState.NONE) { throw ParseException.create( ParseExceptionType.MULTIPLE_EXT_TAG_INSTANCES, getTag(), line); } final int compatibilityVersion = ParseUtil.parseInt(, getTag()); if (compatibilityVersion < Playlist.MIN_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION) { throw ParseException.create( ParseExceptionType.INVALID_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION, getTag(), line); } if (compatibilityVersion > Constants.MAX_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION) { throw ParseException.create( ParseExceptionType.UNSUPPORTED_COMPATIBILITY_VERSION, getTag(), line); } state.setCompatibilityVersion(compatibilityVersion); }
public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { // --SEND/GET UPDATE(s) FROM SERVER-- Called whenever timer goes off (every 5 sec.) // ==== SEND ALL OF THE MESSAGES WE HAVE ==== comm.sendOutboxMessages(); // ==== SEND A REQUEST FOR A UNIVERSAL UPDATE ==== comm.sendMessage("REQUEST"); // ==== RECIEVE THE UNIVERSE/ROSTER/MARKET UPDATES ==== ArrayList<String> responses = comm.getAllMessages(); // ==== HERE IS WHERE WE UNPACK THE UPDATES FROM THE SERVER ==== for (int q = 0; q < responses.size(); q++) { String header = responses.get(q).substring(0, 4); if (header.equals("UNIV")) { theUniverse.unpack(responses.get(q)); Debug.msg("Unpacked a Universe"); theDisplay.updateDisplay(); } else if (header.equals("ROST")) { Roster.unpack(responses.get(q)); } else if (header.equals("MARK")) { theMarket.unpack(responses.get(q)); } else if (header.equals("SERV")) { Vector inParsed = ParseUtil.parseStringBySign(responses.get(q), '-'); myPlayerNum = Integer.parseInt((String) inParsed.elementAt(1)); } else Debug.msg("Unknown header recieved in ClientMain.actionPerformed() "); } }
@Override public ModulePart deserialize(JsonElement json, Type typeOfT, JsonDeserializationContext context) throws JsonParseException { JsonObject jsonObject = json.getAsJsonObject(); if (!jsonObject.has("type")) { return ParseUtil.throwIfDebug("Invalid module part"); } String type = jsonObject.get("type").getAsString(); switch (type) { case "figure-group": return context.deserialize(json, FigureGroup.class); case "module-body": return context.deserialize(json, ModuleBody.class); default: return ParseUtil.throwIfDebug("Unrecognized ModulePart with type: " + type); } }
@Override public void parse(String line, ParseState state) throws ParseException { super.parse(line, state); final Matcher matcher = match(Constants.EXTINF_PATTERN, line); state.getMedia().trackInfo = new TrackInfo(ParseUtil.parseFloat(, getTag()),; }
TimeZoneJSONImpl(JSONObject jSONObject) throws TwitterException { try { UTC_OFFSET = ParseUtil.getInt("utc_offset", jSONObject); NAME = jSONObject.getString("name"); TZINFO_NAME = jSONObject.getString("tzinfo_name"); } catch (JSONException jsone) { throw new TwitterException(jsone); } }
public void unpack(String data) { Vector inParsed = ParseUtil.parseStringBySign(data, PARSE_CHAR); String header = (String) inParsed.elementAt(0); if (header.equals("SHIP")) { playerNum = Integer.parseInt((String) inParsed.elementAt(1)); numShips = Integer.parseInt((String) inParsed.elementAt(2)); destX = Integer.parseInt((String) inParsed.elementAt(3)); destY = Integer.parseInt((String) inParsed.elementAt(4)); } }
<T> void parseAttributes( String line, T builder, ParseState state, Map<String, ? extends AttributeParser<T>> handlers) throws ParseException { for (Attribute attribute : ParseUtil.parseAttributeList(line, getTag())) { if (handlers.containsKey( { handlers.get(, builder, state); } else { throw ParseException.create(ParseExceptionType.INVALID_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, getTag(), line); } } }
private void appendElementString(StringBuilder sb, String localName, XmlPullParser atts) { sb.append("<"); sb.append(localName); for (int i = 0; i < atts.getAttributeCount(); i++) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(atts.getAttributeName(i)); sb.append("='"); sb.append(ParseUtil.escape(atts.getAttributeValue(i))); sb.append("'"); } sb.append(">"); }
@Override public void parse(String line, ParseState state) throws ParseException { super.parse(line, state); final Matcher matcher = match(Constants.EXT_X_TARGETDURATION_PATTERN, line); if (state.getMedia().targetDuration != null) { throw ParseException.create( ParseExceptionType.MULTIPLE_EXT_TAG_INSTANCES, getTag(), line); } state.getMedia().targetDuration = ParseUtil.parseInt(, getTag()); }
@Override public void parse(String line, ParseState state) throws ParseException { super.parse(line, state); final Matcher matcher = match(Constants.EXT_X_MEDIA_SEQUENCE_PATTERN, line); if (state.getMedia().mediaSequenceNumber != null) { throw ParseException.create( ParseExceptionType.MULTIPLE_EXT_TAG_INSTANCES, getTag(), line); } state.getMedia().mediaSequenceNumber = ParseUtil.parseInt(, getTag()); }
void startElement() { String localName = atts.getName(); String id = ParseUtil.getStringAttr("id", atts); if (id != null) { IdRecording ir = new IdRecording(id); idRecordingStack.push(ir); } if (idRecordingStack.size() > 0) { IdRecording ir = idRecordingStack.lastElement(); ir.level++; // appendElementString(, atts.getNamespace(), localName, atts.getName(), atts); appendElementString(, localName, atts); } }
@Override public void parse(String line, ParseState state) throws ParseException { super.parse(line, state); final Matcher matcher = match(Constants.EXT_X_PLAYLIST_TYPE_PATTERN, line); if (state.getMedia().playlistType != null) { throw ParseException.create( ParseExceptionType.MULTIPLE_EXT_TAG_INSTANCES, getTag(), line); } state.getMedia().playlistType = ParseUtil.parseEnum(, PlaylistType.class, getTag()); }
/** * @see HttpServlet#doPost(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest request, * javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse response) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String sImageID = ParseUtil.checkNull(request.getParameter("img")); if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(sImageID)) { UploadRequestBean uploadRequestBean = new UploadRequestBean(); uploadRequestBean.setUploadId(sImageID); UploadFile uploadFile = new UploadFile(); UploadResponseBean uploadResponseBean = uploadFile.getUploadFileInfo(uploadRequestBean); if (uploadResponseBean != null) {} } }
private void init(JSONObject json) throws TwitterException { try { JSONArray indicesArray = json.getJSONArray("indices"); setStart(indicesArray.getInt(0)); setEnd(indicesArray.getInt(1)); if (!json.isNull("name")) { = json.getString("name"); } if (!json.isNull("screen_name")) { this.screenName = json.getString("screen_name"); } id = ParseUtil.getLong("id", json); } catch (JSONException jsone) { throw new TwitterException(jsone); } }
@Override protected Integer doInBackground(String... params) { String command = params[0]; if (command.equals(COMMAND_BACKUP)) { Log.d("BackupData", "===>begin backup selfdefine fav tvlist"); File backupFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory(), "/kekePlayer/selfDefineTVList.txt"); try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(backupFile); OutputStreamWriter ow = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, "GBK"); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(ow); try { // 备份数据库内的自定义的收藏频道 List<POUserDefChannel> infos = ChannelListBusiness.getAllDefFavChannels(); for (POUserDefChannel info : infos) { ArrayList<String> urls = info.getAllUrl(); for (String url : urls) { // bw.write( + "," + url + "\n"); bw.append( + "," + url + "\n"); } } bw.flush(); } finally { bw.close(); ow.close(); fos.close(); Log.d("BackupData", "===>backup selfdefine fav tvlist success"); } } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } else if (command.equals(COMMAND_RESTORE)) { Log.d("BackupData", "===>restore backup selfdefine fav tvlist"); String path = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath() + "/kekePlayer/selfDefineTVList.txt"; File listFile = new File(path); if (listFile.exists()) { List<ChannelInfo> infos = ParseUtil.parseDef(path); // 重新创建自定义收藏频道数据库表格 try { ChannelListBusiness.buildSeflDefDatabase(infos); Log.d("BackupData", "===>restore selfdefine fav tvlist success"); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } return null; } else { Log.e("BackupData", "===>invalide command"); return null; } }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Object doCommand(String commandName, String arguments, CommandChecker checker) { Tree trt = treeDisplay.getTree(); MesquiteTree t = null; if (trt instanceof MesquiteTree) t = (MesquiteTree) trt; if ( this.getClass(), "Adjust tool has touched branch", "[branch number][x coordinate touched][y coordinate touched][modifiers]", commandName, "touchedPositionAdjust")) { if (t == null) return null; MesquiteInteger io = new MesquiteInteger(0); int node = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); int x = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); int y = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); String mod = ParseUtil.getRemaining(arguments, io); Point newOnLine = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().projectionOnLine(node, x, y); originalX = newOnLine.x; originalY = newOnLine.y; // lastX= newOnLine.x; // lastY = newOnLine.y; Graphics g = null; if (GraphicsUtil.useXORMode(null, false)) { g = treeDisplay.getGraphics(); g.setXORMode(Color.white); g.setColor(; } // double bX = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineBaseX[node]; // double bY = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineBaseY[node]; // Math.sqrt((originalY-bY)*(originalY-bY) + (originalX-bX)*(originalX-bX)); lastBL = tree.getBranchLength(node); double shortestAbove = MesquiteDouble.unassigned; for (int daughter = t.firstDaughterOfNode(node); t.nodeExists(daughter); daughter = t.nextSisterOfNode(daughter)) shortestAbove = MesquiteDouble.minimum(shortestAbove, tree.getBranchLength(daughter)); if (shortestAbove == MesquiteDouble.unassigned) upperLimit = MesquiteDouble.infinite; else if (MesquiteDouble.isCombinable(lastBL)) upperLimit = shortestAbove + lastBL; else upperLimit = shortestAbove + 1.0; int ibX = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineBaseX[node]; int ibY = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineBaseY[node]; lastX = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipX[node]; lastY = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipY[node]; if (GraphicsUtil.useXORMode(null, false)) { drawThickLine(g, ibX, ibY, lastX, lastY); for (int daughter = t.firstDaughterOfNode(node); t.nodeExists(daughter); daughter = t.nextSisterOfNode(daughter)) drawThickLine( g, treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipX[daughter], treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipY[daughter], lastX, lastY); g.fillOval( lastX - ovalRadius, lastY - ovalRadius, ovalRadius + ovalRadius, ovalRadius + ovalRadius); try { g.drawString(MesquiteDouble.toString(lastBL), lastX + 10, lastY); } catch (InternalError e) { // workaround for bug on windows java 1.7. } catch (Throwable e) { } lineOn = true; g.dispose(); } } else if ( this.getClass(), "Adjust tool has been dropped", "[branch number][x coordinate dropped][y coordinate dropped]", commandName, "droppedPositionAdjust")) { if (t == null) return null; if (editorOn) return null; MesquiteInteger io = new MesquiteInteger(0); int node = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); int x = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); int y = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); if (lineOn) { Point newOnLine = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().projectionOnLine(node, x, y); double bX = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineBaseX[node]; double bY = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineBaseY[node]; double tX = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipX[node]; double tY = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipY[node]; double lengthLine = Math.sqrt((originalY - bY) * (originalY - bY) + (originalX - bX) * (originalX - bX)); double bL; if (lengthLine != 0) { double extension = Math.sqrt( (newOnLine.y - bY) * (newOnLine.y - bY) + (newOnLine.x - bX) * (newOnLine.x - bX)) / lengthLine; if (t.getBranchLength(node) == 0 || t.branchLengthUnassigned(node)) bL = extension; else bL = t.getBranchLength(node) * extension; } else bL = 1; if (bL > upperLimit) bL = upperLimit; else if (bL < lowerLimit) bL = lowerLimit; double oldBL = t.getBranchLength(node); if (!MesquiteDouble.isCombinable(oldBL)) oldBL = 1.0; t.setBranchLength(node, bL, false); double difference = oldBL - t.getBranchLength(node); for (int daughter = t.firstDaughterOfNode(node); t.nodeExists(daughter); daughter = t.nextSisterOfNode(daughter)) if (MesquiteDouble.isCombinable(t.getBranchLength(daughter))) t.setBranchLength(daughter, t.getBranchLength(daughter) + difference, false); t.notifyListeners(this, new Notification(MesquiteListener.BRANCHLENGTHS_CHANGED)); Graphics g = treeDisplay.getGraphics(); g.setPaintMode(); g.dispose(); treeDisplay.pleaseUpdate(true); lineOn = false; } } else if ( this.getClass(), "Adjust tool is being dragged", "[branch number][x coordinate][y coordinate]", commandName, "draggedPositionAdjust")) { if (t == null) return null; if (editorOn) return null; MesquiteInteger io = new MesquiteInteger(0); int node = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); int x = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); int y = MesquiteInteger.fromString(arguments, io); if (lineOn) { Point newOnLine = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().projectionOnLine(node, x, y); // WARNING": This shouldn't result in length increase if simple click and release with no // drag; must subtract original X, Y Graphics g = null; if (GraphicsUtil.useXORMode(null, false)) { g = treeDisplay.getGraphics(); g.setXORMode(Color.white); g.setColor(; } // g.fillOval(lastX-ovalRadius, lastY-ovalRadius, ovalRadius + ovalRadius, ovalRadius + // ovalRadius); // g.fillOval(newOnLine.x-ovalRadius, newOnLine.y -ovalRadius, ovalRadius + ovalRadius, // ovalRadius + ovalRadius); // g.drawLine(originalX, originalY, lastX, lastY); // g.drawLine(originalX, originalY, newOnLine.x, newOnLine.y); // if decreasing, & unassigned involved: push unassigned down and assign values to // unassigned above; if increasing, push unassigne up int ibX = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineBaseX[node]; int ibY = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineBaseY[node]; int itX = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipX[node]; int itY = treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipY[node]; double bX = ibX; double bY = ibY; double tX = itX; double tY = itY; double lengthLine = Math.sqrt((originalY - bY) * (originalY - bY) + (originalX - bX) * (originalX - bX)); if (lengthLine != 0) { if (GraphicsUtil.useXORMode(null, false)) { if (MesquiteTrunk.isMacOSX() && MesquiteTrunk.getJavaVersionAsDouble() >= 1.5 && MesquiteTrunk.getJavaVersionAsDouble() < 1.6) // due to a JVM bug g.fillRect(lastX, lastY - 20, 100, 20); g.drawString(MesquiteDouble.toString(lastBL), lastX + 10, lastY); if (MesquiteTrunk.isMacOSX() && MesquiteTrunk.getJavaVersionAsDouble() >= 1.5 && MesquiteTrunk.getJavaVersionAsDouble() < 1.6) // due to a JVM bug g.fillRect(lastX, lastY - 20, 100, 20); } double extension = Math.sqrt( (newOnLine.y - bY) * (newOnLine.y - bY) + (newOnLine.x - bX) * (newOnLine.x - bX)) / lengthLine; double bL; if (t.getBranchLength(node) == 0 || t.branchLengthUnassigned(node)) bL = extension; else bL = t.getBranchLength(node) * extension; if (bL > upperLimit) { bL = upperLimit; if (t.getBranchLength(node) == 0 || t.branchLengthUnassigned(node)) extension = upperLimit; else extension = upperLimit / t.getBranchLength(node); } else if (bL < lowerLimit) { bL = lowerLimit; if (t.getBranchLength(node) == 0 || t.branchLengthUnassigned(node)) extension = lowerLimit; else extension = lowerLimit / t.getBranchLength(node); } lastBL = bL; if (GraphicsUtil.useXORMode(null, false)) { drawThickLine(g, ibX, ibY, lastX, lastY); for (int daughter = t.firstDaughterOfNode(node); t.nodeExists(daughter); daughter = t.nextSisterOfNode(daughter)) drawThickLine( g, treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipX[daughter], treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipY[daughter], lastX, lastY); g.fillOval( lastX - ovalRadius, lastY - ovalRadius, ovalRadius + ovalRadius, ovalRadius + ovalRadius); } int newX = ibX + (int) (extension * (tX - bX)); int newY = ibY + (int) (extension * (tY - bY)); if (GraphicsUtil.useXORMode(null, false)) { g.drawString(MesquiteDouble.toString(bL), newX + 10, newY); drawThickLine(g, ibX, ibY, newX, newY); for (int daughter = t.firstDaughterOfNode(node); t.nodeExists(daughter); daughter = t.nextSisterOfNode(daughter)) drawThickLine( g, treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipX[daughter], treeDisplay.getTreeDrawing().lineTipY[daughter], newX, newY); g.fillOval( newX - ovalRadius, newY - ovalRadius, ovalRadius + ovalRadius, ovalRadius + ovalRadius); } lastX = newX; lastY = newY; } // lastX= newOnLine.x; // lastY = newOnLine.y; } } return null; }
public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { RespObjectProc responseObject = new RespObjectProc(); JSONObject jsonResponseObj = new JSONObject(); ArrayList<Text> arrOkText = new ArrayList<Text>(); ArrayList<Text> arrErrorText = new ArrayList<Text>(); RespConstants.Status responseStatus = RespConstants.Status.ERROR; try { if (!DataSecurityChecker.isInsecureInputResponse(request)) { UserBean loggedInUserBean = (UserBean) request.getSession().getAttribute(Constants.USER_LOGGED_IN_BEAN); if (loggedInUserBean != null && !Utility.isNullOrEmpty(loggedInUserBean.getUserId())) { String sUploadId = ParseUtil.checkNull(request.getParameter("upload_id")); if (!Utility.isNullOrEmpty(sUploadId)) { AccessUsers accessUser = new AccessUsers(); ParentTypeBean parentTypeBean = accessUser.getParentTypeBeanFromUser(loggedInUserBean); if (parentTypeBean != null && parentTypeBean.isUserAVendor()) { UploadRequestBean uploadRequestBean = new UploadRequestBean(); uploadRequestBean.setUploadId(sUploadId); UploadFile uploadFile = new UploadFile(); UploadResponseBean uploadResponseBean = uploadFile.getUploadFileInfo(uploadRequestBean); if (uploadResponseBean != null) { UploadBean uploadBean = uploadResponseBean.getUploadBean(); SharedFilesRequestBean sharedFilesRequestBean = new SharedFilesRequestBean(); sharedFilesRequestBean.setUploadId(sUploadId); AccessSharedFiles accessSharedFiles = new AccessSharedFiles(); SharedFilesBean sharedFilesBean = accessSharedFiles.getSharedFilesFromUploadId(sharedFilesRequestBean); if (sharedFilesBean != null) { sharedFilesRequestBean.setSharedFileId(sharedFilesBean.getSharedFilesId()); Folder folder = new Folder(); boolean isFileDeleted = folder.deleteS3File(uploadBean.getFilename(), uploadBean.getPath()); BuildSharedFiles buildSharedFiles = new BuildSharedFiles(); buildSharedFiles.deleteSharedFiles(sharedFilesRequestBean); jsonResponseObj.put("is_deleted", true); jsonResponseObj.put("deleted_upload_id", sUploadId); Text okText = new OkText("The file was deleted successfully", "status_mssg"); arrOkText.add(okText); responseStatus = RespConstants.Status.OK; } } else { Text errorText = new ErrorText("The file you are trying to delete does not exist.", "err_mssg"); arrErrorText.add(errorText); responseStatus = RespConstants.Status.ERROR; } } else { Text errorText = new ErrorText( "You are not allowed to perform this action. Please contact your support representative.", "err_mssg"); arrErrorText.add(errorText); responseStatus = RespConstants.Status.ERROR; } } else { Text errorText = new ErrorText( "We were unable to delete the file. Please select a valid file", "err_mssg"); arrErrorText.add(errorText); responseStatus = RespConstants.Status.ERROR; } } else { "Invalid request in Proc Page (loggedInUserBean)" + ParseUtil.checkNullObject(loggedInUserBean)); Text errorText = new ErrorText( "Oops!! We were unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later.(loadFileGroup - 002)", "err_mssg"); arrErrorText.add(errorText); responseStatus = RespConstants.Status.ERROR; } } else { "Insecure Parameters used in this Proc Page " + Utility.dumpRequestParameters(request).toString() + " --> " + this.getClass().getName()); Text errorText = new ErrorText( "Please use valid parameters. We have identified insecure parameters in your form.", "account_num"); arrErrorText.add(errorText); responseStatus = RespConstants.Status.ERROR; } } catch (Exception e) { "An exception occurred in the Proc Page " + ExceptionHandler.getStackTrace(e)); Text errorText = new ErrorText( "Oops!! We were unable to process your request at this time. Please try again later.(loadFileGroup - 001)", "err_mssg"); arrErrorText.add(errorText); responseStatus = RespConstants.Status.ERROR; } responseObject.setErrorMessages(arrErrorText); responseObject.setOkMessages(arrOkText); responseObject.setResponseStatus(responseStatus); responseObject.setJsonResponseObj(jsonResponseObj); response.setContentType("application/json"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); response.getWriter().write(responseObject.getJson().toString()); }
/*.................................................................................................................*/ public Snapshot getSnapshot(MesquiteFile file) { Snapshot temp = new Snapshot(); temp.addLine("setUsername " + ParseUtil.tokenize(username)); return temp; }
private void init(JSONObject json) throws TwitterException { id = ParseUtil.getLong("id", json); name = ParseUtil.getRawString("name", json); fullName = ParseUtil.getRawString("full_name", json); slug = ParseUtil.getRawString("slug", json); description = ParseUtil.getRawString("description", json); subscriberCount = ParseUtil.getInt("subscriber_count", json); memberCount = ParseUtil.getInt("member_count", json); uri = ParseUtil.getRawString("uri", json); mode = "public".equals(ParseUtil.getRawString("mode", json)); following = ParseUtil.getBoolean("following", json); createdAt = ParseUtil.getDate("created_at", json); try { if (!json.isNull("user")) { user = new UserJSONImpl(json.getJSONObject("user")); } } catch (JSONException jsone) { throw new TwitterException(jsone.getMessage() + ":" + json.toString(), jsone); } }