boolean addConstraintsFromTypeParameters(
     TypeBinding subCandidate, ParameterizedTypeBinding ca, List<ConstraintFormula> constraints) {
   TypeBinding[] ai = ca.arguments; // C<A1,A2,...>
   if (ai == null) return true; // no arguments here means nothing to check
   TypeBinding cb = subCandidate.findSuperTypeOriginatingFrom(ca); // C<B1,B2,...>
   if (cb == null) return false; // nothing here means we failed
   if (TypeBinding.equalsEquals(ca, cb)) // incl C#RAW vs C#RAW
   return true;
   if (!(cb instanceof ParameterizedTypeBinding)) {
     // if C is parameterized with its own type variables, there're no more constraints to be
     // created here, otherwise let's fail
     return ca.isParameterizedWithOwnVariables();
   TypeBinding[] bi = ((ParameterizedTypeBinding) cb).arguments;
   if (cb.isRawType() || bi == null || bi.length == 0)
     return (this.isSoft && InferenceContext18.SIMULATE_BUG_JDK_8026527)
         ? true
         : false; // FALSE would conform to the spec
   for (int i = 0; i < ai.length; i++)
         ConstraintTypeFormula.create(bi[i], ai[i], TYPE_ARGUMENT_CONTAINED, this.isSoft));
   return true;