@Override public boolean isAuto() { byte annotation = getAnnotations(); return !PDOMCPPAnnotations.isExtern(annotation) && !PDOMCPPAnnotations.isStatic(annotation) && getOwner() instanceof ICPPFunction; }
@Override public final void update(final PDOMLinkage linkage, IBinding newBinding, IASTNode point) throws CoreException { if (newBinding instanceof ICPPMethod) { ICPPMethod method = (ICPPMethod) newBinding; super.update(linkage, newBinding, point); methodAnnotation = -1; byte annot = PDOMCPPAnnotations.encodeExtraMethodAnnotations(method); getDB().putByte(record + METHOD_ANNOTATION, annot); methodAnnotation = annot; } else if (newBinding == null && isImplicit()) { // Clear the implicit flag, such that the binding will no longer be picked up. byte annot = PDOMCPPAnnotations.clearImplicitMethodFlag(getMethodAnnotation()); getDB().putByte(record + METHOD_ANNOTATION, annot); methodAnnotation = annot; } }
@Override public void update(final PDOMLinkage linkage, IBinding newBinding, IASTNode point) throws CoreException { if (newBinding instanceof IVariable) { final Database db = getDB(); ICPPVariable var = (ICPPVariable) newBinding; IType newType = var.getType(); setType(linkage, newType); setValue(var.getInitialValue()); db.putByte(record + ANNOTATIONS, PDOMCPPAnnotations.encodeVariableAnnotations(var)); } }
public PDOMCPPVariable( PDOMLinkage linkage, PDOMNode parent, ICPPVariable variable, boolean setTypeAndValue) throws CoreException { super(linkage, parent, variable.getNameCharArray()); // Find the type record Database db = getDB(); db.putByte(record + ANNOTATIONS, PDOMCPPAnnotations.encodeVariableAnnotations(variable)); if (setTypeAndValue) { setType(parent.getLinkage(), variable.getType()); setValue(variable.getInitialValue()); } }
private void storeAnnotations(Database db, ICPPParameter param) throws CoreException { byte annotations = PDOMCPPAnnotations.encodeVariableAnnotations(param); db.putByte(record + ANNOTATIONS, annotations); }
@Override public boolean isDestructor() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isDestructor(getMethodAnnotation()); }
@Override public boolean isPureVirtual() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isPureVirtualMethod(getMethodAnnotation()); }
public PDOMCPPMethod(PDOMCPPLinkage linkage, PDOMNode parent, ICPPMethod method, IASTNode point) throws CoreException, DOMException { super(linkage, parent, method, true, point); methodAnnotation = PDOMCPPAnnotations.encodeExtraMethodAnnotations(method); getDB().putByte(record + METHOD_ANNOTATION, methodAnnotation); }
@Override public boolean isOverride() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isOverrideMethod(getMethodAnnotation()); }
@Override public int getVisibility() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.getVisibility(getAnnotations()); }
@Override public boolean isConstexpr() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isConstexpr(getAnnotations()); }
@Override public boolean isStatic() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isStatic(getAnnotations()); }
@Override public boolean isExternC() { return PDOMCPPAnnotations.isExternC(getAnnotations()); }