public OracleFKHandler(WbConnection conn) {
    currentUser = conn.getCurrentUser();
    containsStatusCol = true;

    // This is essentially a copy of the Statement used by the Oracle driver
    // the driver does not take unique constraints into account, and this statement does.
    // Otherwise foreign keys referencing unique constraints (rather than primary keys) would
    // not be displayed (DbExplorer, WbSchemaReport) or correctly processed (TableDependency)
    baseSql =
        "-- SQLWorkbench \n"
            + "SELECT "
            + OracleUtils.getCacheHint()
            + " NULL AS pktable_cat, \n"
            + "       p.owner AS pktable_schem, \n"
            + "       p.table_name AS pktable_name, \n"
            + "       pc.column_name AS pkcolumn_name, \n"
            + "       NULL AS fktable_cat, \n"
            + "       f.owner AS fktable_schem, \n"
            + "       f.table_name AS fktable_name, \n"
            + "       fc.column_name AS fkcolumn_name, \n"
            + "       fc.position AS key_seq, \n"
            + "       3 AS update_rule, \n"
            + "       decode (f.delete_rule, \n"
            + "              'CASCADE', 0, \n"
            + "              'SET NULL', 2, \n"
            + "              1 \n"
            + "       ) AS delete_rule, \n"
            + "       f.constraint_name AS fk_name, \n"
            + "       p.constraint_name AS pk_name, \n"
            + "       decode(f.deferrable, \n"
            + "             'DEFERRABLE', decode(f.deferred, 'IMMEDIATE', "
            + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyImmediate
            + ", "
            + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyInitiallyDeferred
            + ") , \n"
            + "             'NOT DEFERRABLE',"
            + DatabaseMetaData.importedKeyNotDeferrable
            + " \n"
            + "       ) deferrability, \n"
            + "       case when f.status = 'ENABLED' then 'YES' else 'NO' end as enabled, \n"
            + "       case when f.validated = 'VALIDATED' then 'YES' else 'NO' end as validated \n "
            + "FROM all_cons_columns pc, \n"
            + "     all_constraints p, \n"
            + "     all_cons_columns fc, \n"
            + "     all_constraints f \n"
            + "WHERE f.constraint_type = 'R'  \n"
            + "AND p.owner = f.r_owner  \n"
            + "AND p.constraint_name = f.r_constraint_name  \n"
            + "AND p.constraint_type IN  ('P', 'U') \n"
            + // this is the difference to the original statement from the Oracle driver (it uses =
              // 'P')
            "AND pc.owner = p.owner  \n"
            + "AND pc.constraint_name = p.constraint_name  \n"
            + "AND pc.table_name = p.table_name  \n"
            + "AND fc.owner = f.owner  \n"
            + "AND fc.constraint_name = f.constraint_name  \n"
            + "AND fc.table_name = f.table_name  \n"
            + "AND fc.position = pc.position \n";