public static byte[] toByteArray(Object value) {
   try {
     return OBJECT_MAPPER.writer().writeValueAsBytes(value);
   } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to serialize to json", e);
 public static String toJson(Object value) {
   try {
     return OBJECT_MAPPER.writer().writeValueAsString(value);
   } catch (JsonProcessingException e) {
     throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to serialize to json", e);
  protected EndpointConfig initWriter(ObjectMapper mapper) {
    // first common config
    if (_activeView != null) {
      _writer = mapper.writerWithView(_activeView);
    } else {
      _writer = mapper.writer();
    if (_rootName != null) {
      _writer = _writer.withRootName(_rootName);
    // Then features
    if (_serEnable != null) {
      _writer = _writer.withFeatures(_serEnable);
    if (_serDisable != null) {
      _writer = _writer.withoutFeatures(_serDisable);
    // then others

    // Finally: couple of features we always set

    /* Important: we are NOT to close the underlying stream after
     * mapping, so we need to instruct parser:

    return this;
 public void testMapFilteringViaProps() throws Exception {
   FilterProvider prov =
       new SimpleFilterProvider()
           .addFilter("filterX", SimpleBeanPropertyFilter.filterOutAllExcept("b"));
   String json = MAPPER.writer(prov).writeValueAsString(new MapBean());
   assertEquals(aposToQuotes("{'values':{'b':5}}"), json);
 public void testMapFilteringViaClass() throws Exception {
   FilteredBean bean = new FilteredBean();
   bean.put("a", 4);
   bean.put("b", 3);
   FilterProvider prov =
       new SimpleFilterProvider()
           .addFilter("filterForMaps", SimpleBeanPropertyFilter.filterOutAllExcept("b"));
   String json = MAPPER.writer(prov).writeValueAsString(bean);
   assertEquals(aposToQuotes("{'b':3}"), json);
  // [JACKSON-212]
  public void testToStringEnum() throws Exception {
    ObjectMapper m = new ObjectMapper();
    m.configure(SerializationFeature.WRITE_ENUMS_USING_TO_STRING, true);
    assertEquals("\"b\"", m.writeValueAsString(LowerCaseEnum.B));

    // [databind#749] but should also be able to dynamically disable
 // [Issue#522]
 public void testMapFilteringWithAnnotations() throws Exception {
   FilterProvider prov = new SimpleFilterProvider().addFilter("filterX", new MyMapFilter());
   String json = MAPPER.writer(prov).writeValueAsString(new MapBean());
   // a=1 should become a=2
   assertEquals(aposToQuotes("{'values':{'a':2}}"), json);