public void test() { ObjectContainer oc = Test.objectContainer(); ObjectSet objectSet = oc.queryByExample(new CallbackCanDelete("p1", null)); CallbackCanDelete ccd = (CallbackCanDelete); oc.deactivate(ccd, Integer.MAX_VALUE); oc.delete(ccd); }
// Constructors and Operations: public static void main(String[] arg) { ObjectContainer db = Db4oEmbedded.openFile(Db4oEmbedded.newConfiguration(), DB.TAXI); System.out.println("Datenbank " + DB.TAXI + " wurde geöffnet."); try { // Hier tun wir etwas mit der Datenbank. } finally { db.close(); } }
private void createFile(Configuration config, String fileName) throws IOException { ObjectContainer oc = Db4o.openFile(config, fileName); try { populate(oc); } finally { oc.close(); } File4.copy(fileName, fileName + "0"); }
/** @deprecated using deprecated api */ public void test() throws Exception { int originalActivationDepth = ((Config4Impl) Db4o.configure()).activationDepth(); Db4o.configure().activationDepth(0); ObjectServer server = Db4oClientServer.openServer(tempFile(), -1); try { server.grantAccess("db4o", "db4o"); ObjectContainer oc = Db4oClientServer.openClient("localhost", server.ext().port(), "db4o", "db4o"); oc.close(); } finally { Db4o.configure().activationDepth(originalActivationDepth); server.close(); } }
protected static void showAgglomerationsInfoFromDeparment(ObjectContainer bd, String depId) { ObjectSet<Departement> oc = bd.query( new Predicate<Departement>() { public boolean match(Departement d) { return true; } }); for (Departement d : oc) { if (d.getNom() == depId) { for (Agglomeration ag : d.agglomerations) { System.out.println( "codePostal: " + ag.codePostal + " nom: " + ag.nom + " descritpion: " + ag.description + " nbHabit: " + ag.description + " surface: " + d.surface); } } } }
private void checkFiles(boolean useLogFile, String fileName, String infix, int count) { for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { String versionedFileName = fileName + infix + i; if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("Checking " + versionedFileName); } ObjectContainer oc = Db4o.openFile(baseConfig(useLogFile), versionedFileName); try { if (!stateBeforeCommit(oc)) { if (!stateAfterFirstCommit(oc)) { Assert.isTrue(stateAfterSecondCommit(oc)); } } } finally { oc.close(); } } }
public void test() { final Collection4 expected = new Collection4(new Object[] {"PING", Boolean.TRUE, new Integer(42)}); final MessageCollector recipient = new MessageCollector(); final ObjectServer server = openServerWith(recipient); try { final ObjectContainer client = openClient("client", server); try { final MessageSender sender = messageSender(client); sendAll(expected, sender); } finally { client.close(); } } finally { server.close(); } Assert.areEqual(expected.toString(), recipient.messages.toString()); }
private boolean expect(ObjectContainer container, String[] names) { Collection4 expected = new Collection4(names); ObjectSet actual = container.query(CrashData.class); while (actual.hasNext()) { CrashData current = (CrashData); if (!expected.remove(current._name)) { return false; } } return expected.isEmpty(); }
public void test() { Parent1(new Child1())); ObjectContainer container = Test.reOpen(); container .ext() .configure() .addAlias(new TypeAlias("com.db4o.test.aliases.Parent1", "com.db4o.test.aliases.Parent2")); container .ext() .configure() .addAlias(new TypeAlias("com.db4o.test.aliases.Child1", "com.db4o.test.aliases.Child2")); ObjectSet os = container.query(Parent2.class); Test.ensure(os.size() > 0); Parent2 p2 = (Parent2); Test.ensure(p2.child != null); }
public void specific(ObjectContainer con, int step) { super.specific(con, step); TEntry entry = new TEntry().lastElement(); Stack stack = new Stack(); if (step > 0) { stack.addElement(entry.key); ObjectSet set = con.queryByExample(stack); if (set.size() != step) { Regression.addError("Stack member query not found"); } else { Stack res = (Stack); if (!(stack.pop().equals(new TEntry().lastElement().key))) { Regression.addError("Stack order changed."); } } } }
private void predictCollisions(Ball sourceBall) { double dt = CollisionUtils.calcTimeToHitWall(sourceBall, WallType.HORIZONTAL); if (CollisionUtils.isCollisionConsistency(dt)) { queue.add(new WallCollisionEvent(timer.getTimestamp(dt), sourceBall, WallType.HORIZONTAL)); } dt = CollisionUtils.calcTimeToHitWall(sourceBall, WallType.VERTICAL); if (CollisionUtils.isCollisionConsistency(dt)) { queue.add(new WallCollisionEvent(timer.getTimestamp(dt), sourceBall, WallType.VERTICAL)); } for (Ball targetBall : objectContainer.getBalls()) { dt = CollisionUtils.calcTimeToHitBall(sourceBall, targetBall); if (CollisionUtils.isCollisionConsistency(dt)) { queue.add(new BallCollisionEvent(timer.getTimestamp(dt), sourceBall, targetBall)); } } }
private void populate(ObjectContainer container) { for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Item("delme")); } CrashData one = new CrashData(null, "one"); CrashData two = new CrashData(one, "two"); CrashData three = new CrashData(one, "three");;;; container.commit(); ObjectSet objectSet = container.query(Item.class); while (objectSet.hasNext()) { container.delete(; } }
private void start() { ObjectContainer oc = com.db4o.cs.Db4oClientServer.openClient( Db4oNetworking.HOST, _port, Db4oNetworking.USERNAME, Db4oNetworking.PASSWORD); Item(0)); oc.commit(); print("[0]"); print(CLIENT_STARTED_OK); for (int i = 1; i < ITEM_COUNT; i++) { Item(i)); oc.commit(); print("[" + i + "]"); } oc.close(); print(CLIENT_COMPLETED_OK); }
public static void main(String[] args) { new File(FILE).delete(); ObjectContainer oc = Db4o.openFile(FILE); for (int i = 0; i < COUNT; i++) { AddJustOneObject()); } oc.close(); oc = Db4o.openFile(FILE); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); AddJustOneObject()); oc.commit(); long stop = System.currentTimeMillis(); oc.close(); long duration = stop - start; System.out.println("Add one to " + COUNT + " and commit: " + duration + "ms"); }
public void objectOnDeactivate(ObjectContainer container) { container.deactivate(parent, 3); }
/** * Method for getting the index of a given Panel * * @param object The object to get the index of * @return The index of the given object */ public int getIndex(GPropertiesPanel object) { return objects.getIndex(object); }
/** * Method gets the size of this container. * * @return The size. */ public int getPanelsSize() { return objects.getSize(); }
/** * Method for getting a Panel by index reference * * @param index The index of the object * @return The object with the given index */ public GPropertiesPanel getPanel(int index) { return (GPropertiesPanel) objects.get(index); }
/** Method for removing all current Panels */ public void removeAllPanels() { pane.removeAll(); objects.removeAll(); }
/** * Method for removing a Panel by object reference * * @param object The object to remove */ public void removePanel(GPropertiesPanel object) { pane.remove(object); objects.remove(object); }
/** * Method for removing a Panel by index reference * * @param index The index of the object to remove */ public void removePanel(int index) { pane.remove((GPropertiesPanel) objects.get(index)); objects.remove(index); }
/** * Method for adding a new Panel * * @param object The new Panel */ public void addPanel(GPropertiesPanel object, String title) { pane.add(object, title); objects.add(object); }
public void sodaQuery(ObjectContainer oc) { Query q = oc.query(); q.constrain(Cat.class); constrain(q); q.execute(); }
private void moveBalls(double dt) { for (Ball ball : objectContainer.getBalls()) { ball.move(dt); } }
public static long[] allActivatableElementIds(ObjectContainer db) { Query q = db.query(); q.constrain(ActivatableElement.class); ObjectSet<Object> objectSet = q.execute(); return objectSet.ext().getIDs(); }
/** @sharpen.remove */ public void test() throws IOException { boolean cached = USE_CACHE.value().booleanValue(); boolean useLogFile = USE_LOGFILE.value().booleanValue(); boolean writeTrash = WRITE_TRASH.value().booleanValue(); if (cached && writeTrash) { System.err.println( "DISABLED CrashSimulatingTestCase: combination of write trash and cache"); // The cache may touch more bytes than the ones we modified. // We should be safe even if we don't get this test to pass. return; } if (useLogFile && writeTrash) { System.err.println( "DISABLED CrashSimulatingTestCase: combination of write trash and use log file"); // The log file is not a public API yet anyway. // It's only needed for the PointerBasedIdSystem // With the new BTreeIdSystem it's not likely to become important // so we can safely ignore the failing write trash case. return; } if (Platform4.needsLockFileThread()) { System.out.println( "CrashSimulatingTestCase is ignored on platforms with lock file thread."); return; } String path = Path4.combine(Path4.getTempPath(), "crashSimulate"); String fileName = Path4.combine(path, "cs"); File4.delete(fileName); File4.mkdirs(path); createFile(baseConfig(useLogFile), fileName); CrashSimulatingStorage crashSimulatingStorage = new CrashSimulatingStorage(new FileStorage(), fileName); Storage storage = cached ? (Storage) new CachingStorage(crashSimulatingStorage) : crashSimulatingStorage; Configuration recordConfig = baseConfig(useLogFile);; ObjectContainer oc = Db4o.openFile(recordConfig, fileName); ObjectSet objectSet = oc.queryByExample(new CrashData(null, "three")); oc.delete(; CrashData(null, "four")); CrashData(null, "five")); CrashData(null, "six")); CrashData(null, "seven")); CrashData(null, "eight")); CrashData(null, "nine")); CrashData(null, "10")); CrashData(null, "11")); CrashData(null, "12")); CrashData(null, "13")); CrashData(null, "14")); oc.commit(); Query q = oc.query(); q.constrain(CrashData.class); objectSet = q.execute(); while (objectSet.hasNext()) { CrashData cData = (CrashData); if (!(cData._name.equals("10") || cData._name.equals("13"))) { oc.delete(cData); } } oc.commit(); oc.close(); int count = crashSimulatingStorage._batch.writeVersions(fileName, writeTrash); checkFiles(useLogFile, fileName, "R", crashSimulatingStorage._batch.numSyncs()); checkFiles(useLogFile, fileName, "W", count); if (VERBOSE) { System.out.println("Total versions: " + count); } }
public void objectOnActivate(ObjectContainer container) { CallbacksTestCase.called[CallbacksTestCase.ACTIVATE] = true; container.activate(parent, 3); }
public boolean objectCanDelete(ObjectContainer container) { container.activate(this, Integer.MAX_VALUE); Test.ensure(_name.equals("p1")); Test.ensure(_next != null); return true; }
public void objectOnDelete(ObjectContainer container) { container.delete(parent); }
public void test() { ObjectContainer con = Test.objectContainer(); Test.deleteAllInstances(this); IsStored isStored = new IsStored(); isStored.myString = "isStored";; Test.ensure(con.ext().isStored(isStored)); Test.ensure(Test.occurrences(this) == 1); con.delete(isStored); Test.ensure(!con.ext().isStored(isStored)); Test.ensure(Test.occurrences(this) == 0); con.commit(); if (con.ext().isStored(isStored)) { // this will fail in CS due to locally cached references if (!Test.clientServer) { Test.error(); } } Test.ensure(Test.occurrences(this) == 0);; Test.ensure(con.ext().isStored(isStored)); Test.ensure(Test.occurrences(this) == 1); con.commit(); Test.ensure(con.ext().isStored(isStored)); Test.ensure(Test.occurrences(this) == 1); con.delete(isStored); Test.ensure(!con.ext().isStored(isStored)); Test.ensure(Test.occurrences(this) == 0); con.commit(); if (con.ext().isStored(isStored)) { // this will fail in CS due to locally cached references if (!Test.clientServer) { Test.error(); } } Test.ensure(Test.occurrences(this) == 0); }