  public void testGetTime() {
    assertEquals(10L, new MyDate(10L).getTime());

    MyDate date = new MyDate(new Date());
    long old = date.toDays();
    assertEquals(old + 1, new MyDate(date).plusDays(1).toDays());
    assertEquals(old - 1, new MyDate(date).minusDays(1).toDays());
  // return true if the syntax of the date valid
  public static Boolean isDateSyntaxValid(String date) {
    // System.out.println("date length " + date.length());
    if (date.length() != GlobalVar.DATE_LEN) {
      return false;
    String num = date.replaceAll("[^\\d]", ""); // remove all the non-digits chars
    // throw illegal argeument exception if non-digits characters passed in
    if (num.length() != GlobalVar.DATE_LEN) {
      return false;

    MyDate myDate = new MyDate(date); // if string passed in can't create a new date, get null
    if (myDate.getDay() == null) {
      return false;
    } else {
      return true;
 public static String computeNumOfDays(MyDate so, MyDate si) {
   if (so != null && si != null) {
     String days = "" + so.getDaysDiff(si);
     while (days.length() < GlobalVar.ORDER_LEAVE_DAYS_IN_DMO) {
       days = "0" + days;
     return days;
   } else {
     return null;
  public static boolean isDateTime(String dateTime) {
    String[] strArr = dateTime.split("-|\\s|:");
    if (strArr.length < 6) return false;

    int year = Integer.parseInt(strArr[0]);
    int month = Integer.parseInt(strArr[1]);
    int day = Integer.parseInt(strArr[2]);
    if (!MyDate.isDate(year + "-" + month + "-" + day)) return false;

    int hour = Integer.parseInt(strArr[3]);
    if (hour < 0 || hour > 23) return false;

    int minute = Integer.parseInt(strArr[4]);
    if (minute < 0 || minute > 59) return false;

    int second = Integer.parseInt(strArr[5]);
    if (second < 0 || second > 59) return false;

    return true;
  // check if the leaves have been previously logged.
  // return GOOD_LEAVE if passed in leave is a valid one
  // return DUPLICATE_CTRL_NUM if it has duplicate ctrl number
  // return OVERLAP_LEAVE if its overlaps with previouos leaves.
  // Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> has key of SSN, dates of values, leaves posted before
  public static int checkLeaves(
      String ctrl,
      String SSN,
      String SO,
      String SI,
      String first5,
      Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> leaves) {
    if (ctrl != null && SSN != null && SO != null && SI != null && first5 != null) {
      MyDate today = new MyDate();
      MyDate newSO = new MyDate(SO);
      MyDate newSI = new MyDate(SI);

      if (newSO.after(newSI)) {
        return SIGN_IN_SIGN_OUT_ERR;
      if (newSO.after(today) || newSO.after(today)) {
        return FUTURE_SIGN_IN_OUT_ERR;
      if (!leaves.containsKey(SSN)) {
        Map<String, List<String>> value = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
        List<String> dates = new ArrayList<String>();
        value.put(ctrl, dates);
        leaves.put(SSN, value);
        return GOOD_LEAVE;
      } else { // has the ssn
        Map<String, List<String>> value = leaves.get(SSN); // Map<ctrlNum, List<leave>>
        if (value.containsKey(ctrl)) {
          return DUPLICATE_CTRL_NUM_ERR; // duplicate control number
        } else { // look through each leave
          Set<String> valueSet = new HashSet<>(value.keySet());
          for (String thisCtrl : valueSet) {
            // System.out.println(thisCtrl);
            List<String> dates = value.get(thisCtrl);
            MyDate thisSO = new MyDate(dates.get(0));
            MyDate thisSI = new MyDate(dates.get(1));
            //    System.out.println();
            if (newSO.getDaysDiff(today) > ELEVEN_MONTH) {
              return IAS_ERR;

            if (newSO.beforeOrEqual(thisSI) && newSI.afterOrEqual(thisSO)) {
              System.out.println("GlobalVar.java: overlap leaves 1.");
              return OVERLAP_LEAVE_ERR;
            } else if (newSI.afterOrEqual(thisSO) && newSI.beforeOrEqual(thisSI)) {
              //     System.out.println("GlobalVar.java: overlap leaves 2. ");
              return OVERLAP_LEAVE_ERR;
            } else if (newSI.afterOrEqual(thisSI) && newSO.beforeOrEqual(thisSO)) {
              System.out.println("GlobalVar.java: overlap leaves 3.");
              return OVERLAP_LEAVE_ERR;
            } else { // ok to add
              List<String> newDates = new ArrayList<String>();
              value.put(ctrl, newDates);
              // return GOOD_LEAVE;
          // if come here, its a good leave
          return GOOD_LEAVE;
    } else if (SSN != null && (SI == null || SO == null)) {
      return NULL_DATE_ERR;
    } else if (SSN != null) {
      return NULL_SSN_ERR;
    } else {
      return NULL_INFO_ERR;
  * Allocates a <code>MyDate</code> object and initializes it to represent the day (tomorrow) which
  * follows the provided day, month and year.
  * @param day the day.
  * @param month the month.
  * @param year the year.
  * @return a (my)date object initialized to next day of (day, month, year)
 public static MyDate nextDay(int day, int month, int year) {
   MyDate date = new MyDate(day, month, year);
   return date.nextDay();