   * Recover file.
   * Try and open file in append mode.
   * Doing this, we get a hold of the file that crashed writer
   * was writing to.  Once we have it, close it.  This will
   * allow subsequent reader to see up to last sync.
   * NOTE: This is the same algorithm that HBase uses for file recovery
   * @param fs
   * @throws Exception
  private void recoverFile(final FileSystem fs) throws Exception {
    LOG.info("Recovering File Lease");

    // set the soft limit to be 1 second so that the
    // namenode triggers lease recovery upon append request
    cluster.setLeasePeriod(1000, FSConstants.LEASE_HARDLIMIT_PERIOD);

    // Trying recovery
    int tries = 60;
    boolean recovered = false;
    FSDataOutputStream out = null;
    while (!recovered && tries-- > 0) {
      try {
        out = fs.append(file1);
        LOG.info("Successfully opened for appends");
        recovered = true;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        LOG.info("Failed open for append, waiting on lease recovery");
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException ex) {
          // ignore it and try again
    if (out != null) {
    if (!recovered) {
      fail("Recovery should take < 1 min");
    LOG.info("Past out lease recovery");
 void waitLeaseRecovery(MiniDFSCluster cluster) {
   cluster.setLeasePeriod(LEASE_PERIOD, LEASE_PERIOD);
   // wait for the lease to expire
   try {
     Thread.sleep(2 * 3000); // 2 heartbeat intervals
   } catch (InterruptedException e) {
   * TC11: Racing rename
   * @throws IOException an exception might be thrown
  public void testTC11() throws Exception {
    final Path p = new Path("/TC11/foo");
    System.out.println("p=" + p);

    // a. Create file and write one block of data. Close file.
    final int len1 = (int) BLOCK_SIZE;
      FSDataOutputStream out = fs.create(p, false, buffersize, REPLICATION, BLOCK_SIZE);
      AppendTestUtil.write(out, 0, len1);

    // b. Reopen file in "append" mode. Append half block of data.
    FSDataOutputStream out = fs.append(p);
    final int len2 = (int) BLOCK_SIZE / 2;
    AppendTestUtil.write(out, len1, len2);

    // c. Rename file to file.new.
    final Path pnew = new Path(p + ".new");
    assertTrue(fs.rename(p, pnew));

    // d. Close file handle that was opened in (b).
    try {
      fail("close() should throw an exception");
    } catch (Exception e) {
      AppendTestUtil.LOG.info("GOOD!", e);

    // wait for the lease recovery
    cluster.setLeasePeriod(1000, 1000);

    // check block sizes
    final long len = fs.getFileStatus(pnew).getLen();
    final LocatedBlocks locatedblocks =
        fs.dfs.getNamenode().getBlockLocations(pnew.toString(), 0L, len);
    final int numblock = locatedblocks.locatedBlockCount();
    for (int i = 0; i < numblock; i++) {
      final LocatedBlock lb = locatedblocks.get(i);
      final Block blk = lb.getBlock();
      final long size = lb.getBlockSize();
      if (i < numblock - 1) {
        assertEquals(BLOCK_SIZE, size);
      for (DatanodeInfo datanodeinfo : lb.getLocations()) {
        final DataNode dn = cluster.getDataNode(datanodeinfo.getIpcPort());
        final Block metainfo = dn.data.getStoredBlock(blk.getBlockId());
        assertEquals(size, metainfo.getNumBytes());
   * This test creates three empty files and lets their leases expire. This triggers release of the
   * leases. The empty files are supposed to be closed by that without causing
   * ConcurrentModificationException.
  public void testLeaseExpireEmptyFiles() throws Exception {
    final Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler oldUEH = Thread.getDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler();
        new Thread.UncaughtExceptionHandler() {
          public void uncaughtException(Thread t, Throwable e) {
            if (e instanceof ConcurrentModificationException) {
              FSNamesystem.LOG.error("t=" + t, e);
              isConcurrentModificationException = true;

    System.out.println("testLeaseExpireEmptyFiles start");
    final long leasePeriod = 1000;
    final int DATANODE_NUM = 3;

    final Configuration conf = new HdfsConfiguration();
    conf.setInt("dfs.heartbeat.interval", 1);

    // create cluster
    MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster.Builder(conf).numDataNodes(DATANODE_NUM).build();
    try {
      DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem) cluster.getFileSystem();

      // create a new file.
      TestFileCreation.createFile(dfs, new Path("/foo"), DATANODE_NUM);
      TestFileCreation.createFile(dfs, new Path("/foo2"), DATANODE_NUM);
      TestFileCreation.createFile(dfs, new Path("/foo3"), DATANODE_NUM);

      // set the soft and hard limit to be 1 second so that the
      // namenode triggers lease recovery
      cluster.setLeasePeriod(leasePeriod, leasePeriod);
      // wait for the lease to expire
      try {
        Thread.sleep(5 * leasePeriod);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

    } finally {
   * Create a file, write something, fsync but not close. Then change lease period and wait for
   * lease recovery. Finally, read the block directly from each Datanode and verify the content.
  public void testLeaseExpireHardLimit() throws Exception {
    System.out.println("testLeaseExpireHardLimit start");
    final long leasePeriod = 1000;
    final int DATANODE_NUM = 3;

    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.setInt("heartbeat.recheck.interval", 1000);
    conf.setInt("dfs.heartbeat.interval", 1);

    // create cluster
    MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, DATANODE_NUM, true, null);
    DistributedFileSystem dfs = null;
    try {
      dfs = (DistributedFileSystem) cluster.getFileSystem();

      // create a new file.
      final String f = DIR + "foo";
      final Path fpath = new Path(f);
      FSDataOutputStream out = TestFileCreation.createFile(dfs, fpath, DATANODE_NUM);
      int actualRepl =
          ((DFSClient.DFSOutputStream) (out.getWrappedStream())).getNumCurrentReplicas();
          f + " should be replicated to " + DATANODE_NUM + " datanodes.",
          actualRepl == DATANODE_NUM);

      // set the soft and hard limit to be 1 second so that the
      // namenode triggers lease recovery
      cluster.setLeasePeriod(leasePeriod, leasePeriod);
      // wait for the lease to expire
      try {
        Thread.sleep(5 * leasePeriod);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

      LocatedBlocks locations = dfs.dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(f, 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
      assertEquals(1, locations.locatedBlockCount());
      LocatedBlock locatedblock = locations.getLocatedBlocks().get(0);
      int successcount = 0;
      for (DatanodeInfo datanodeinfo : locatedblock.getLocations()) {
        DataNode datanode = cluster.getDataNode(datanodeinfo.ipcPort);
        FSDataset dataset = (FSDataset) datanode.data;
        Block b = dataset.getStoredBlock(locatedblock.getBlock().getBlockId());
        File blockfile = dataset.findBlockFile(b.getBlockId());
        System.out.println("blockfile=" + blockfile);
        if (blockfile != null) {
          BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(blockfile));
          assertEquals("something", in.readLine());
      System.out.println("successcount=" + successcount);
      assertTrue(successcount > 0);
    } finally {

    System.out.println("testLeaseExpireHardLimit successful");
  /** Test that the filesystem removes the last block from a file if its lease expires. */
  public void testFileCreationError2() throws IOException {
    long leasePeriod = 1000;
    System.out.println("testFileCreationError2 start");
    Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    conf.setInt("heartbeat.recheck.interval", 1000);
    conf.setInt("dfs.heartbeat.interval", 1);
    if (simulatedStorage) {
      conf.setBoolean(SimulatedFSDataset.CONFIG_PROPERTY_SIMULATED, true);
    // create cluster
    MiniDFSCluster cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, 1, true, null);
    DistributedFileSystem dfs = null;
    try {
      dfs = (DistributedFileSystem) cluster.getFileSystem();
      DFSClient client = dfs.dfs;

      // create a new file.
      Path file1 = new Path("/filestatus.dat");
      createFile(dfs, file1, 1);
          "testFileCreationError2: " + "Created file filestatus.dat with one replicas.");

      LocatedBlocks locations =
          client.namenode.getBlockLocations(file1.toString(), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
          "testFileCreationError2: "
              + "The file has "
              + locations.locatedBlockCount()
              + " blocks.");

      // add another block to the file
      LocatedBlock location = client.namenode.addBlock(file1.toString(), client.clientName);
      System.out.println("testFileCreationError2: " + "Added block " + location.getBlock());

      locations = client.namenode.getBlockLocations(file1.toString(), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
      int count = locations.locatedBlockCount();
      System.out.println("testFileCreationError2: " + "The file now has " + count + " blocks.");

      // set the soft and hard limit to be 1 second so that the
      // namenode triggers lease recovery
      cluster.setLeasePeriod(leasePeriod, leasePeriod);

      // wait for the lease to expire
      try {
        Thread.sleep(5 * leasePeriod);
      } catch (InterruptedException e) {

      // verify that the last block was synchronized.
      locations = client.namenode.getBlockLocations(file1.toString(), 0, Long.MAX_VALUE);
          "testFileCreationError2: " + "locations = " + locations.locatedBlockCount());
      assertEquals(0, locations.locatedBlockCount());
      System.out.println("testFileCreationError2 successful");
    } finally {
  public void testBlockSynchronization() throws Exception {
    final long softLease = 1000;
    final long hardLease = 60 * 60 * 1000;
    final short repl = 3;
    final Configuration conf = new Configuration();
    final int bufferSize = conf.getInt("io.file.buffer.size", 4096);
    conf.setLong("dfs.block.size", BLOCK_SIZE);
    conf.setInt("dfs.heartbeat.interval", 1);
    //  conf.setInt("io.bytes.per.checksum", 16);

    MiniDFSCluster cluster = null;
    byte[] actual = new byte[FILE_SIZE];

    try {
      cluster = new MiniDFSCluster(conf, 5, true, null);

      // create a file
      DistributedFileSystem dfs = (DistributedFileSystem) cluster.getFileSystem();
      // create a random file name
      String filestr = "/foo" + AppendTestUtil.nextInt();
      System.out.println("filestr=" + filestr);
      Path filepath = new Path(filestr);
      FSDataOutputStream stm = dfs.create(filepath, true, bufferSize, repl, BLOCK_SIZE);

      // write random number of bytes into it.
      int size = AppendTestUtil.nextInt(FILE_SIZE);
      System.out.println("size=" + size);
      stm.write(buffer, 0, size);

      // sync file

      // set the soft limit to be 1 second so that the
      // namenode triggers lease recovery on next attempt to write-for-open.
      cluster.setLeasePeriod(softLease, hardLease);

      // try to re-open the file before closing the previous handle. This
      // should fail but will trigger lease recovery.
        Configuration conf2 = new Configuration(conf);
        String username = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUGI().getUserName() + "_1";
            new UnixUserGroupInformation(username, new String[] {"supergroup"}));
        FileSystem dfs2 = FileSystem.get(conf2);

        boolean done = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10 && !done; i++) {
          AppendTestUtil.LOG.info("i=" + i);
          try {
            dfs2.create(filepath, false, bufferSize, repl, BLOCK_SIZE);
            fail("Creation of an existing file should never succeed.");
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
            final String message = ioe.getMessage();
            if (message.contains("file exists")) {
              AppendTestUtil.LOG.info("done", ioe);
              done = true;
            } else if (message.contains(AlreadyBeingCreatedException.class.getSimpleName())) {
              AppendTestUtil.LOG.info("GOOD! got " + message);
            } else {
              AppendTestUtil.LOG.warn("UNEXPECTED IOException", ioe);

          if (!done) {
            AppendTestUtil.LOG.info("sleep " + 5000 + "ms");
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

          "Lease for file " + filepath + " is recovered. " + "Validating its contents now...");

      // verify that file-size matches
          "File should be "
              + size
              + " bytes, but is actually "
              + " found to be "
              + dfs.getFileStatus(filepath).getLen()
              + " bytes",
          dfs.getFileStatus(filepath).getLen() == size);

      // verify that there is enough data to read.
      System.out.println("File size is good. Now validating sizes from datanodes...");
      FSDataInputStream stmin = dfs.open(filepath);
      stmin.readFully(0, actual, 0, size);
    } finally {
      try {
        if (cluster != null) {
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // ignore