  public void onWizardPopoverHideEvent(WizardPopoverHideEvent event) {

    if (getWizardModel().getPanelName().equals(event.getPanelName())) {

      if (getWizardModel().isDirty() && !event.isExitCancel()) {

        // User has authorised the underlying panel to be closed
        hide(wizardModel.getPanelName(), true);
   * @param wizardModel The overall wizard data model containing the aggregate information of all
   *     components in the wizard
   * @param isExiting True if the exit button should trigger an application shutdown
   * @param wizardParameter An optional parameter that can be referenced during construction
   * @param escapeIsCancel If true, ESC cancels the wizard, if false, it does nothing
  protected AbstractWizard(
      M wizardModel, boolean isExiting, Optional wizardParameter, boolean escapeIsCancel) {

    Preconditions.checkNotNull(wizardModel, "'model' must be present");

    log.debug("Building wizard...");

    this.wizardModel = wizardModel;
    this.exiting = isExiting;
    this.wizardParameter = wizardParameter;

    // Subscribe to events

    // Optionally bind the ESC key to a Cancel event (escape to safety)
    if (escapeIsCancel) {
          .put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ESCAPE, 0), "quit");
      wizardScreenHolder.getActionMap().put("quit", getCancelAction());

    // TODO Bind the ENTER key to a Next/Finish/Apply event to speed up data entry through keyboard
    // wizardPanel.getInputMap(JPanel.WHEN_ANCESTOR_OF_FOCUSED_COMPONENT).put(KeyStroke.getKeyStroke(KeyEvent.VK_ENTER, 0), "next");
    // wizardPanel.getActionMap().put("next", getNextAction(null));

    log.debug("Populating view map and firing initial state view events...");

    // Populate based on the current locale

    // Once all the views are created allow events to occur
    for (Map.Entry<String, AbstractWizardPanelView> entry : wizardViewMap.entrySet()) {

      // Ensure the panel is in the correct starting state

        new Dimension(MultiBitUI.WIZARD_MIN_WIDTH, MultiBitUI.WIZARD_MIN_HEIGHT));
        new Dimension(MultiBitUI.WIZARD_MIN_WIDTH, MultiBitUI.WIZARD_MIN_HEIGHT));
        new Dimension(MultiBitUI.WIZARD_MIN_WIDTH, MultiBitUI.WIZARD_MIN_HEIGHT));

    // Show the panel specified by the initial state