  private List<String> getPath(Locale locale) {

    List<String> path = resolvingPath.get(locale);
    if (path == null) {
      path = new ArrayList<String>();

      List<Locale> localePath = LocaleUtils.getPath(locale, getDefaultLocale());
      for (Locale loc : localePath) {
        if (loc == null) {
        } else {

          String language = LocaleUtils.getLanguage(loc);
          String country = LocaleUtils.getCountry(loc);
          String variant = LocaleUtils.getVariant(loc);
          if (!variant.isEmpty()) {
            path.add(String.format("_%s_%s_%s", language, country, variant));
          } else if (!country.isEmpty()) {
            path.add(String.format("_%s_%s", language, country));
          } else if (!language.isEmpty()) {
            path.add(String.format("_%s", language));

      resolvingPath.put(locale, path);
    return path;
  public static boolean isExtensionSingleton(String s) {
    // singleton     = DIGIT               ; 0 - 9
    //               / %x41-57             ; A - W
    //               / %x59-5A             ; Y - Z
    //               / %x61-77             ; a - w
    //               / %x79-7A             ; y - z

    return (s.length() == 1)
        && LocaleUtils.isAlphaString(s)
        && !LocaleUtils.caseIgnoreMatch(PRIVATEUSE, s);
 public static boolean isVariant(String s) {
   // variant       = 5*8alphanum         ; registered variants
   //               / (DIGIT 3alphanum)
   int len = s.length();
   if (len >= 5 && len <= 8) {
     return LocaleUtils.isAlphaNumericString(s);
   if (len == 4) {
     return LocaleUtils.isNumeric(s.charAt(0))
         && LocaleUtils.isAlphaNumeric(s.charAt(1))
         && LocaleUtils.isAlphaNumeric(s.charAt(2))
         && LocaleUtils.isAlphaNumeric(s.charAt(3));
   return false;
  /** Ssets the locale context-wide based on a call to {@link JiveGlobals#getLocale()}. */
  public void doFilter(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, FilterChain chain)
      throws IOException, ServletException {
    final String pathInfo = ((HttpServletRequest) request).getPathInfo();

    if (pathInfo == null) {
      // Note, putting the locale in the application at this point is a little overkill
      // (ie, every user who hits this filter will do this). Eventually, it might make
      // sense to just set the locale in the user's session and if that's done we might
      // want to honor a preference to get the user's locale based on request headers.
      // For now, this is just a convenient place to set the locale globally.
      Config.set(context, Config.FMT_LOCALE, JiveGlobals.getLocale());
    } else {
      try {
        String[] parts = pathInfo.split("/");
        String pluginName = parts[1];
        ResourceBundle bundle = LocaleUtils.getPluginResourceBundle(pluginName);
        LocalizationContext ctx = new LocalizationContext(bundle, JiveGlobals.getLocale());
        Config.set(request, Config.FMT_LOCALIZATION_CONTEXT, ctx);
      } catch (Exception e) {
        // Note, putting the locale in the application at this point is a little overkill
        // (ie, every user who hits this filter will do this). Eventually, it might make
        // sense to just set the locale in the user's session and if that's done we might
        // want to honor a preference to get the user's locale based on request headers.
        // For now, this is just a convenient place to set the locale globally.
        Config.set(context, Config.FMT_LOCALE, JiveGlobals.getLocale());
    // Move along:
    chain.doFilter(request, response);
  public static ArrayList<DictionaryInfo> getCurrentDictionaryFileNameAndVersionInfo(
      final Context context) {
    final ArrayList<DictionaryInfo> dictList = CollectionUtils.newArrayList();

    // Retrieve downloaded dictionaries
    final File[] directoryList = getCachedDirectoryList(context);
    if (null != directoryList) {
      for (final File directory : directoryList) {
        final String localeString = getWordListIdFromFileName(directory.getName());
        File[] dicts = BinaryDictionaryGetter.getCachedWordLists(localeString, context);
        for (final File dict : dicts) {
          final String wordListId = getWordListIdFromFileName(dict.getName());
          if (!DictionaryInfoUtils.isMainWordListId(wordListId)) continue;
          final Locale locale = LocaleUtils.constructLocaleFromString(localeString);
          final AssetFileAddress fileAddress = AssetFileAddress.makeFromFile(dict);
          final DictionaryInfo dictionaryInfo = createDictionaryInfoFromFileAddress(fileAddress);
          // Protect against cases of a less-specific dictionary being found, like an
          // en dictionary being used for an en_US locale. In this case, the en dictionary
          // should be used for en_US but discounted for listing purposes.
          if (!dictionaryInfo.mLocale.equals(locale)) continue;
          addOrUpdateDictInfo(dictList, dictionaryInfo);

    // Retrieve files from assets
    final Resources resources = context.getResources();
    final AssetManager assets = resources.getAssets();
    for (final String localeString : assets.getLocales()) {
      final Locale locale = LocaleUtils.constructLocaleFromString(localeString);
      final int resourceId =
              context.getResources(), locale);
      if (0 == resourceId) continue;
      final AssetFileAddress fileAddress =
          BinaryDictionaryGetter.loadFallbackResource(context, resourceId);
      final DictionaryInfo dictionaryInfo = createDictionaryInfoFromFileAddress(fileAddress);
      // Protect against cases of a less-specific dictionary being found, like an
      // en dictionary being used for an en_US locale. In this case, the en dictionary
      // should be used for en_US but discounted for listing purposes.
      if (!dictionaryInfo.mLocale.equals(locale)) continue;
      addOrUpdateDictInfo(dictList, dictionaryInfo);

    return dictList;
 public static boolean isLanguage(String s) {
   // language      = 2*3ALPHA            ; shortest ISO 639 code
   //                 ["-" extlang]       ; sometimes followed by
   //                                     ;   extended language subtags
   //               / 4ALPHA              ; or reserved for future use
   //               / 5*8ALPHA            ; or registered language subtag
   int len = s.length();
   return (len >= 2) && (len <= 8) && LocaleUtils.isAlphaString(s);
 public static String formatCurrency(double amount, String currencyCode) {
   // I don't know why this is happening but sometimes currencyCode is Kč instead of CZK
   currencyCode = currencyCode.replace("Kč", "CZK");
   Currency currency = Currency.getInstance(currencyCode);
   String formatted = LocaleUtils.formatCurrency(amount, currency);
   // hack for Czech crowns - there is no better solution because Android doesn't allow different
   // settings for
   // locale and language
   return formatted.replace("CZK", "CZK ").replace("Kč", "Kč ");
 private static DictionaryInfo createDictionaryInfoFromFileAddress(
     final AssetFileAddress fileAddress) {
   final FileHeader header =
           new File(fileAddress.mFilename), fileAddress.mOffset, fileAddress.mLength);
   final String id = header.getId();
   final Locale locale = LocaleUtils.constructLocaleFromString(header.getLocaleString());
   final String description = header.getDescription();
   final String version = header.getVersion();
   return new DictionaryInfo(id, locale, description, fileAddress, Integer.parseInt(version));
 public void setToolTipText(@Nullable String toolTipTextKey) {
   if (LocaleUtils.isEmpty(toolTipTextKey)) {
     toolTipText = null;
   } else {
     toolTipText =
         toolTipText == null
             ? new LocaledString(toolTipTextKey)
             : toolTipText.setKey(toolTipTextKey);
   * Generate an implementation for the given type.
   * @param logger error logger
   * @param context generator context
   * @param typeName target type name
   * @return generated class name
   * @throws UnableToCompleteException
  public final String generate(TreeLogger logger, GeneratorContext context, String typeName)
      throws UnableToCompleteException {
    assert CURRENCY_LIST.equals(typeName);
    TypeOracle typeOracle = context.getTypeOracle();

    PropertyOracle propertyOracle = context.getPropertyOracle();
    LocaleUtils localeUtils = LocaleUtils.getInstance(logger, propertyOracle, context);
    GwtLocale locale = localeUtils.getCompileLocale();
    Set<GwtLocale> runtimeLocales = localeUtils.getRuntimeLocales();

    JClassType targetClass;
    try {
      targetClass = typeOracle.getType(typeName);
    } catch (NotFoundException e) {
      logger.log(TreeLogger.ERROR, "No such type", e);
      throw new UnableToCompleteException();
    if (runtimeLocales.isEmpty()) {
      return generateLocaleTree(logger, context, targetClass, locale);
    CachedGeneratorContext cachedContext = new CachedGeneratorContext(context);
    return generateRuntimeSelection(logger, cachedContext, targetClass, locale, runtimeLocales);
   * BNF in RFC5646
   * Language-Tag  = langtag             ; normal language tags
   *               / privateuse          ; private use tag
   *               / grandfathered       ; grandfathered tags
   * langtag       = language
   *                 ["-" script]
   *                 ["-" region]
   *                 *("-" variant)
   *                 *("-" extension)
   *                 ["-" privateuse]
   * language      = 2*3ALPHA            ; shortest ISO 639 code
   *                 ["-" extlang]       ; sometimes followed by
   *                                     ; extended language subtags
   *               / 4ALPHA              ; or reserved for future use
   *               / 5*8ALPHA            ; or registered language subtag
   * extlang       = 3ALPHA              ; selected ISO 639 codes
   *                 *2("-" 3ALPHA)      ; permanently reserved
   * script        = 4ALPHA              ; ISO 15924 code
   * region        = 2ALPHA              ; ISO 3166-1 code
   *               / 3DIGIT              ; UN M.49 code
   * variant       = 5*8alphanum         ; registered variants
   *               / (DIGIT 3alphanum)
   * extension     = singleton 1*("-" (2*8alphanum))
   *                                     ; Single alphanumerics
   *                                     ; "x" reserved for private use
   * singleton     = DIGIT               ; 0 - 9
   *               / %x41-57             ; A - W
   *               / %x59-5A             ; Y - Z
   *               / %x61-77             ; a - w
   *               / %x79-7A             ; y - z
   * privateuse    = "x" 1*("-" (1*8alphanum))
  public static LanguageTag parse(String languageTag, ParseStatus sts) {
    if (sts == null) {
      sts = new ParseStatus();
    } else {

    StringTokenIterator itr;

    // Check if the tag is grandfathered
    String[] gfmap = GRANDFATHERED.get(LocaleUtils.toLowerString(languageTag));
    if (gfmap != null) {
      // use preferred mapping
      itr = new StringTokenIterator(gfmap[1], SEP);
    } else {
      itr = new StringTokenIterator(languageTag, SEP);

    LanguageTag tag = new LanguageTag();

    // langtag must start with either language or privateuse
    if (tag.parseLanguage(itr, sts)) {
      tag.parseExtlangs(itr, sts);
      tag.parseScript(itr, sts);
      tag.parseRegion(itr, sts);
      tag.parseVariants(itr, sts);
      tag.parseExtensions(itr, sts);
    tag.parsePrivateuse(itr, sts);

    if (!itr.isDone() && !sts.isError()) {
      String s = itr.current();
      sts.errorIndex = itr.currentStart();
      if (s.length() == 0) {
        sts.errorMsg = "Empty subtag";
      } else {
        sts.errorMsg = "Invalid subtag: " + s;

    return tag;
 // Update the current input locale from Locale string.
 private void updateInputLocale(String inputLocaleStr) {
   // example: inputLocaleStr = "en_US" "en" ""
   // "en_US" --> language: en  & country: US
   // "en" --> language: en
   // "" --> the system locale
   if (!TextUtils.isEmpty(inputLocaleStr)) {
     mInputLocale = LocaleUtils.constructLocaleFromString(inputLocaleStr);
     mInputLocaleStr = inputLocaleStr;
   } else {
     mInputLocale = mSystemLocale;
     String country = mSystemLocale.getCountry();
     mInputLocaleStr =
             + (TextUtils.isEmpty(country) ? "" : "_" + mSystemLocale.getLanguage());
   mIsSystemLanguageSameAsInputLanguage =
   mNeedsToDisplayLanguage =
       !(getEnabledKeyboardLocaleCount() <= 1 && mIsSystemLanguageSameAsInputLanguage);
 public static boolean isPrivateusePrefixChar(char c) {
   return (LocaleUtils.caseIgnoreMatch(PRIVATEUSE, String.valueOf(c)));
 public void changeLocale() {
 public static boolean isScript(String s) {
   // script        = 4ALPHA              ; ISO 15924 code
   return (s.length() == 4) && LocaleUtils.isAlphaString(s);
 public static String canonicalizePrivateuseSubtag(String s) {
   return LocaleUtils.toLowerString(s);
 public static boolean isRegion(String s) {
   // region        = 2ALPHA              ; ISO 3166-1 code
   //               / 3DIGIT              ; UN M.49 code
   return ((s.length() == 2) && LocaleUtils.isAlphaString(s))
       || ((s.length() == 3) && LocaleUtils.isNumericString(s));
 public static String canonicalizeVariant(String s) {
   return LocaleUtils.toLowerString(s);
 public static String canonicalizeExtensionSubtag(String s) {
   return LocaleUtils.toLowerString(s);
 public static String canonicalizeScript(String s) {
   return LocaleUtils.toTitleString(s);
 public static String canonicalizeRegion(String s) {
   return LocaleUtils.toUpperString(s);
 public static String canonicalizeExtlang(String s) {
   return LocaleUtils.toLowerString(s);
 public static boolean isExtensionSubtag(String s) {
   // extension     = singleton 1*("-" (2*8alphanum))
   int len = s.length();
   return (len >= 2) && (len <= 8) && LocaleUtils.isAlphaNumericString(s);
 public static boolean isKey(String s) {
   // 2alphanum
   return (s.length() == 2) && LocaleUtils.isAlphaNumericString(s);
  public User createUser(String username, String password, String name, String email)
      throws UserAlreadyExistsException {
    if (isReadOnly()) {
      // Reject the operation since the provider is read-only
      throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    try {
      // The user already exists since no exception, so:
      throw new UserAlreadyExistsException("Username " + username + " already exists");
    } catch (UserNotFoundException unfe) {
      // The user doesn't already exist so we can create a new user

      // Determine if the password should be stored as plain text or encrypted.
      boolean usePlainPassword = JiveGlobals.getBooleanProperty("user.usePlainPassword");
      String encryptedPassword = null;
      if (!usePlainPassword) {
        try {
          encryptedPassword = AuthFactory.encryptPassword(password);
          // Set password to null so that it's inserted that way.
          password = null;
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
          // Encrypting the password may have failed if in setup mode. Therefore,
          // use the plain password.

      Date now = new Date();
      Connection con = null;
      PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
      try {
        con = DbConnectionManager.getConnection();
        pstmt = con.prepareStatement(INSERT_USER);
        pstmt.setString(1, username);
        if (password == null) {
          pstmt.setNull(2, Types.VARCHAR);
        } else {
          pstmt.setString(2, password);
        if (encryptedPassword == null) {
          pstmt.setNull(3, Types.VARCHAR);
        } else {
          pstmt.setString(3, encryptedPassword);
        if (name == null) {
          pstmt.setNull(4, Types.VARCHAR);
        } else {
          pstmt.setString(4, name);
        if (email == null) {
          pstmt.setNull(5, Types.VARCHAR);
        } else {
          pstmt.setString(5, email);
        pstmt.setString(6, StringUtils.dateToMillis(now));
        pstmt.setString(7, StringUtils.dateToMillis(now));
      } catch (Exception e) {
        Log.error(LocaleUtils.getLocalizedString("admin.error"), e);
      } finally {
        DbConnectionManager.closeConnection(pstmt, con);
      return new User(username, name, email, now, now);
 public static boolean isPrivateusePrefix(String s) {
   // privateuse    = "x" 1*("-" (1*8alphanum))
   return (s.length() == 1) && LocaleUtils.caseIgnoreMatch(PRIVATEUSE, s);
 public static boolean isSingletonChar(char c) {
   return (SINGLETON == LocaleUtils.toLower(c));
 public static boolean isPrivateuseSubtag(String s) {
   // privateuse    = "x" 1*("-" (1*8alphanum))
   int len = s.length();
   return (len >= 1) && (len <= 8) && LocaleUtils.isAlphaNumericString(s);
 public static boolean isTypeSubtag(String s) {
   // 3*8alphanum
   int len = s.length();
   return (len >= 3) && (len <= 8) && LocaleUtils.isAlphaNumericString(s);
  static {
    // grandfathered = irregular           ; non-redundant tags registered
    //               / regular             ; during the RFC 3066 era
    // irregular     = "en-GB-oed"         ; irregular tags do not match
    //               / "i-ami"             ; the 'langtag' production and
    //               / "i-bnn"             ; would not otherwise be
    //               / "i-default"         ; considered 'well-formed'
    //               / "i-enochian"        ; These tags are all valid,
    //               / "i-hak"             ; but most are deprecated
    //               / "i-klingon"         ; in favor of more modern
    //               / "i-lux"             ; subtags or subtag
    //               / "i-mingo"           ; combination
    //               / "i-navajo"
    //               / "i-pwn"
    //               / "i-tao"
    //               / "i-tay"
    //               / "i-tsu"
    //               / "sgn-BE-FR"
    //               / "sgn-BE-NL"
    //               / "sgn-CH-DE"
    // regular       = "art-lojban"        ; these tags match the 'langtag'
    //               / "cel-gaulish"       ; production, but their subtags
    //               / "no-bok"            ; are not extended language
    //               / "no-nyn"            ; or variant subtags: their meaning
    //               / "zh-guoyu"          ; is defined by their registration
    //               / "zh-hakka"          ; and all of these are deprecated
    //               / "zh-min"            ; in favor of a more modern
    //               / "zh-min-nan"        ; subtag or sequence of subtags
    //               / "zh-xiang"

    final String[][] entries = {
      // {"tag",         "preferred"},
      {"art-lojban", "jbo"},
      {"cel-gaulish", "xtg-x-cel-gaulish"}, // fallback
      {"en-GB-oed", "en-GB-x-oed"}, // fallback
      {"i-ami", "ami"},
      {"i-bnn", "bnn"},
      {"i-default", "en-x-i-default"}, // fallback
      {"i-enochian", "und-x-i-enochian"}, // fallback
      {"i-hak", "hak"},
      {"i-klingon", "tlh"},
      {"i-lux", "lb"},
      {"i-mingo", "see-x-i-mingo"}, // fallback
      {"i-navajo", "nv"},
      {"i-pwn", "pwn"},
      {"i-tao", "tao"},
      {"i-tay", "tay"},
      {"i-tsu", "tsu"},
      {"no-bok", "nb"},
      {"no-nyn", "nn"},
      {"sgn-BE-FR", "sfb"},
      {"sgn-BE-NL", "vgt"},
      {"sgn-CH-DE", "sgg"},
      {"zh-guoyu", "cmn"},
      {"zh-hakka", "hak"},
      {"zh-min", "nan-x-zh-min"}, // fallback
      {"zh-min-nan", "nan"},
      {"zh-xiang", "hsn"},
    for (String[] e : entries) {
      GRANDFATHERED.put(LocaleUtils.toLowerString(e[0]), e);