   * Add a KickstartScript to the KickstartData
   * @param ksIn to add
  public void addScript(KickstartScript ksIn) {
    // The ordering goes: Pre scripts and post (chroot) scripts have
    // positive positions, post nochroot scripts have negative
    // positions where the most negative script is run right before
    // Red Hat's scripts. The user can adjust these default positions
    // later, but this allows us to preserve previous behavor where
    // adding a nochroot post script added it right before Red Hat's
    // post scripts and adding a post (chroot) script added it as the
    // last script that runs.
    if (ksIn.getScriptType().equals(KickstartScript.TYPE_POST) && !ksIn.thisScriptIsChroot()) {
      Long minPosition = 0L;
      for (KickstartScript script : scripts) {
        if (script.getPosition() < minPosition) {
          minPosition = script.getPosition();
      ksIn.setPosition(minPosition - 1);
    } else {
      Long maxPosition = 0L;
      for (KickstartScript script : scripts) {
        if (script.getPosition() > maxPosition) {
          maxPosition = script.getPosition();
      ksIn.setPosition(maxPosition + 1);

 private KickstartScript lookupScriptByType(String typeIn) {
   if (this.getScripts() != null && this.getScripts().size() > 0) {
     Iterator<KickstartScript> i = this.getScripts().iterator();
     while (i.hasNext()) {
       KickstartScript kss = i.next();
       if (kss.getScriptType().equals(typeIn)) {
         return kss;
   return null;