 private void logJobDurations(TaskType type) {
   // LOG.debug("Virtual tasks progress: " + durations);
   Set<JobDurationInfo> jdis = this.getDurationInfos(type);
   for (JobDurationInfo jdi : jdis) {
     JP_LOG.info(jdi.getJobID() + ":" + type + " " + jdi.getPhaseDuration());
  public final void update(final Interval interval) {
    final long value = interval.getInterval();
    long currValue = value;
    TaskID tid = null;

    // search for interval less then the one provided as argument
    // TODO: make this more efficient by keeping the smallest duration
    // somewhere
    for (TaskType type : TaskType.values()) {
      for (TaskDurationInfo task : getCluster().getSlots(type)) {
        if (task != null) {
          long currDuration = task.getDuration();
          if (currDuration < currValue) {
            currValue = currDuration;
            tid = task.getTaskID();

    // if there is an interval less than the one provided then
    // divide the interval provided in two
    if (currValue < value) {
      Interval interval1 = new Interval(currValue);
      Interval interval2 = new Interval(value - currValue);
          "interval "
              + value
              + " is bigger than the finish time "
              + currValue
              + " of task "
              + tid
              + ". Dividing in two "
              + "intervals of respectively "
              + interval1.getInterval()
              + " and "
              + interval2.getInterval());

      // else decrement duration of each assigned task
    } else {
      boolean mustScheduleMaps = false;
      boolean mustScheduleReduces = false;
      boolean logMapProgress = false;
      boolean logReduceProgress = false;

      for (TaskType type : HFSPScheduler.TASK_TYPES) {
        for (int i = 0; i < getCluster().getSlots(type).size(); i++) {
          TaskDurationInfo task = getCluster().getSlots(type).get(i);
          if (task != null) {

            TP_LOG.info(task.getTaskID() + " " + task.getDuration());

            if (type == TaskType.MAP) {
              logMapProgress = true;
            } else {
              logReduceProgress = true;

            if (task.isFinished()) {
              getCluster().freeSlot(type, i);
              if (type == TaskType.MAP) {
                mustScheduleMaps = true;
              } else {
                mustScheduleReduces = true;

      this.logJobsProgress(logMapProgress, logReduceProgress);

      for (TaskType type : HFSPScheduler.TASK_TYPES) {
        if (type == TaskType.MAP ? mustScheduleMaps : mustScheduleReduces) {

          for (JobDurationInfo jdi : this.getDurationInfos(type)) {
            if (jdi.isFinished() && !jdi.hasFinishPosition()) {

          this.getScheduler().schedule(type, getDurationInfos(type), getCluster());
      // if (mustScheduleMaps) {
      // Set<JobDurationInfo> jdis = this.getDurationInfos(TaskType.MAP);
      // for (JobDurationInfo jdi : jdis) {
      // if (jdi.isFinished() && !jdi.hasFinishPosition()) {
      // JobDurationInfo.setFinishPosition(jdi);
      // }
      // }
      // this.getScheduler().schedule(TaskType.MAP,
      // getDurationInfos(TaskType.MAP),
      // getCluster());
      // }
      // if (mustScheduleReduces) {
      // Set<JobDurationInfo> jdis = this.getDurationInfos(TaskType.REDUCE);
      // for (JobDurationInfo jdi : jdis) {
      // if (jdi.isFinished() && !jdi.hasFinishPosition()) {
      // JobDurationInfo.setFinishPosition(jdi);
      // }
      // }
      // this.getScheduler().schedule(TaskType.REDUCE,
      // getDurationInfos(TaskType.REDUCE),
      // getCluster());
      // }