  public int execute(
      final String js,
      final String[] args,
      final int type,
      final int event,
      final char keyPressed) {

    if (event == ActionHandler.FOCUS_EVENT && (type == KEYSTROKE || type == FORMAT)) {
      // format added for file baseline_screens\forms\Testdokument PDF.pdf
      // F action found this AFTime_FormatEx("HH:MM") unknown command
      //        	if(type==FORMAT){
      //        		System.out.println("AFTime.execute focus format js="+js);
      //	        	org.jpedal.objects.acroforms.utils.ConvertToString.printStackTrace(7);

      //        	}
      final String validatedValue = validateMask(args, ":", false);

      if (validatedValue == null) {

        final Object[] errArgs = new Object[1];
        errArgs[0] = formObject.getObjectRefAsString();

        maskAlert(ErrorCodes.JSInvalidFormat, errArgs); // chris unformat
        execute(js, args, type, event, keyPressed);
      } else {
        // be sure to get the current value before we change it

        formObject.updateValue(validatedValue, false, true);

    } else if (type == KEYSTROKE) { // just ignore and process on focus lost
      JSFunction.debug("AFTime(keystroke)=" + js);
    } else if (type == FORMAT) {
      JSFunction.debug("AFTime(format)=" + js);
    } else {
      JSFunction.debug("Unknown command " + js);

    return 0;