/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.glassfish.hk2.xml.api.XmlService#createEmptyHandle(java.lang.Class) */ @Override public <T> XmlRootHandle<T> createEmptyHandle( Class<T> jaxbAnnotatedInterface, boolean advertiseInRegistry, boolean advertiseInHub) { if (!jaxbAnnotatedInterface.isInterface()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only an interface can be given to unmarshall: " + jaxbAnnotatedInterface.getName()); } try { jaUtilities.convertRootAndLeaves(jaxbAnnotatedInterface, true); ModelImpl model = jaUtilities.getModel(jaxbAnnotatedInterface); return new XmlRootHandleImpl<T>( this, hub, null, model, null, advertiseInRegistry, advertiseInHub, new DynamicChangeInfo( jaUtilities, hub, this, ((advertiseInRegistry) ? dynamicConfigurationService : null), serviceLocator)); } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } catch (Exception e) { throw new MultiException(e); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.glassfish.hk2.xml.api.XmlService#unmarshall(java.net.URI, java.lang.Class) */ @Override public <T> XmlRootHandle<T> unmarshall( URI uri, Class<T> jaxbAnnotatedInterface, boolean advertiseInRegistry, boolean advertiseInHub) { if (uri == null || jaxbAnnotatedInterface == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (!jaxbAnnotatedInterface.isInterface()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only an interface can be given to unmarshall: " + jaxbAnnotatedInterface.getName()); } XmlServiceParser localParser = parser.get(); if (localParser == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("There is no XmlServiceParser implementation"); } try { boolean generateAll = PreGenerationRequirement.MUST_PREGENERATE.equals( localParser.getPreGenerationRequirement()); jaUtilities.convertRootAndLeaves(jaxbAnnotatedInterface, generateAll); ModelImpl model = jaUtilities.getModel(jaxbAnnotatedInterface); return unmarshallClass(uri, model, localParser, null, advertiseInRegistry, advertiseInHub); } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new MultiException(e); } }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.glassfish.hk2.xml.api.XmlService#createBean(java.lang.Class) */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") @Override public <T> T createBean(Class<T> beanInterface) { if (!beanInterface.isInterface()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only an interface can be given to unmarshall: " + beanInterface.getName()); } jaUtilities.convertRootAndLeaves(beanInterface, true); ModelImpl model = jaUtilities.getModel(beanInterface); T retVal = (T) Utilities.createBean(model.getProxyAsClass()); BaseHK2JAXBBean base = (BaseHK2JAXBBean) retVal; base._setClassReflectionHelper(classReflectionHelper); base._setActive(); return retVal; }
/* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.glassfish.hk2.xml.api.XmlService#unmarshall(javax.xml.stream.XMLStreamReader, java.lang.Class, boolean, boolean) */ @Override public <T> XmlRootHandle<T> unmarshall( XMLStreamReader reader, Class<T> jaxbAnnotatedInterface, boolean advertiseInRegistry, boolean advertiseInHub) { if (reader == null || jaxbAnnotatedInterface == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(); if (!jaxbAnnotatedInterface.isInterface()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Only an interface can be given to unmarshall: " + jaxbAnnotatedInterface.getName()); } try { jaUtilities.convertRootAndLeaves(jaxbAnnotatedInterface, false); ModelImpl model = jaUtilities.getModel(jaxbAnnotatedInterface); return unmarshallClass(null, model, null, reader, advertiseInRegistry, advertiseInHub); } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } catch (Throwable e) { throw new MultiException(e); } }
public String getGeneratedId() { return jaUtilities.getUniqueId(); }
private <T> XmlRootHandle<T> unmarshallClass( URI uri, ModelImpl model, XmlServiceParser localParser, XMLStreamReader reader, boolean advertise, boolean advertiseInHub) throws Exception { long elapsedUpToJAXB = 0; if (JAUtilities.DEBUG_GENERATION_TIMING) { elapsedUpToJAXB = System.currentTimeMillis(); } Hk2JAXBUnmarshallerListener listener = new Hk2JAXBUnmarshallerListener(jaUtilities, classReflectionHelper); long jaxbUnmarshallElapsedTime = 0L; if (JAUtilities.DEBUG_GENERATION_TIMING) { jaxbUnmarshallElapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); elapsedUpToJAXB = jaxbUnmarshallElapsedTime - elapsedUpToJAXB; Logger.getLogger() .debug("Time up to parsing " + uri + " is " + elapsedUpToJAXB + " milliseconds"); } T root; if (localParser != null) { root = localParser.parseRoot(model, uri, listener); } else { root = XmlStreamImpl.parseRoot(this, model, reader, listener); } long elapsedJAXBToAdvertisement = 0; if (JAUtilities.DEBUG_GENERATION_TIMING) { elapsedJAXBToAdvertisement = System.currentTimeMillis(); jaxbUnmarshallElapsedTime = elapsedJAXBToAdvertisement - jaxbUnmarshallElapsedTime; Logger.getLogger() .debug( "Time parsing " + uri + " is " + jaxbUnmarshallElapsedTime + " milliseconds " + ", now with " + jaUtilities.getNumGenerated() + " proxies generated and " + jaUtilities.getNumPreGenerated() + " pre generated proxies loaded"); } DynamicChangeInfo changeControl = new DynamicChangeInfo( jaUtilities, ((advertiseInHub) ? hub : null), this, ((advertise) ? dynamicConfigurationService : null), serviceLocator); for (BaseHK2JAXBBean base : listener.getAllBeans()) { String instanceName = Utilities.createInstanceName(base); base._setInstanceName(instanceName); base._setDynamicChangeInfo(changeControl); if (DEBUG_PARSING) { Logger.getLogger().debug("XmlServiceDebug found bean " + base); } } if (DEBUG_PARSING) { Logger.getLogger().debug("XmlServiceDebug after parsing all beans in " + uri); } long elapsedPreAdvertisement = 0L; if (JAUtilities.DEBUG_GENERATION_TIMING) { elapsedPreAdvertisement = System.currentTimeMillis(); elapsedJAXBToAdvertisement = elapsedPreAdvertisement - elapsedJAXBToAdvertisement; Logger.getLogger() .debug( "Time from parsing to PreAdvertisement " + uri + " is " + elapsedJAXBToAdvertisement + " milliseconds"); } DynamicConfiguration config = (advertise) ? dynamicConfigurationService.createDynamicConfiguration() : null; WriteableBeanDatabase wdb = (advertiseInHub) ? hub.getWriteableDatabaseCopy() : null; LinkedList<BaseHK2JAXBBean> allBeans = listener.getAllBeans(); List<ActiveDescriptor<?>> addedDescriptors = new ArrayList<ActiveDescriptor<?>>(allBeans.size()); for (BaseHK2JAXBBean bean : allBeans) { ActiveDescriptor<?> added = Utilities.advertise(wdb, config, bean); if (added != null) { addedDescriptors.add(added); } } long elapsedHK2Advertisement = 0L; if (JAUtilities.DEBUG_GENERATION_TIMING) { elapsedHK2Advertisement = System.currentTimeMillis(); elapsedPreAdvertisement = elapsedHK2Advertisement - elapsedPreAdvertisement; Logger.getLogger() .debug( "Time from JAXB to PreAdvertisement " + uri + " is " + elapsedPreAdvertisement + " milliseconds"); } if (config != null) { config.commit(); } long elapsedHubAdvertisement = 0L; if (JAUtilities.DEBUG_GENERATION_TIMING) { elapsedHubAdvertisement = System.currentTimeMillis(); elapsedHK2Advertisement = elapsedHubAdvertisement - elapsedHK2Advertisement; Logger.getLogger() .debug( "Time to advertise " + uri + " in HK2 is " + elapsedHK2Advertisement + " milliseconds"); } if (wdb != null) { wdb.commit(new XmlHubCommitMessage() {}); } // The following is put here so that InstanceLifecycleListeners will get invoked at this time // rather than later so that defaulting can be done now. It doesn't hurt because these are // all constant descriptors for (ActiveDescriptor<?> ad : addedDescriptors) { serviceLocator.getServiceHandle(ad).getService(); } if (JAUtilities.DEBUG_GENERATION_TIMING) { elapsedHubAdvertisement = System.currentTimeMillis() - elapsedHubAdvertisement; Logger.getLogger() .debug( "Time to advertise " + uri + " in Hub is " + elapsedHubAdvertisement + " milliseconds"); } return new XmlRootHandleImpl<T>( this, hub, root, model, uri, advertise, advertiseInHub, changeControl); }