   * Get the parm edit set if any from the plf and process each edit command removing any that fail
   * from the set so that the set is self cleaning.
   * @throws Exception
  static void applyAndUpdateParmEditSet(Document plf, Document ilf, IntegrationResult result) {

    Element pSet = null;
    try {
      pSet = getParmEditSet(plf, null, false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOG.error("Exception occurred while getting user's DLM " + "paramter-edit-set.", e);

    if (pSet == null) return;

    NodeList edits = pSet.getChildNodes();

    for (int i = edits.getLength() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
      if (applyEdit((Element) edits.item(i), ilf) == false) {
        result.changedPLF = true;
      } else {
        result.changedILF = true;

    if (pSet.getChildNodes().getLength() == 0) {
      result.changedPLF = true;
   * This method trims down the position set to the position directives on the node info elements
   * still having a position directive. Any directives that violated restrictions were removed from
   * the node info objects so the position set should be made to match the order of those still
   * having one.
  static void adjustPositionSet(
      List<NodeInfo> order, Element positionSet, IntegrationResult result) {
    Node nodeToMatch = positionSet.getFirstChild();
    Element nodeToInsertBefore = positionSet.getOwnerDocument().createElement("INSERT_POINT");
    positionSet.insertBefore(nodeToInsertBefore, nodeToMatch);

    for (Iterator iter = order.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); ) {
      NodeInfo ni = (NodeInfo) iter.next();

      if (ni.positionDirective != null) {
        // found one check it against the current one in the position
        // set to see if it is different. If so then indicate that
        // something (the position set) has changed in the plf
        if (ni.positionDirective != nodeToMatch) result.changedPLF = true;

        // now bump the insertion point forward prior to
        // moving on to the next position node to be evaluated
        if (nodeToMatch != null) nodeToMatch = nodeToMatch.getNextSibling();

        // now insert it prior to insertion point
        positionSet.insertBefore(ni.positionDirective, nodeToInsertBefore);

    // now for any left over after the insert point remove them.

    while (nodeToInsertBefore.getNextSibling() != null)

    // now remove the insertion point